Join us! Find yourself a part time job
Hey! I'm Monica Currently I'm doing a website with my friends.
It is a non-profit one. Helping people and connecting people is our mission.Try to find the part time jobs here if you can speak any kind of dialect or language and also meet up friends who speak native english and other languages
Please do visit when you have a minute.
Thank you. |
请加入我们的翻译组织,在这里找到兼职,认识会说多国语言的朋友.或者帮助更多的人 =) 请加入我们的翻译组织,在这里找到兼职,认识会说多国语言的朋友.或者帮助更多的人 =)
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-20 20:06:25编辑过] |