61. An electric-power company gained greater profits and provided electricity to consumers at lower rates per unit of electricity by building larger-capacity more effecient plants and by stimulating greater use of electricity within its area. To continue these financial trends, the company planned to replace an old plant by a plant with triple the capacity of its largest plant. The company 's plan as described above assumed each of the following EXCEPT: (A) Demand for electricity within the company 's area of service would increase in the futrue. (B) Expenses would not rise beyond the level that could be compensated for by efficiency or volume of operation,or both. (C) The planned plant would be sufficiently reliable in service to contribute a net financial benefit to the company as a whole. (D) Safety measures to be instituted for the new plant would be the same as those for the plant it would replace. (E) The tripling of capacity would not result in insuperable technological obstacles to efficiency. 答案是D,搞不懂,安全措施相同不正说明加大PLANT后成本不会增加吗?那这种假设为什么不合理 71. One state adds a 7 percent sales tax to the price of most products purchased within its jurisdiction. This tax, therefore, if reviewed as tax on income,has the reverse effect of the federal income tax: the lower the income , the higher the annual percentage rate at which the income is taxed. The conclusion above would be properly drawn if which of the following were assumed as a premise? A) The amount of money citizens spend on products subject to the state tax tends to be equal across income levels. B) The federal income tax favors citizens with high incomes, whereas the state sales tax facors citizens with low incomes. C) Citizens with low annual incomes can afford to pay a relatively higher percentage of their incomes in state sales tax, since their federal income tax is relatively low. D) The lower a state's sales tax, the more it wil tend to redistribute income from the more affluent citizens to the rest of society. E) Citizens who fail to earn federally taxable in come are also exempt from the state sales tax. 答案是A 众所周知这是一道很变态的题,所以恳请各位NN给予解释。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-14 0:35:05编辑过] |