Many objects in daily use have clearly been influenced by science, but their form and function, their dimensions and appearance, were determined by technologists, artisans, designers, inventors, and engineers—using non-scientific modes of thought. Many features and qualities of the objects that a technologist thinks about cannot be reduced to unambiguous verbal descriptions; they are dealt with in the mind by a visual, nonverbal process. In the development of Western technology, it has been non-verbal thinking, by and large(By and large, the new arrangements have worked well.), that has fixed the outlines and filled in the details of our material surroundings. Pyramids, cathedrals, and rockets exist not because of geometry or thermodynamics, but because they were first a picture in the minds of those who built them.证据:实用物品用的是非语言思维
The creative shaping process of a technologist’s mind can be seen in nearly every artifact that exists. For example, in designing a diesel engine (diesel engine: n. 柴油机), a technologist might impress individual ways of nonverbal thinking on the machine by continually using an intuitive sense of rightness and fitness. What would be the shape of the combustion chamber (combustion chamber: 燃烧室)? Where should the valves be placed? Should it have a long or short piston? Such questions have a range of answers that are supplied by experience, by physical requirements, by limitations of available space, and not least by a sense of form. Some decisions, such as wall thickness and pin diameter, may depend on scientific calculations, but the nonscientific component of design remains primary.证据:物品中有技工的创造性思维
Design courses, then, should be an essential element in engineering curricula. Nonverbal thinking, a central mechanism in engineering design, involves perceptions, the stock-in-trade (stock-in-trade: n.存货, 惯用手段) of the artist, not the scientist. (论点:设计是工程的关键,非语言思维是中心)Because perceptive processes are not assumed to entail “hard thinking,” nonverbal thought is sometimes seen as a primitive stage in the development of cognitive processes and inferior to verbal or mathematical thought. But it is paradoxical that when the staff of the Historic American Engineering Record wished to have drawings made of machines and isometric views of industrial processes for its historical record of American engineering, the only college students with the requisite abilities were not engineering students, but rather students attending architectural schools.(但是有些人不重视非语言思维,以HAER为例)
If courses in design, which in a strongly analytical engineering curriculum provide the background required for practical problem-solving, are not provided, we can expect to encounter silly but costly errors occurring in advanced engineering systems. (不重视设计会产生严重的后果)For example, early models of high-speed railroad cars loaded with sophisticated controls were unable to operate in a snowstorm because a fan sucked snow into the electrical system. Absurd random failures that plague automatic control systems are not merely trivial aberrations (aberrationn.失常); they are a reflection of the chaos that results when design is assumed to be primarily a problem in mathematics.(以火车设计为例)
23. Which of the following statements best illustrates the main point of lines 1-28 of the passage?应用题 第一段的中心:所有物品是非语语言思维
(A) When a machine like a rotary engine malfunctions, it is the technologist who is best equipped to repair it.
(B) Each component of an automobile—for example, the engine or the fuel tank—has a shape that has been scientifically determined to be best suited to that component’s function.
(C) A telephone is a complex instrument designed by technologists using only nonverbal thought.
(D) The designer of a new refrigerator should consider the designs of other refrigerators before deciding on its final form.(D)Many features and qualities of the objects that a technologist thinks about cannot be reduced to unambiguous verbal descriptions; they are dealt with in the mind by a visual, nonverbal process.
(E) The distinctive features of a suspension bridge reflect its designer’s conceptualization as well as the physical requirements of its site.悬桥的设计反映了认知和地方的客观要求 it has been non-verbal thinking, by and large, that has fixed the outlines and filled in the details of our material surroundings.
GEMJ的答案是E 我的参考书的答案是D
究竟是哪个 这两个都有道理啊
24. Which of the following statements would best serve as an introduction to the passage?这题花了两分4秒 引入内容
(A) The assumption that the knowledge incorporated in technological developments must be derived from science ignores the many non-scientific decisions made by technologists.
(B) Analytical thought is no longer a vital component in the success of technological development.
(C) As knowledge of technology has increased, the tendency has been to lose sight of the important role played by scientific thought in making decisions about form, arrangement, and texture.
(D) A movement in engineering colleges toward a technician’s degree reflects a demand for graduates who have the nonverbal reasoning ability that was once common among engineers.(A)
(E) A technologist thinking about a machine, reasoning through the successive
引入内容题很少 是不是只要读首段首句即可
27. The author uses the example of the early models of high-speed railroad cars primarily to in order to logic
(A) weaken the argument that modern engineering systems have major defects because of an absence of design courses in engineering curricula
(B) support the thesis that the number of errors in modern engineering systems is likely to increase 无
(C) illustrate the idea that courses in design are the most effective means for reducing the cost of designing engineering systems we can expect to encounter silly but costly errors occurring in advanced engineering systems.
(A) support the contention that a lack of attention to the nonscientific aspects of design results in poor conceptualization by engineersD
(E) weaken the proposition that mathematics is a necessary part of the study of desig
这题的答案也不一致 究竟是C还是D
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-5-1 10:43:18编辑过] |