1. There is often considerablescientific disagreement both about available reserves of natural resources andabout the extent of environmental damage caused by particular pollutants. Evenwhere the scientific evidence is[url=]incontrovertible[/url] [A1] . There may be political conflict, based on different vestedinterests, over the degree to which particular environmental controls should beaccepted. Governments may, for example, [url=]refrain[/url] [N2] from introducing effective control if they fear these will adverselyaffect company profitability or jobs, even where the environmental cost of notintroducing controls are considerable. There is alwaysscientific debate around the facts regarding the reserves of naturalresources. T Very rarely is thereconflict over the degree to which particular environmental controls should beaccepted. F Parties with a vestedinterest are more influenced by politics than science when deciding whether toimplement environmental controls.[url=] C[/url]
求问下第一题, 文章中是often, 题目里是always 为什么答案是 True? 是不是答案错了呀? 谢谢各位!