考了一个极其郁闷的分数680 Q50 V31。模考2次都是7**呀。更气愤的是做题时感觉还不错!这样的分数要申请名校肯定低了,而且我工作经验也不多。要让我再重考一次我又觉得没有什么意思。不多废话了,贡献一点jj报答CDer,随便攒rp AA:The occupancy rate of campus housing decreases. thus the revenue of campus housing decreases too. housing officials suggest to increase the occupancy rate by reducing the number of available rooms; and lower the rents to attract students to live on campus. Then the revenue will increase. AI: A powerful business leader has far more opportunities to influence a community or a nation than any government officials. 数学 很多jj上的题,如卖票那个:9-5:55,30个人每5分钟。置顶帖有,我就不多说了。还有那个peggy存钱罐的问题。其它的不记得了 都不是很难,看jj很有用。 阅读 黑洞,computer industry, cotton and 忘了 |