我想知道的是...是我问题理解的有问题? 我的理解是:选一个 反对 海洋学家的假设是错误的 选项,就是支持 海洋学家的假设咯? 感觉好绕... 如果理解是对的话,麻烦NN解释一下D选项为什么是对的...谢谢!
Plankton generally thrivein areas of the ocean with sufficient concentrations of certain nitrogencompounds near the surface, where plankton live. Nevertheless, some areas, though rich inthese nitrogen compounds, have few plankton. These areas have particularly low concentrations of iron, andoceanographers hypothesize that this shortage of iron prevents plankton fromthriving. However, an experimentalrelease of iron compounds into one such area failed to produce a thrivingplankton population, even though local iron concentrations increasedimmediately.
Which of the following, iftrue, argues most strongly against concluding, on the basis of the informationabove, that the oceanographers’ hypothesis is false?
- Not all of the nitrogen compounds that are sometimes found in relatively high concentrations in the oceans are nutrients for plankton.
- Certain areas of the ocean support an abundance of plankton despite having particularly low concentrations of iron.
- The release of the iron compounds did not increase the supply of nitrogen compounds in the area.
- A few days after the iron compounds were released, ocean currents displaced the iron-rich water from the surface.
- The iron compounds released into the area occur naturally in areas of the ocean where plankton thrive.