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LSAT-23-IV, 12, 23, 11

发表于 2003-5-23 15:01:00 | 只看该作者

LSAT-23-IV, 12, 23, 11

这几个跟头没摔明白,请指点 -

12. On their way from their nest to a food source, ants of most species leave a trail of chemicals called pheromones. The ants use the scent of the pheromones to guide themselves between the food and their nest. All pheromones evaporate without a trace almost immediately when temperatures rise above 45 degrees Celsius (113 degree Fahrenheit), as is typical during afternoons in places such as the Sahara Desert.

The statements above, if true, most strongly support which one of the following?

(A) Most ants forage for food either only in the morning or only during the night.
(B) Most ants that do not use pheromones to mark the paths they take between their nest and food live in the Sahara Desert.
(C) If any ants live in the Sahara Desert and forage for food at no time but in the afternoon, those ants generally do not use pheromones to guide themselves between food and their nest.
(D) If any ants do not use pheromones to navigate between food and their nest, those ants use a different substance that does not evaporate in temperatures above 45 degrees Celsius.
(E) If any Saharan ants forage for food in the afternoon, those ants forage for food less efficiently when temperatures are above 45 degrees Celsius than they do when temperatures are lower.

23. Construction contractors working on the cutting edge of technology nearly always work on a “cost-plus” basis only. One kind of cost-plus contract stipulates the contractor’s profit as a fixed percentage of the contractor’s costs; the other kind stipulates a fixed amount of profit over and above costs. Under the first
kind of contract, higher costs yield higher profits for the contractor, so this is where on might expect final costs in excess of original cost estimates to be more common. Paradoxically, such cost overruns are actually more common if the contract is of the fixed-profit kind.

Which one of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the apparent paradox in the situation described above?

(A) Clients are much less likely to agree to a fixed-profit type of cost-plus contract when it is understood that under certain conditions the project will be scuttled than they are when there is no such understanding.
(B) On long-term contracts, cost projections take future inflation into account, but since the figures used are provided by the government, they are usually underestimates.
(C) On any sizable construction project, the contractor bills the client monthly or quarterly, so any tendency for original cost estimates to be exceeded can be detected early.
(D) Clients billed under a cost-plus contract are free to review individual billings in order to uncover wasteful expenditures, but they do so only when the contractor’s profit varies with cost.
(E) The practice of submitting deliberately exaggerated cost estimates is most common in the case of fixed-profit contracts, because it makes the profit, as a percentage of estimated cost, appear modest.

11. Five thousand of the 50,000 books published in country Z in 1991 were novels. Exactly 25 of the films released in country Z in 1992 were based on books published in country Z in 1991.

Which one of the following, if assumed, allows the conclusion above to be properly drawn?

(A) None of the scripts used in films released in 1992 were written by professional novelists.
(B) None of the films released in country Z in 1992 were based on books other than novels.
(C) None of the books that were published in country Z in 1992 were based on plots of films released in 1991.
(D) Some of the films released in country Z in 1992 were based on older films that had been released for the first time many years earlier.
(E) Some of the films released in 1991 in country Z were based on novels that were published in 1991.

23,答案 为D。为什么不是E呢?

发表于 2003-5-23 20:20:00 | 只看该作者
12 只提到蚂蚁根据分泌的气味往返于食物和巢穴之间,温度45以上时这些气味就会挥发.因此可以推测出: 如果蚂蚁下午出去觅食,只能依靠其他方式回家;而E中的觅食效率问题没有提及
23 题目中讲到成本越大则利润就越大,通常这种合同很普遍,因此只有一个前提: 合同的委托方在订立合同时在不能预见成本的前提下规定了一种既定的利润比例,由于工程成本有承接方控制,因此委托方无法及时知道工程的开支情况,直到最后造成成本超支时利润较大
11 题目只讲道 1991年5000小说和50000本书籍,1992年的电影只有25部根据1991年的书改编,因此答案必须出现书和小说的关系,利用排除法去掉 ACDE
发表于 2003-5-24 01:30:00 | 只看该作者
1. E中的比较是原文不支持的. 原文中没有关于efficiency的结论, 比如说什么情况下highly efficient,什么情况下less efficient. 你如果选E说明你自己做了assumption,绝对不可以.

2. D和E都分析了fix-profit的不同之处, 但是E不能解释原文的现象, 如果E对, 那么应该是cost estimate很高(exaggerated), 实际cost高于cost estimate的情况应该少见才对. D说明只有在fixed-percentage的情况下才会审查是否有浪费, 说明在fix profit中的浪费现象不被注意,造成actual cost超过cost estimate.

3. 我看不出原文的结论是什么.
 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-24 14:32:00 | 只看该作者
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