First: that is, the price per barrel to which oil would have to rise in order for new solar power plants to be more economical than new oil-fired power plants也就是说,为了使新的太阳能发电厂比新的以石油为燃料的发电厂更经济,石油必须涨到的每桶价格。
Second: threshold通俗的说就是一个临界值或界限,本题说的是solar power 相对于oil-fired 发电的经济可行的临界值。
Third:太阳能发电厂单位发电成本用cost of sun表示
新的以石油为燃料的发电厂单位发电成本用cost of oil plant表示
则 cost of oil plant=单位发电耗油量x油价+other costs
cost of sun≤cost of oil plant, 即
cost of sun≤单位发电耗油量x油价+other costs
当cost of sun=单位发电耗油量x油价+other costs时,油价临界值出现,油价=35。
如果如题所述cost of sun减少,而油价不变时,则单位发电耗油量或other costs必须减少,换句话说就是cost of oil plant减少,也就是oil plant效率提高,选项C正确。
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-7-11 15:04:47编辑过] |