-- 作者:michelle99
-- [求助]完全不明白题目什么意思??
14,federal agriculture program aim at benefiting one group whose livelihood depends on farming often end up harming another such group. which of the following statement provides support for the claim above? 1, an effort to help feed-grain producers resulted in higher prices for their crops, but the higher prices decresed the profits of livestock producers. 2,in order to reduce crop surpluses and increase prices, growers of certain crops were paid to leave a portion of their land idle, but the reduction was not achieved because improvement in efficiency resulted in higher peoduction on the land in use. 3,many farm workers were put out of work when a program meant to raise the price of grain provided grain growers with an incentive to reduce production by giving then surplus grain from government reserves. 试着说下我的理解吧:题目的意思是,联邦农业项目旨在使某个依靠农业作为生计的(利益)集团获益,它往往以损害另一个集团的利益而告终。 以下三个例子哪些为该论断提供了支持。 1。一种为了帮助粮食种植者的努力提高了粮食的价格,但是高的价格却减少了家畜饲养者的利润。符合要求:帮助了一个团体损害了另一个团体。 2.为了减少过剩增加价格,种植者获得支付使一部分土地闲置,但是这项措施并没有减少粮食过剩,因为生产效率的提高使得被耕作的土地产量提高了。与题目无关,只是在说一项措施没有达到既定目的 3。为了提高粮食价格,某项措施把政府储备中的过剩部分转给了种植者,这促使他们减少了产量,许多农场工人失业了。个人认为这个也符合题目的要求,但是不知道为什么了答案里没有这个选项,有可能是我理解的不够准确。 请知道的人帮忙给解释一下3的含义!谢谢!