Argument: 题库31篇
31. The following appeared as part of the business plan of an investment and financial consulting firm. “Studies suggest that an average coffee drinker’s consumption of coffee increases with age, from age 10 through age 60. Even after age 60, coffee consumption remains high. The average cola drinker’s consumption of cola, however, declines with increasing age. Both of these trends have remained stable for the past 40 years. Given that the number of older adults will significantly increase as the population ages over the next 20 years, it follows that the demand for coffee will increase and the demand for cola will decrease during this period. We should, therefore, consider transferring our investments from Cola Loca to Early Bird Coffee.” Issue: 题库42篇
42. “Scientists are continually redefining the standards for what is beneficial or harmful to the environment. Since these standards keep shifting, companies should resist changing their products and processes in response to each new recommendation until those recommendations become government regulations.” Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
Math: 1. 10^98-1除以11的余数是多少? 我选0 2. 5^20+5^17有多少个质因子. 应该有5, 3, 7,2 四个 3. 一个四边形,一个角150度,另一个120度,就他们中间的哪个角的度数(DS). 我选两个边平行 4. 一个圆环包上1cm的线圈,问圆环直径 5. 26foot的木头放在10feet高的直墙上,问离墙多远? 24 feet 6. n是个整数,问哪个x也是整数. 根号x=n 7. 裁判评分方差题,以前机警有 8. 有一个运算符号X&Y=(x+y)/xy, 问下面哪个正确: r&1=r r&t=t&r if r&s=s&t 则r=t. 我选2,3 对 9. 学校选法语,英语,西班牙语课的学生数量.以前机警有 10. a1=3 a2=5 an=a(n-1)-a(n-2) 问前100个数的和是多少? 这个数列是3 5 2 -3 -5 -2 . 前100个和是7.
CR: 1. 一工厂用一种东西给产品上色, 这种东西会释放一种物质, 而且这种物质浓度高的工厂的工人得一种病的比例比浓度低工厂工人多30%, 所以是这种物质的问题. 问WEAKEN 我选了浓度高工厂用该物质6个月了, 而浓度低的用了3个月, 没多想 2 美国的非盈利组织(non-profit institute)上税少。当地政府打算要征收property tax, 但又害怕因此而导致这些非盈利组织离开本地,从而给当地政府带来经济上的损失。问以下哪个选项,当地政府应该先考虑,before 征收property tax (地税) 3. A说仿砖那种设计虽然很好,但是骗不了人。他就可以分辨很多。weaken : 有很多他认为是真的砖其实是仿的 4. GWD1-Q3: 划线部分不一样 A product that represents a clear technological advance over competing products can generally command a high price. Because technological advances tend to be quickly surpassed and companies want to make large profits while they still can, many companies charge the greatest price the market will bear when they have such a product. But large profits on the mew product will give competitors a strong incentive to quickly match the mew product’s capabilities. Consequently, the strategy to maximize overall profit from a new product is to charge less than the greatest possible price. In the argument above, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles? 5. 有一种食物中的营养可以降低心脏病,所以吃这种食物可以防止心脏病, 划线题. 我选这种营养不能在体内合成. 6. 有一个跟杂志相关的题,实在想不起来了. RC:
1. 13套GWD-4-Q5-Q7 industrialization & urbanization vs. women suffrage。Passage is the same, but questions change! 问题很难 2.老观点认为广告会增加销售,所以销售额增加是衡量广告效果的指标.后来认为广告不一定和销售直接相关,而是促使目标对象向销售的阶段靠近. 后来又出来一个什么人说后一种观点也有不足的地方.但是他的观点是广告会促进XXXX. 3. 老观点认为工业革命降低的妇女的地位,因为他们更依靠丈夫的工资.后来有个人说在某些纺织厂多的地方,妇女地位提高了,因为到纺织厂去工作了.但是这个现象不是在每个地方有一样.在很多地方妇女地位还是降低了. 又有人说那个人的观点很复杂需要进一步研究,因为他只研究了一个地方的妇女情况. 4. 有一篇长文章第一段说以前认为公司地点很重要,然而随着全球化经济,这个优势不明显了。第二段说既然location不明显,clusters让好多资源聚拢。第三段说为啥clusters有优势
准备了大概半年,中间正好遇到跳槽.新部门几十号人,一大帮子事情要做,经常加班到很晚.做题的时间实在是很有限.幸好还有5年前考GRE的底子. 第一次是11月份去了,考前还特地请了4天的假.结果很不理想.虽然按照我的工作经历,那个成绩申请也够了,但总是不甘心。就报了12月的二次杀机。
12月15日凌晨 上海家中。