急,为什么 《GWD31 CR题型细分》中的题目序号和CD上讨论贴的题目序号不一样。 我从 http://forum.chasedream.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=24&ID=188042&page=2 下载了GWD31 CR题型细分。 怎么题目序号和CD上讨论贴的题目序号不一样。 如GWD31 CR题型细分中support分类中的 GWD-17-Q11为: Because visual inspection cannot reliably distinguish certain skin discolorations from skin cancers, dermatologists at clinics have needed to perform tests of skin tissue taken from patients. At Westville Hospital, dermatological diagnostic costs were reduced by the purchase of a new imaging machine that diagnoses skin cancer in such cases as reliably as the tissue tests do. Consequently, even though the machine is expensive, a dermatological clinic in Westville is considering buying one to reduce diagnostic costs. 而从CD上查GWD-17-11出来的是: Some species of Arctic birds are threatened by recent sharp increases in the population of snow geese, which breed in the Arctic and are displacing birds of less vigorous species. Although snow geese are a popular quarry for hunters in the southern regions where they winter, the hunting season ends if and when hunting has reduced the population by five percent, according to official estimates. Clearly, dropping this restriction would allow the other species to recover. 而且不止一道题。 NN快帮忙啊,马上就考试了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-21 16:19:16编辑过] |