40. Beth's bank charges a service fee on a regular checking account for each month in which the balance on the account falls below $100 at any time during the month. Did the bank charge a service fee on Beth's regular checking account last month?
(1) During last month, a total of $1,000 was withdrawn from Beth's regular checking account.
(2) At the beginning of last month, Beth's regular checking account balance was $500.
34. During an experiment, some water was removed from each of 6 water tanks. If the standard deviation of the volumes of water in the tanks at the beginning of the experiment was 10 gallons, what was the standard deviation of the volumes of water in the tanks at the end of the experiment?
(1) For each tank, 30 percent of the volume of water that was in the tank at the beginning of the experiment was removed during the experiment.
(2) The average (arithmetic mean) volume of water in the tanks at the end of the experiment was 63 gallons. 这两道题都有点搞不明白在说什么。。。。 ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em06.gif)
41. 5676-!-item-!-187;#058&004686 All of the stocks on the over-the-counter market are designated by either a 4-letter or a 5-letter code that is created by using the 26 letters of the alphabet. Which of the following gives the maximum number of different stocks that can be designated with these codes?
(A) 2(26^5) (B) 26(26^4) (C) 27(26^4) (D) 26(26^5) (E) 27(26^5) 这个题 我选E. 答案是C.是不是有哪里没有理解到位啊?
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-23 23:28:20编辑过] |