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发表于 2007-2-24 16:38:00 | 只看该作者



*38. Amphibian populations are declining in numbers worldwide. Not coincidentally, the earth’s ozone layer has been continuously depleted throughout the last 50 years. Atmospheric ozone blocks UV-B, a type of ultraviolet radiation that is continuously produced by the sun, and which can damage genes. Because amphibians lack hair, hide, or feathers to shield them, they are particularly vulnerable to UV-B radiation. In addition, their gelatinous eggs lack the protection of leathery or hard shells. Thus, the primary cause of the declining amphibian population is the depletion of the ozone layer.

Each of the following, if true, would strengthen the argument EXCEPT:

A.        Of the various types of radiation blocked by atmospheric ozone, UV-B is the only type that can damage genes.

B.        Amphibian populations are declining far more rapidly than are the populations of non-amphibian species whose tissues and eggs have more natural protection from UV-B.

C.        Atmospheric ozone has been significantly depleted above all the areas of the world in which amphibian populations are declining.

D.       The natural habitat of amphibians has not become smaller over the past century.

E.        Amphibian populations have declined continuously for the last 50 years. 這堤給我下載的兩種版本有兩種答案,一個是A但我也看到有給D的,我是贊成D,不知道有做過這道題的人可以告訴我答案是什麼嗎? 

*45. Commissioner: Budget forecasters project a revenue shortfall of a billion dollars in the coming fiscal year. Since there is no feasible way to increase the available funds, our only choice is to decrease expenditures. The plan before you outlines feasible cuts that would yield savings of a billion dollars over the coming fiscal year. We will be able to solve the problem we face, therefore, only if we adopt this plan.

This reasoning in the commissioner’s argument is flawed because this argument

A.        relies on information that is far from certain

B.        confuses being an adequate solution with being a required solution

C.        inappropriately relies on the opinions of experts

D.       inappropriately employs language that is vague

E.        takes for granted that there is no way to increase available funds

*45. Commissioner: Budget forecasters project a revenue shortfall of a billion dollars in the coming fiscal year. Since there is no feasible way to increase the available funds, our only choice is to decrease expenditures. The plan before you outlines feasible cuts that would yield savings of a billion dollars over the coming fiscal year. We will be able to solve the problem we face, therefore, only if we adopt this plan.

This reasoning in the commissioner’s argument is flawed because this argument

A.        relies on information that is far from certain

B.        confuses being an adequate solution with being a required solution

C.        inappropriately relies on the opinions of experts

D.       inappropriately employs language that is vague

E.        takes for granted that there is no way to increase available funds

*45. Commissioner: Budget forecasters project a revenue shortfall of a billion dollars in the coming fiscal year. Since there is no feasible way to increase the available funds, our only choice is to decrease expenditures. The plan before you outlines feasible cuts that would yield savings of a billion dollars over the coming fiscal year. We will be able to solve the problem we face, therefore, only if we adopt this plan.

This reasoning in the commissioner’s argument is flawed because this argument

A.        relies on information that is far from certain

B.        confuses being an adequate solution with being a required solution

C.        inappropriately relies on the opinions of experts

D.       inappropriately employs language that is vague

E.        takes for granted that there is no way to increase available funds

這提的參考答案是B, 看過了說明後我還是不太明白,能否幫我解惑一下?  謝謝啊^^
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-24 16:39:46编辑过]
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