Editorial: This year, theMarionville school board received five textbook proposals submitted by localbook publishers. In each instance, the school rejected the proposal on thegrounds that the curriculum covered within the textbooks was inadequate,controversial or, surprisingly, too comprehensive. Consequently, because theschool board must accept at least one textbook proposal in order to havematerials for this upcoming year, theschool board has acted negligently in failing to accept at least one of theproposals. The answer to which one of thefollowing questions would be most useful in evaluating the truth of the conclusion in the editorial? (A) How many of the proposals that were rejected by the school board were rejected on thebasis that the curriculum was toocomprehensive? (B) What was the opinion of the parents’ association regardingthe five textbook proposals? (C) Did any non-local textbook publishers submit a textbookproposal to the Marionville school board? (D) Could the school board have accepted multiple proposals thatwould have, in combination, have provided the appropriate materials? (Polar 1:yes, polar 2: no) (E) In previous years, has theMarionville school board rejected all the textbook proposals submitted by bookpublishers?
选项C是正确选项。想问,选项D怎么理解?如果学校理事会可以接受不同的提案混合在一起使用,那不是就有至少一家出版商可以被选择,如果理事会不同意,那就所有出版商都会被拒绝了呀,感觉也说的通。 |