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发表于 2003-8-21 19:59:00 | 只看该作者


Lsat-Set 11, SectIV, T9,19,21,22
9. There is relatively little room for growth in the overall carpet market, which is tied to the size of the population. Most who purchase carpet do so only once or twice, first in their fifties or sixties. Thus as the population ages, companies producing carpet will be able to gain market share competitors, and not through more aggressive marketing.
Which one of the following, if true, casts the most doubt on the conclusion above?
(A) Most of the major carpet producers market other floor coverings as well.
(B) Most established carpet producers market several different brand names and varieties, and there is no remaining niche in the market for new brands to fill.
(C) Two of the three mergers in the industry’s last ten years led to a decline in profits and revenues for the newly merged companies.
(D) Price reductions, achieved by cost-cutting in production, by some of the dominant firms in the carpet market are causing other producers to leave the market altogether.
(E) The carpet market is unlike most markets in that consumers are becoming increasingly resistant to new patterns and styles.


19. Many people change their wills on their own every few years, in response to significant changes in their personal or financial circumstances. This practice can create a problem foe the executor when these people are careless and do not date their wills: the executor will then often know neither which one of several undated wills is the most recent, nor whether the will drawn up last has ever been found. Therefore, people should not only date their wills but also state in any new will which will it supersedes, for then there would not be a problem to begin with.
The reasoning in the argument is flawed because the argument
(A) treats a partial solution to the stated problem as though it were a complete solution.
(B) Fails to distinguish between prevention of a problem and successful containment of the adverse effects that the problem might cause.
(C) Proposes a solution to the stated problem that does not actually solve the problem but merely makes someone else responsible for solving the problem.
(D) Claims that a certain action would be a change for the better without explicitly considering what negative consequences the action might have.
(E) Proposes that a certain action be based on information that would be unavailable at the time proposed for that action.


21. The proper way to plan a scientific project is first to decide its goal and then to plan the best way to accomplish that goal. The United States space station project does not conform to this ideal. When the Cold War ended, the project lost its original purpose, so another purpose was quickly grafted onto the project that of conducting limited-gravity experiments, even though such experiments can be done in an alternative way. It is, therefore, abundantly clear that the space station should not be built.
The reasoning in the argument is flawed because the argument
(A) attacks the proponents of a claim rather than arguing against the claim itself.
(B) Presupposes what it sets out to prove.
(C) Faults planners for not foreseeing a certain event, when in fact that event was not foreseeable.
(D) Contains statements that lead to a self-contradiction.
(E) Concludes that a shortcoming is fatal having produced evidence only of the existence of that shortcoming.


22. Only an expert in some branch of psychology could understand why Patrick is behaving irrationally. But no expert is certain of being able to solve someone else’s problem. Patrick wants to devise a solution to his own behavioral problem.
Which one of the following conclusions can be validly drawn from the passage?
(A) Patrick does not understand why he is behaving in this way.
(B) Patrick is not an expert in psychology.
(C) Patrick is not certain of being able to devise a solution to his own behavioral problem.
(D) Unless Charles is an expert in some branch of psychology, Charles should not offer a solution to Patrick’s behavioral problem.
(E) If Charles is certain of being able to solve Patrick’s behavioral problem, then Charles does not understand why Patrick is behaving in this way.

E中的Patrick’s behavioral改为 someone else就对了。现在感觉也不对。
D为什么错?should not 改变为 could not的话,D也是可选答案?

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-22 10:32:18编辑过]
发表于 2003-8-21 20:40:00 | 只看该作者
1,first, e did not weaken the conclusion ,and on the contrary,it strengthens the conclusion in some way,cos it suggest that the old style will be popular for ever and the companies need not make any change.and b is an answer but it is not as good as d,for this is an example of how the aggressive maketing strategy gain shares  in the market.
发表于 2003-8-22 01:21:00 | 只看该作者
19. Explained before. Read carefully what the problem is: "...the executor will then often know neither which one of several undated wills is the most recent, nor whether the will drawn up last has ever been found". And think if the second part of the problem is addressed by the solution.

21. C is not right. Read the argument carefully and see if the writer ever blame the planners for not being able to forecast the end of cold war? Think within the frame of the argument, never go out of it.

22. Explained before. You probably would not find this type of CR in GMAT. It is sheer logic. And you cannot reply on "sense" or "instinct" to solve this type. You need to sort out the line of reasoning.
"understand why Patrick is behaving irrationally"(A) --> "an expert in some branch of psychology" (B)
"certain of being able to solve someone else’s problem" (C) --> not an expert (Not B)
Patrick wants to (not certain of) C.

Now you use the reasoning to find the answer. BTW, you mentioned changing "Patrick's" to "someone else's". That is not acceptable. "someone else" is not mentioned in the argument. You can not add your own assumtpion to the argument. It is out of scope.

 楼主| 发表于 2003-8-22 23:13:00 | 只看该作者
Thanks for your answers!

9中“companies producing carpet ”应该是指的现在已经生产地毯的公司,所以对新来者 不涉及。开始没有理解这一点。


发表于 2003-8-24 01:03:00 | 只看该作者
19. yes. if the E has all the wills, the second part of the problem is not a problem
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