In one of the most stunning reversals in the history of marketing,the Coca—Cola company in July 1985 yielded to thousands of irate consumers demanding that it should bring back the original Coke formula
142. In one of the most stunning reversals in the history of marketing, the Coca-Cola company in July 1985 yielded to thousands of irate consumers demanding that it should bring back the original Coke formula. (A) demanding that it should (B) demanding it to (C) and their demand to (D) who demanded that it (E) who demanded it to
Choice D, the best answer, uses the grammatically correct expression demanded that it bring back, in which demanded that it is followed by the subjunctive verb bring. Choice A incorrectly uses should bring rather than bring: demanding that already conveys the idea of "should," and at any rate a modal auxiliary verb, such as should or must, cannot grammatically follow the expression demanded that. Similarly, B and E use the ungrammatical expression demanding/demanded it to. In C, the expression yielded to... customers and their demand to bring... unnecessarily states that the company yielded to the customers as well as to their demand. This expression also fails to specify that the company is expected to bring back the original formula.
My question is,
1) Why "B and E use the ungrammatical expression demanding/demanded it to"? does it means that there is no construction as "demand sb to do"? And the use of "demand" can be only in "demand that" or "demand sth"?
2) if "demanding that it" is one of the choices, is it right?