小女,26岁,单身,国内知名院校本科毕业,在四大工作了三年。......初步的设想是去商业银行工作,为此的代价是放弃三年的工作和这一行的积累,因为本身四大的业务和银行没有融合点(转银行的话我一定不会去做会计或内审工作,我想做银行的核心业务),.......现在的问题是怎样转行,想过两条路:国内脱产mba和国内研究生。前者的好处是人脉的积累和综合素质的提高,缺点是感觉商业银行对于国内mba似乎并不钟情,尤其中资银行看重专业,mba可能会被认为金融知识不够(这一点请教银行业的前辈,对于mba中资银行会给予核心职位吗,以前没有银行业经验的话)。后者国内研究生,优点是商行的认可度,缺点当然是脱产准备一年的压力和三年的机会成本。 .......从银行业的角度看,建议考什么样的专业呢(经济、金融or会计类)?是不是外资银行只要是经管院的专业就可以,而中资银行偏重经济学院的专业? Hi, don't know whether I am qualified to give comments, but I'd like to share with you my opinions. Hope it helps. 1) Ignore the following words if they offend you. You are already 26, but still single. If you study further, you will be even older. So, think twice. Ask yourself what the right timing is for a business or graduate school. 2) What do you mean by core business in a commercial bank? I guess it is urgent to find what your interest lies in first. 3) Your work experience at Big 4 firms is a big plus if you apply for accounting-related positions. While the careers you like may be not completely focused on finance and accounting skills, you will nonetheless find yourself looking at financial information more often than you would expect. I've enumerated some specific functions for accountants as follows: budget analysis, cost estimation, loan analysis and approval, financial analysis, personal financial advisory, tax examination, etc. I wonder whether you've obtain CICPA qualification. If not, I strongly suggest you get it, rather than resign and prepare for entrance exams for graduate school. In addition, why not try CFA? My friend in HSBC is also preparing for it, and CFA designation is a big plus when you apply to finance-related positions in foreign-owned banks. 4) As I know, there is a sub-line focusing on banking industry in advisory dept at big 4 firms. Why not try a function switch? Work experience on banking advisory will better prepared you for a successful career in commercial banks. 5)Finally, let's discuss MBA or a master degree. MBA in finance is also highly appreciated by stated-owned banks. I know one from my univ won a contract with BOC Head office, with an annual salary of 300k. And his work experience is not prominent compared to yours in Big 4 firms. "是不是外资银行只要是经管院的专业就可以,而中资银行偏重经济学院的专业?" It is totally wrong and ridiculous. Forget it. "后者国内研究生,优点是商行的认可度,", I have to tell it is just your thought, only your thought. Sorry, I talk too much. Hope it is of help to you. |