European green crabs are an invasive species which have recently colonized the Northwest coast of North America, among other places. They disrupt ecosystems and prey heavily on native shellfish. However, in Europe, the population of green crabs is kept relatively low by a parasitic barnacle called Sacculina carcini. This barnacle is hardy and could likely be introduced to areas where the European green crab threatens to ruin established ecosystems.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the argument that it would NOT be advisable to attempt to eliminate European green crabs from the Northwest coast of North America by introducing to the area the parasitic barnacle discussed above?
European green crabs are an invasive species which have recently colonized the Northwest coast of North America, among other places. They disrupt ecosystems and prey heavily on native shellfish. However, in Europe, the population of green crabs is kept relatively low by a parasitic barnacle called Sacculina carcini. This barnacle is hardy and could likely be introduced to areas where the European green crab threatens to ruin established ecosystems.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the argument that it would NOT be advisable to attempt to eliminate European green crabs from the Northwest coast of North America by introducing to the area the parasitic barnacle discussed above?
In their native habitat, the parasites often threaten the elimination of local green crab populations.
European green crabs are also occasionally preyed upon by fishes, gulls and other species of crab in their native ecosystems.
Though the parasite may survive in North American waters, no large-scale facility for breeding and harvesting the parasites exists as of yet.
Many other invasive species on the Northwest coast of North America are not suitable hosts for this parasite.
Though the barnacle cannot reproduce inside of native shore crabs, it can still infect and kill native shore crabs.
第二,回到这道题目来说哈~我觉得题目本身出的还算是可以,但有些地方可能他自己都没搞的很清楚。对于推理方式来说,按照他选项的设定方式,看起来他认为这是一个方案推理,但实则不然,这道题的推理方式应该是“类比推理”。这是因为,在题目前提中讲到:“in Europe, the population of green crabs is kept relatively low by a parasitic barnacle called Sacculina carcini”,即,在欧洲,这些个甲壳动物已经很好的控制欧洲绿蟹了。也就是说,实际上方案(虽然在欧洲这并不是一个方案哈)在欧洲玩儿不错。在结论中,问题相当于问我们,把这个方案复制到“北美”去是不是也行。因此,基于前提和结论的这种“重复”关系可知,真正的推理过程是,欧洲甲壳动物能帮助--->北美甲壳动物也能帮助。答案选项的重点应该在两个地区的区别上。