if you are good enough to do front-desk job, then do it ! I strongly suggest you to apply to IBD in big banks. You will find something there invaluable to your career development. Working as a trader or at IBD will gave you great exposure to the top elites in banking industry, prepard you with all comprehensive skills needed. You are still so young with much space to develop. After all, BF is just BF, not your husband yet. You will have lots of great chances not only in career but also in personal life if you work as an active banker. That's a totally different high level. Female banker or trader are very rare, so you could easily stand out if you are really working hard. As for quant-desk or structured finance, I am afraid it's not so interesting or sexy for a female, no opportunity to deal with clients, much less promosing than IBD or trader. More importantly, it's relatively easy to transfer from front-desk to other functions if you really want to take a break. As for research job, you don't nessarily to be a PHD. I was doing equity research summer intern without PHD degree. So is one of my colleagues.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-22 23:52:39编辑过] |