Wolves generally avoid human settlements. For this reason, domestic sheep, though essentially easy prey for wolves, are not usually attacked by them. In Hylantia prior to 1910, farmers nevertheless lost considerable numbers of sheep to wolves each year. Attributing this to the large number of wolves, in 1910 the government began offering rewards to hunters for killing wolves. From 1910 to 1915, large numbers of wolves were killed. Yet wolf attacks on sheep increased significantly. Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the increase in wolf attacks on sheep? A:Populations of deer and other wild animals that wolves typically prey on increased significantly in numbers from 1910 to 1915. B:Prior to 1910, there were no legal restrictions in Hylantia on the hunting of wolves. C:After 1910 hunters shot and wounded a substantial number of wolves, thereby greatly diminishing these wolves' ability to prey on wild animals. Domestic sheep are significantly less able than most wild animals to defend themselves against wolf attacks. E:The systematic hunting of wolves encouraged by the program drove many wolves in Hylantia to migrate to remote mountain areas uninhabited by humans 这道题较早版本的helrPREP08归类为因果推理,但是刚才在CD自己做的网站GMATla上看到了较新版本的解释,HELR在这个版本的解释里面把它归类为方案推理 想问问各位大佬们,方案推理跟因果推理的区别在哪里啊?之前有看到帖子说,1.当题目中的方案被评估过就不是方案推理2.当论证过选取这个方案的理由时就不是方案推理。这道题好像就是这两个情况。请教各位大佬方案推理跟因果推理到底要怎么区分啊???