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[备考心经] believe that 需要虚拟语气吗?

发表于 2023-8-21 15:24:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Educator Maria Montessori believed that students be allowed to choose from among a
number of different lessons designed for the encouragement of their development as
thinkers and creators with individual learning and thinking styles.
A. that students be allowed to choose from among a number of different lessons designed
for the encouragement of
B. that students be allowed to choose between a number of different lessons designed to
C. that students should be allowed to choose among a number of different lessons
designed to encourage
D. in allowing students to choose from among a number of different lessons were designed
for encouraging
E. in allowing students to choose between a number of different lessons designed for the
encouragement of


The sentence is most likely meant to report a belief of Maria Montessori: that students
should be allowed to choose among lessons that are designed to encourage their
development. The phrase believed that students be allowed is ungrammatical and
incoherent. The subjunctive form(虚拟语气) that students be allowed does not make sense with
believed as it would with a preceding verb such as ordered or required. The that clause is
presumably meant to report a belief about what should occur; an auxiliary verb such as
should, ought, or must is needed (for example, she believed that they should be allowed).
The wording designed for the encouragement of their development is unnecessarily wordy
and indirect; the verb form to encourage is preferable to the noun encouragement.
A. This answer choice has flaws mentioned above.
B. As explained above, the verb form be allowed is incorrect in a report of the content of a
belief. The preposition between is incorrect in this context because the students would
choose from a group of more than two alternatives; presumably they do not choose each
lesson by comparing it to a single other lesson within the group of available lessons.
Either from or among would be idiomatically correct.
C. Correct. This answer choice has the improvements explained above.
D. The word sequence to choose from among a number of different lessons were designed
is ungrammatical and makes no sense. It could be made coherent by, for example,
deleting were or changing were to that were.
E. The preposition between is incorrect in this context because the students would choose
from a group of more than two alternatives; presumably they do not choose each lesson
by comparing it to a single other lesson within the group of available lessons. Either
from or among would be idiomatically correct. The wording designed for the
encouragement of their development is unnecessarily wordy and indirect; the verb
form to encourage is preferable to the use of the noun encouragement.

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