------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q13: The traditional treatment of strep infections has been a seven-day course of antibiotics, either penicillin or erythromycin. However, since many patients stop taking those drugs within three days, reinfection is common in cases where those drugs are prescribed. A new antibiotic requires only a three-day course of treatment. Therefore, reinfection will probably be less common in cases where the new antibiotic is prescribed than in cases where either penicillin or erythromycin is prescribed. Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument? A. Some of the people who are allergic to penicillin are likely to be allergic to the new antibiotic. B. A course of treatment with the new antibiotic costs about the same as a course of treatment with either penicillin or erythromycin. C. The new antibiotic has been shown to be effective in eradicating bacterial infections other than strep. D. Some physicians have already begun to prescribe the new antibiotic instead of penicillin or erythromycin for the treatment of some strep infections. E. Regardless of whether they take a traditional antibiotic or the new one, most patients feel fully recovered after taking the drug for three days. Answer:E
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q16: In response to mounting pubic concern, an airplane manufacturer implemented a program with the well-publicized goal of reducing by half the total yearly amount of hazardous waste generated by its passenger-jet division. When the program began in 1994, the division’s hazardous waste output was 90 pounds per production worker; last year it was 40 pounds per production worker. Clearly, therefore, charges that the manufacturer’s program has not met its goal are false. Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends? A. The amount of nonhazardous waste generated each year by the passenger-jet division has not increased significantly since 1994. B. At least as many passenger jets were produced by the division last year as had been produced in 1994. C. Since 1994, other divisions in the company have achieved reductions in hazardous waste output that are at least equal to that achieved in the passenger-jet division. D. The average number of weekly hours per production worker in the passenger-jet division was not significantly greater last year than it was in 1994. E. The number of production workers assigned to the passenger-jet division was not significantly less in 1994 than it was last year. Answer:B
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[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-16 12:30:53编辑过] |