Which of the following best completes the passage below? At a recent conference on environmental threats to theNorth Sea, most participating countries favored uniform controls on the qualityof effluents, whether or not [url=]specific[/url] environmental damage could be attributed to a particular source of effluent. What must, of course, be shown, in order toavoid [url=]excessively[/url]restrictive controls, is that __________. (A) any uniform controls that are adopted are likely tobe implemented without delay (B) [url=]any[/url] substance to be madesubject to controls can actually cause environmental damage (C) the countries favoring uniform controls are thosegenerating the largest quantities of effluents (D) all of any given pollutant that is to be controlledactually reaches the North Sea at present (E) environmental damage already inflicted on the NorthSea is reversible
求解释为什么选B TT 包子使用排除法做的
uniform control 和restrictive control 是解题关键么?