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发表于 2007-8-26 18:13:00 | 只看该作者



Sales manager: Last year the total number of meals sold in our company restaurants was much higher than it was the year before. Obviously consumers find our meals desirable.

Accountant: If you look at individual restaurants, however, you find that the number of meals sold actually decreased substantially at every one of our restaurants that was in operation both last year and the year before. The desirability of our meals to consumers has clearly decreased, given that this group of restaurants---the only ones for which we have sales figures that permit a comparison between last year and the year before---demonstrates a trend toward fewer sales.

6. Which one of the following, if true, most seriously calls into question the accountant’s argument?


A.        The company’s restaurants last year dropped from their menus most of the new dishes that had been introduced the year before.

B.        Prior to last year there was an overall downward trend in the company’s sales.

C.        Those of the company’s restaurants that did increase their sales last year did not offer large discounts on prices to attract customers.

D.       Sales of the company’s most expensive meal contributed little to the overall two-year sales increase.

E.        Most of the company’s restaurants that were in operation throughout both last year and the year before are located in areas where residents experienced a severe overall decline in income last year.


8. The stable functioning of a society depends upon the relatively long-term stability of the goals of its citizens. This is clear from the fact that unless the majority of individuals have a predictable and enduring set of aspirations, it will be impossible for a legislature to craft laws that will augment the satisfaction of the citizenry, and it should be obvious that a society is stable only if its laws tend to increase the happiness of its citizens.


The claim that a society is stable only if its laws tend to increase the happiness of its citizens plays which one of the following roles in the argument?


A.        It is the conclusion of the argument.

B.        It helps to support the conclusion of the argument.

C.        It is a claim that must be refuted if the conclusion is to be established.

D.       It is a consequence of the argument.

E.        It is used to illustrate the general principle that the argument presupposes.


9. Astronauts who experience weightlessness frequently get motion sickness. The astronauts see their own motion relative to passing objects, but while the astronauts are weightless their inner ears indicate that their bodies are not moving. The astronauts’ experience is best explained by the hypothesis that conflicting information received by the brain about the body’s motion causes motion sickness.


Which one of the following, if true, provides the strongest additional support for the hypothesis above?


A.        During rough voyages ship passengers in cabins providing a view of the water are less likely to get motion sickness than are passengers in cabins providing no view.

B.        Many people who are experienced airplane passengers occasionally get motion sickness.

C.        Some automobile passengers whose inner ears indicate that they are moving and who have a clear view of the objects they are passing get motion sickness.

D.       People who have aisle seats in trains or airplanes are as likely to get motion sickness as are people who have window seats.

E.        Some astronauts do not get motion sickness even after being in orbit for several days.


17. Psychologist: Some astrologers claim that our horoscopes completely determine our personalities, but this claim is false, I concede that identical twins---who are, of course, born at practically the same time---often do have similar personalities. However, birth records were examined to find two individuals who were born 40 years ago on the same day and at exactly the same time---one in a hospital in Toronto and one in a hospital in New York. Personalities of these two individuals are in fact different.


Which one of the following is an assumption on which the psychologist’s argument depends?


A.        Astrologers have not subjected their claims to rigorous experimentation.

B.        The personality differences between the two individuals cannot be explained by the cultural difference between Toronto and New York.

C.        The geographical difference between Toronto and New York did not result in the two individuals having different horoscopes.

D.       Complete birth records for the past 40 years were kept at both hospitals.

E.        Identical twins have identical genetic structures and usually have similar home environments.


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