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发表于 2015-7-3 04:12:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
看CR bible时里面有种错误选项叫shell game,真到做题的时候感觉bible里说的这类题型说了就像没说一样,遇到这种选项尤其二选一的时候非常具有迷惑性,常常纠结半天导致超时。希望大神来指点迷津,怎么样才能更快的在二选一中快速剔除错误选项呢?

OG 37.In the last decade there has been a significant
decrease in coffee consumption. During this same
time, there has been increasing publicity about the
adverse long-term effects on health of the caffeine in
coffee. Therefore, the decrease in coffee consumption
must have been caused by consumers’ awareness of
the harmful effects of caffeine.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously calls into
question the explanation above?

(A) On average, people consume 30 percent less
coffee today than they did 10 years ago.
(B) Heavy coffee drinkers may have mild withdrawal
symptoms, such as headaches, for a day or so
after significantly decreasing their coffee
(C) Sales of specialty types of coffee have held
steady as sales of regular brands have declined.
(D) The consumption of fruit juices and caffeine-free
herbal teas has increased over the past decade.
(E) Coffee prices increased steadily in the past
decade because of unusually severe frosts in
coffee-growing nations.

答案是E,我在看题时也思考了答案可能是别的原因导致大家不喝咖啡了,有可能是咖啡贵了。读到答案C的时候觉得C说的也很有道理啊,看了答案才知道如果specialty是caffeine-free 的specialty coffee,可是当时做题是就想不到这一点。请大神分享下经验~谢谢
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发表于 2015-8-6 18:16:15 | 只看该作者

C不是他因,因为C说某种coffee销量不变,大众品牌销量小了。这最多得出一个事实:coffee总销量可能降低了,但这个“降低”依然有可能是 consumers’ awareness of the harmful effects of caffeine引起的。起不到任何削弱作用。
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