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An experiment was done in which human subjects recognize a pattern within a matrix of abstract designs and then select another design that completes that pattern. The results of the experiment were surprising. The lowest expenditure of energy in neurons in the brain was found in those subjects who performed most successfully in the experiments.

Which of the following hypotheses best accounts for the findings of the experiment?

正确答案: C









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发表于 2005-4-2 23:45:00 | 只看该作者


5.    Financing for a large construction project was provided by a group of banks. When the money was gone before the project was completed, the banks approved additional loans. Now, with funds used up again and completion still not at hand, the banks refuse to extend further loans, although without those loans, the project is doomed.

Which of the following, if true, best explains why the bank’s current reaction is different from their reaction in the previous instance of depletion of funds?

(A) The banks have reassessed the income potential of the completed project and have concluded that total income generable would be less than total interest due on the old plus the needed new loans.

(B) The banks have identified several other projects that offer faster repayment of the principal if loans are approved now to get those projects started.

(C) The banks had agreed with the borrowers that the construction loans would be secured by the completed project.

(D) The cost overruns were largely due to unforeseeable problems that arose in the most difficult phase of the construction work.(A)

(E) The project stimulated the development and refinement of several new construction techniques, which will make it easier and cheaper to carry out similar projects in the future.


9.    Hotco oil burners, designed to be used in asphalt plants, are so efficient that Hotco will sell one to the Clifton Asphalt plant for no payment other than the cost savings between the total amount the asphalt plant actually paid for oil using its former burner during the last two years and the total amount it will pay for oil using the Hotco burner during the next two years. On installation, the plant will make an estimated payment, which will be adjusted after two years to equal the actual cost savings.

Which of the following, if it occurred, would constitute a disadvantage for Hotco of the plan described above?

(A) Another manufacturer’s introduction to the market of a similarly efficient burner

(B) The Clifton Asphalt plant’s need for more than one new burner

(C) Very poor efficiency in the Clifton Asphalt plant’s old burner

(D) A decrease in the demand for asphalt(E)

(E) A steady increase in the price of oil beginning soon after the new burner is installed

这题题干中最后一句话的意思是不是C PLANT预估一个价给H?但是两年后ADJUSTED为真正的COST SAVING,这个ADJUST与H没有关系吗?

11.  An experiment was done in which human subjects recognize a pattern within a matrix of abstract designs and then select another design that completes that pattern. The results of the experiment were surprising. The lowest expenditure of energy in neurons in the brain was found in those subjects who performed most successfully in the experiments.

Which of the following hypotheses best accounts for the findings of the experiment?

(A) The neurons of the brain react less when a subject is trying to recognize patterns than when the subject is doing other kinds of reasoning.

(B) Those who performed best in the experiment experienced more satisfaction when working with abstract patterns than did those who performed less well.

(C) People who are better at abstract pattern recognition have more energy-efficient neural connections.

(D) The energy expenditure of the subjects brains increases when a design that completes the initially recognized pattern is determined.(C)

(E) The task of completing a given design is more capably performed by athletes, whose energy expenditure is lower when they are at rest than is that of the general population.


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-3 0:04:34编辑过]
发表于 2005-4-3 13:43:00 | 只看该作者

5.A银行第一次向这个项目增加贷款,说明银行认为虽然贷款又增加了,项目建成后的收入仍然可以保证还本付息;而如果银行第二次重新评估后认为再增加一部分贷款的话,项目建成之后的收入还不起这些贷款,则会停止继续贷款。(即,银行认为以前贷出去的钱是沉没成本了)B是无关选项。 银行又发现了几个新的好项目,跟是否停止那个老项目无关。

9.C plant 先根据前两年用老锅炉时的燃油成本减去预计在未来两年内使用新锅炉的燃油成本的差额作为预付给H公司的金额。(这个差额主要是油耗降低产生的,但是预估新锅炉燃油成本时使用的是上涨前的油价)等两年后调整时,油价上涨增加的成本会抵减油耗降低所节约的成本,H公司则应该把两年前多收的钱退回。

11.题目中的现象是success in abstract pattern recognition experiment-->lowest expenditure of energy in neurons。问题问的是:哪个假设可以正确描述上述现象。C就是个同义改写。

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