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发表于 2006-6-7 23:08:00 | 只看该作者


LSAT-2-4-12.”Though the soon will, patients should ont have a legal right to see their medical records. As a doctor ,I see two reasons for this. First, giving them access will be time-wasting because it will significantly reduce the ameant of time that medical staff can spend on more important duties, by forcing them to retrieve and return files. Second, if my experience is anything to go by ,no patients are going to ask for access to their records anyway.”

Which one of the following, if true, establishes that the doctor’ s second reason does not cancel out the first?

(a)    The new law will require that doctors, when seeing a patient in their office, must be ready to produce the patient’s records immediately, not just ready to retrieve them.

(b)    The task of retrieving and returning files would fall to the lowest paid member of a doctor’s office staff.

(c)    Any patients who asked to see their medical records would also insist on having details they did not understand explained to them.

(d)    The new law does not rule out that doctors may charge patients for extra expenses incurred specifically in order to comply with the new law.(A)

(e)    Some doctors have all allowing their patients access to their medical records, but those doctor’s patients took no advantage of this policy.

“if my experience is anything to go by”是什么意思啊?这道题的各个选项应该怎么来取舍呢?谢谢!!!

发表于 2006-6-8 00:30:00 | 只看该作者



Reason1: 浪费时间(存取记录)

Reason2: 也没有人要看

Conclusion: new law不需要


看一下推理过程,其实只要R2成立,无所谓R1成立与否,就已经可以推出结论。(既然没人要看,则new law要了有何用?)这其实就是R2 cancel out R1,即无法得知R1。

所以,要想不Cancel out,唯一的可能性就是使得R1取一定值,即在某种情况下R1肯定不成立(或成立)。A中,R1显然不成立。

其实,B(paid number), C(explain), D(expenses)都有无关项。


发表于 2006-6-8 12:19:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用hawkinsxie在2006-6-8 0:30:00的发言:

所以,要想不Cancel out,唯一的可能性就是使得R1取一定值,即在某种情况下R1肯定不成立(或成立)。A中,R1显然不成立。

严重同意不要看LSAT, unless你要考LSAT. LSAT ->LSAT. 哈哈, 这几天走火入魔了.

不明白黄线的意思. 楼上兄弟可否讲解一二.

原先有R2就不需要R1, 有R1就没有R2. 我认为要不cancel, 就要让R1R2公存. A若成立, 就算病人不要求(R2), 现在medical staff也要去retrieve files (R1). R1R2公存.

个人观点. 欢迎讨论.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-8 12:19:51编辑过]
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