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[作文互改] 一篇issue关于long-term goal的,求大神看看~求踩求踩

发表于 2013-10-15 17:05:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
51.Young people should be encouraged to pursue long-term, realistic goals ratherthan seek immediate fame and recognition.

Frommy perspective, it would be more appropriate for young people to pursuelong-term, realistic goals instead of seeking immediate fame and recognition.It is universal acknowledged that immediate fame and recognition would bringpeople immediate happiness other than everlasting one. Consequently, those fameand recognition would not do anything good to people and may gradually fadeout. In addition, young people as nation builders should be diversified. Thediversity of people could be fulfilled by different life goals or destinations,which requires various fields of study rather than those specific ones that canbe understood immediately. Besides, during the long-term pursuing, young peoplecould experience more than immediate pursuing. Those experiences are thetreasure of a person`s life and the knocks on the door of success as well.Therefore, for young people to live a fulfilling life, it is reasonable toencourage them to go after long-term and realistic goals other than going forimmediate fame and recognition.
Tobegin with, there is no doubt that nations` futures lie in the hands of theiryoung people. Thus, the more different a nation`s people are, the stronger anation is. Diversity among people largely decides the extent of areas a nationcould participate in. Every nation has its own features but there is somethingnations all share. For the poor nation, various people with different long-termgoals could become its strength and its ability to compete with others. Theupdate of poor nations relies on its diversified people with talent and disparatedestinations. For the rich nation, they try to absorb as different as possiblepeople into their nations to extend their study fields and to strengthen theirweakness. A rich nation as America, it always opens its door to a great numberof people who have different talents owing to the fact that those people arethe ones who keep it from leaving behind. Government in United States recentlystates a new rule that is people with science master degree or other subject`sP.H.D are encouraged to stay at America. This new rule is the best example forus to understand that it is dispensable for a nation to have various kinds ofpeople. And when people are all pursuing immediate fame or recognition, it isimpossible for those people to study a wide field since the ones that can becompleted immediately are limited. As a result, young people should beencouraged to pursue long-term and realistic goals rather than seek immediatefame and recognition.
Besides,time of people`s lives has its own limitation. As human being, we should do asmuch as possible in the circumscribed time. Many people who acquire immediatefame and recognition would experience a few stages. First stage is happy wheremost people could not believe they climb to the top so quickly. The secondstage is enjoy where people live every minute of their success and feelcontent. The third stage is sloping where fame and recognition fade and peoplewill start to feel disappointed and sometimes may even have mental break-downsbecause it is the time when they once again back to reality. The fourth and thelast stage is realization where people realize that it is just a quick fame andthey should start over. As the fourth stage goes, most time of a person`s lifeis used. Even though it is entirely possible to start over at any time of  one`s life, it is unequivocal that it wouldmore successful or beneficial for a person to start correctly. In advertisementindustry, there is never a do-over. Once you fail, you fail. During theadvertising campaign, a company that dose a bad advertisement would immediatelylose its customers and if it is a small company it would broke as soon aspossible. Since it is significant for people to seize their chance rightly andhave a more realistic career, it would be more than appropriate for youngpeople to pursue long-term and realistic goals with encouragement.
Thelast but not the least important, originality for nations is momentous. Anynation without its own original businesses would fall apart or even be subduedby other nations. And originality comes from a nation`s talents who often comeup with it during the process of pursuing a definitive goal. Those goalsusually are long-term ones that can be achieved because talented people havetheir own opinions as usual. It is no accident that [example]. Thus,innovativeness are produced in the middle of journey to a defined long-termgoals. In order to improve nations` national competitive power, bolsteringtheir young people to make long-term and achievable goals instead of immediatefame and recognition would be the best choice.
Tosum up, suggesting positively to young people to pursue ever-lasting realisticgoals would be a better choice for nations and persons than seeking evanescentfame and cognition. For nations, it would improve their diversity andcreativity, which are significant for their status in the world. For humanbeings, it saves a lot of time for them and would help them to obtain successor happiness more quickly.

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发表于 2013-10-26 07:15:45 | 只看该作者

Modern times have been witnessing how the mass media and the social network create heroes and idols in a short time span. Given this context, it is not surprising that young people of this generation are motivated by the dream of becoming famous and publicly recognized overnight. The society senses a lack of long-term goal among younger generation. Encouraging a pursuit of lofty aim of life, in my opinion, should be a relevant and important task to carry out.

It is widely acknowledged that the success that a person achieves is tightly associated with the height of the goal originally set. Most, if not all, historic figures achieved “unusual” success because they had “unusual” dreams. Chairman Mao in China was motivated by overthrowing the corrupted feudalism and unifying a country that was seized by military lords. Be his motivation driven by fulfilling his self-interest, it was certainly not worth risking his life in multiple occasions during the revolution period. Ford, if not dreaming of making automobiles available to the ordinary mass, would have well dwelled on the huge fortune that he had already had even before the invention of streamline manufacturing method. Those people, who we call idealists, brought political and technological revolutions to the society, which would otherwise not happen if their scope was limited to personal interest.

But, not everyone inherently is, or should be, an idealist. It is human nature to be myopic, which means that the rewards that could be realized in near future tend to generate great momentum than those far away. For non-idealist, a grand goal that takes decades of assiduity to achieve (and most time with a great possibility of failure) has little difference with the idea of being simply unachievable. Moreover, most career life that the majority of the society lives simply don’t have a lofty, long-term goal. What can, for example, a safeguard dreams to achieve other than being responsible for security of the designated area? The work by those people should be equally appreciated for their contribution to the society even a lofty goal is absent.

In some professions, the lofty goal and the short-term self-interest are so well aligned that one can hardly distinguish by which a person is motivated. Take sports for example, an athlete trains at his best, in attempt to break previous record. For the loft dream of ‘being faster, stronger, and higher’? Or just for the flowers and fortune that come with the triumph? Hardly to know. But the fact is that, as long as the athlete tries to win by pushing himself through hard training rather than conducting some malpractice, we don’t need to give our judgment on the greatness of his motivation.

In sum, although a long-term, lofty goal may be needed to obtain some great accomplishments and therefore should be encouraged among the younger generation, it is not an indispensable element for every individual or for every career. In situations where the long-term and short-term goals work equally good to incentivize a person, there may not even be a necessity to replace self-interest-focused goals with more far-sighted, lofty ones.  
发表于 2017-12-4 05:37:27 | 只看该作者
joeyang043 发表于 2013-10-26 07:15

Modern times have been witnessing how the mass ...

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