只提供个名单,具体项目自己找呗~ Cornell University School of industrial and Labor Relations UIUC School of Labor and Employment Relations Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations(New Brunswick) Ohio State U Fisher College of Business Purdue University 商学院 Michigan State U 劳资学院 明尼苏达双子城 商学院 宾州州立大学 Temple 马凯特
I recommend Jon M. Huntsman School of Business, Utah State University! That was a great program! *Education is great! But it took over your life. *Tons of internship and international experience (this year, We went to London); *All the international students can enjoy the in-state tuition and receive GA; *Low living expense(My dorm only cost me 850 per semester) *Great English speaking atmosphere (not lots of Chinese here! Especially my program, I'm the only one international student so no one can compete with u)