1. 加强。 英文标志词:support, strengthen, conclusion can be drawn if it were true that. (1)桥梁型。A—B (2)B存在。 例1. Because incumbent members of Congress are given a great deal of attention by the news media and because they enjoy such perquisites as free mail privileges and generous travel allowances, incumbents enjoy an overwhelming advantage over their challengers in elections for the United States Congress. Which of the following, if true, best supports the claim above? (A) In the last congressional elections, incumbents met with a larger number of lobbyists than did challengers. (B) In the last congressional elections, 98 percent of the incumbents in the House of Representatives who were seeking reelection won. (C) Incumbent members of Congress are frequently critical of the amount of attention given to them by the news media. (D) The support that political station action committees provide to challengers for congressional seats often compensates for the perquisites enjoyed by incumbent members of Congress. (E) Of all incumbent senators surveyed before the last congressional elections, 78 percent said that their challengers did not pose a serious threat to their chances for reelection.
例2. Recent surveys show that many people who seek media help are under a great deal of stress. Medical research also shows that stress can adversely affect an individual’s immune system, which is responsible for combating many infections. Thus when a person is under stress, he or she is more likely to become ill. Which of the following, if true, would most strength the conclusion above? (A) Many businesses that provide health insurance for their employees also provide seminars on stress management. (B) Many businesses report a significant decrease in absenteeism during periods when employees feel pressured by management. (C) There is a marked decrease in the number of complaints presented at college infirmaries during vacation time. (D) There is a marked increase in the number of illness treated at college infirmaries around the time of examinations. (E) Most people report that being in a hospital or an infirmary is a stressful situation.
最近研读狒狒逻辑笔记时发现,例题没有讲解也没有答案,我想是因为不需要吧,但是像我这样的菜菜还是很需要的,所以请教大家以上我贴出的两道题的答案是否正确,还有就是,例一是不是用的B存在的方法,例二用的是桥梁型A-B?感谢大家了!鞠躬~~ |