20. (27836-!-item-!-188;#058&003666) During the past year, Pro-TectInsurance Company's total payout on car-theft claims has been larger than thecompany can afford to sustain. Pro-Tectcannot reduce the number of car-theft policies it carries, so it cannot protectitself against continued large payouts that way. Therefore, Pro-Tect has decided to offer adiscount to holders of car-theft policies whose cars have antitheftdevices. Many policyholders will respondto the discount by installing such devices, since the amount of the discountwill within two years typically more than cover the cost of installation. Thus, because cars with antitheft devicesare rarely stolen, Pro-Tect's plan is likely to reduce its annual payouts. In the argument above, the twoportions in boldface play which of the following roles? (A) The first and the second areboth evidence offered by the argument as support for its main conclusion. (B) The first presents a problem aresponse to which the argument assesses; the second is the judgment reached bythat assessment. (C) The first is the position theargument seeks to establish; the second is a judgment the argument uses tosupport that position. (D) The first is a development thatthe argument seeks to explain; the second is a prediction the argument makes insupport of the explanation it offers. (E) The first presents adevelopment whose likely outcome is at issue in the argument; the second is ajudgment the argument uses in support of its conclusion about that outcome.
答案是B。我不太理解B这个选项究竟是什么意思。。有人可以翻译一下吗, 什么叫 presents a problem a response? 第一个BF本身不就是一个problem么?难道是Response?