本人SCM工作3年,但是一直做采购,在工厂和Planner同属物料部。但不是很了解Planner工作的细节。现在恳请有这方面实际工作经验的XDJM给予指点:1)一个Planner从哪里开始一天的工作(比如先去SAP MRP 或什么系统查找资料确定工作重心?)2)Planning工作的难点是什么?如何解决? 多谢!!!    -- by 会员 Dora2012 (2012/8/11 6:48:30)
Monitor production performance; Prioritize order dispatch sequence; Balance demand and supply; Capacity planning; Work orders planning, execution, control
The first thing a planner has to remember is "you are always the last one to save a game". So patient, coordinate and integrate all the information and take extra steps to meet the goal.
There is no formula for a planner to start his/her job.... |