以下是引用dubi1986在2008-11-19 19:53:00的发言:请问有谁比较了解Penn State的SCM吗 本人是菜鸟 刚才去网站一查 怎么看到的是online degree呢 还是我没搜对地方额 。。。55   MBA有SCM方向 Supply Chain Management ConcentrationThe Supply Chain Management Concentration enables you to accommodate organizational and supply chain goals for profitability, asset utilization, customer service, and systems flexibility. You’ll focus on: - Evaluating key enablers of supply chain network integration, synchronization, and collaboration to achieve process innovation and effectiveness.
- Leveraging e-based processes and technologies for improving supply chain performance.
- Evaluating global network designs.
http://www.smeal.psu.edu/mba/curric.html/scmcon.html 另外还有专门的MMM: Master of Manufacturing ManagementA unique program that integrates engineering and business to create manufacturing leadershttp://www.smeal.psu.edu/qmm |