A major impediment to wide acceptance of electric vehicles even on the part of people who use their cars almost exclusively for commuting is the inability to use electric vehicles for occasional extended trips. In an attempt to make purchasing electric vehicles more attractive to commuters, one electric vehicle producer is planning to offer customers three days free rental of a conventional car for every 1,000 miles that they drive their electric vehicle.
Which of the following, if true, most threatens the plan's prospects for success?
A major impediment to wide acceptance of electric vehicles even on the part of people who use their cars almost exclusively for commuting is the inability to use electric vehicles for occasional extended trips. In an attempt to make purchasing electric vehicles more attractive to commuters, one electric vehicle producer is planning to offer customers three days free rental of a conventional car for every 1,000 miles that they drive their electric vehicle.
Which of the following, if true, most threatens the plan's prospects for success?
(A) Many electric vehicles that are used for commercial purposes are not needed for extended trips. (B) Because a majority of commuters drive at least 100 miles a week, the cost to the producer of making good the offer would add considerably to the already high price of electric vehicles. (C) The relatively long time it takes to recharge the battery of an electric vehicle can easily be fitted into the regular patterns of car use characteristic of commuters. (D) Although electric vehicles are essentially emission-free in actual use, generating the electricity necessary for charging an electric vehicle's battery can burden the environment. (E) Some family vehicles are used primarily not for commuting but for making short local trips, such as to do errands. 正确答案是B 这道题我的B选项已经明白了,因为厂商将免费租赁带来的成本通过提高价格的方式又转嫁到消费者身上了所以没有人会买,因此该策略失败。 我想请问一下关于E选项,当时我的理解是既然some(这个some应该也很有问题)家庭大部分是作短途,那么每跑1000miles奖励3天的免费租车就变得没有吸引力了,因此这种营销策略就起不到预期的效果。 请问下我的这种逻辑有没有问题,E选项的主要问题是不是还是在some和primary上,还是我的思路就错了? 谢谢~~~~