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暂时分手了。740 Q50 V40 很可惜数学没有满分..这个尴尬的分应该不会再考了
现在回来pay it forward
1. ps 简单解方程 1/(2-(3/(1-x))) = 4 之类的 反正直接解 答案是10
2. ds. 这题可能回忆的不太准确,希望有人能补充!有一个车行,卖的车要么是Sedan要么是Coupe,问S车的平均售价是否大于所有车的平均售价?条件一是S车这个月的平均售价为多少钱,条件二是C车这个月的平均售价
3. ds. x为正整数,问x能否被9整除?条件一 x(x-1)能被3(还是9不记得了)整除 条件二 x-1能被8整除
4. ds. 符号可能没记清楚 问 |x-y| = ||x|-|y||? 条件一 x <2y 条件二 y<0
5. ds There are 50 people who subscribed to 3 magazines. 36 people subscribed to at least 1 magazine. How many ppl subscribed to exactly 1 magazine? 1) there are 5 ppl subscribed to 3 magazines 2) there are 17 ppl subscribed to at least 2
6. x and y are both positive integers. x^2 + y^2 = 4xy. 问 (x-y)/(x+y) 选项有 -根号2, -根号3,1,根号2,根号3
7. 这道题其实是埃尔里出现的,但我一起放这里了。当时懵了没做出来
Any day in Tokyo, P(only rain but no snow) = 20%, P(only snow but no rain) = 10%, 问 P(no snow or rain) 和 P(snow, rain, or both)
8. ds 但这道题也稍微有点记不清了...有M,N,P三个nonempty set. N is a subset of M, and M-N is everything in M but not in N. 问 if P is a subset of N?条件一 N ∪ P is a subset of M 条件二 M-N is empty
寂静46狗主遇到的是问抽取6个都能过关的probability 所以还是看清楚点
寂静的10,18, 28,29,40,46,49,54, 65 都出现了
1. 关于鸭嘴兽到底是陆生还是水生动物
2. 有个关于脊椎动物的。一般都认为脊椎动物最早是海水里生的,但现在的鱼的anatomy显示出很多淡水生活适应痕迹。作者就追溯到了远古时期,脊椎动物一开始在海里,然后一部分进入了淡水/海水交界的滩涂环境因为吃的多。很久以前淡水没什么生物很荒凉,但是没有天敌,所以有些鱼又继续往淡水去产卵。然而因为没啥吃的,生出来的鱼会往滩涂走找吃的,这就解释了很多现在鱼类会展现的逆流迁徙。 这一篇我记得是比较长的,但是理清楚之后其实蛮简单的
3. 有个关于efficient market theory的。if you know what efficient market theory is you don't even need to read that much...basically, efficient market theory assumes that people act rationally, asset price reflects all information, supply/demand equivalence can only be disturbed by external shock; but behavioral economists/psychologists believe people are not rational in the market. People tend to over-react, dictated by their emtions. When people are happy, they seek for riskier assets, which drives up asset price and thus create bubbles.
The rental house market is doing well in the city. Occupancy rate is at 92%, and rental room supply grows 4% every year. A CEO of a property firm argues that the company should start some new rental projects that can increase the city rental supply by 4% independent of other ongoing projects. And the occupancy rate is pretty stable, so the projects are gonna be very profitable. And the CEO is writing to CFO to get the funding approved for the new projects. CEO thinks this can be profitable and expand the bussiness.
狗主答了3个点,1是不了解竞争对手的情况和现有的market dynamic. It's likely that the space will attract a lot more new platers, and incumbents with large market share might launch price war to defend their share. 2是没有具体的bussiness strategy that differentiates from the rest of the competitors. 比如说我们的target customer是谁?应该怎么定价/控制成本?没有这些计划很容易就把钱烧在错的地方上 3是as a CFO, I'm more concerned with whether the return on this project will be the best return we can get. 如果现在我们手上有别的project也是同样的价格,那我们需要比对。then instead of entering the market by doing something on our own, we can use the same money to purchase some smaller company that has property portfolio already in the space.