Many people suffer an allergic reaction to certain sulfites, including those that are commonly added to wine as perservatives. However, since there are several winemakers who add sulfites to none ot the wines they produce, people who would like to dink wine but are allergic to sulfits can drink wine produced by these winemakers without risking an allergic reaction to sulfits. D. aprat from sulfits, there are no subsutances commonly present in wine that give rise to an allergic reaction. d不是对的,理由是the argument's conclusion does not address allergic reactions to substances other than sulfits in wine.我不理解为什么og说这个跟主题无关,我选择的这个答案。我的理解是:除了sulfits,wine里面没有别的substance使得人过敏,所以不加sulfits的话,人就不过敏。我觉得我的推理没有错误,虽然我承认d不是最好的答案,但是不理解为什么OG说d与argument没有关系。。 搞不清出题的人到底是怎么想的,,, 谢谢大家的赐教了。 |