这是我第二次考G,总分700,M51,V32,分数不高,但凑合能用。很感谢CD对我的帮助,这可不是客套话,如果没有在这里的讨论和经验,我要上700分恐怕得再考一次了!以下是我遇到的题,希望对大家有所帮助。 作文: AA 64. The following appeared in a memorandum from the Director of Human Resources to the executive officers of Company X. “Last year, we surveyed our employees on improvements needed at Company X by having them rank, in order of importance, the issues presented in a list of possible improvements. Improved communications between employees and management was consistently ranked as the issue of highest importance by the employees who responded to the survey. As you know, we have since instituted regular communications sessions conducted by high-level management, which the employees can attend on a voluntary basis. Therefore, it is likely that most employees at Company X now feel that the improvement most needed at the company has been made.” AI 40. “With the increasing emphasis on a global economy and international cooperation, people need to understand that their role as citizens of the world is more important than their role as citizens of a particular country.”
阅读:downsizing 在美国公司的应用, 帝王蝶的迁徙 美国的黑人奴隶拥有私人财产,科学家对此现象的解释 一种新型显微镜(STM)的发展和作用机理
DS: 问x+y>0? 1. x/(x+y) >0 2. y/(x+y) >0 (E)
图题: 是一个三棱柱,底面是等腰直角三角形,已知侧面长方形的一条对角线,问表面积 1. 长方形已知的那条对角线和一条边的夹角是60度 2. 底面三角形的面积为225 (D)
PS:有500人,其中2/3的女人和1/2的男人有一种东西, 有这个东西的女人的数量比有这个东西的男人的数量的3/2还多50个人,求女人中有这个东西的人数 (200)
DS: x>1? 1. x^ -1/3 <1 2. x^ -2 <1 (E)