is the hundredths digit of the decimal d greater than 5 1) the tenth digit of 10d is 7 2) the thousands digit of d/10 is 7 答案是D ,但是我连题目都度不大懂(本人基础不好,请勿见怪阿) if two fo the four expressions x+y. x+5y , x-y , 5x-y are chose at random ,what is the probability that their product will be fo the form of x^2 -(by)^2 .b is interger , 1/2. 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 a certain list consists of several different intergers , is the product of all the intergers in the list posiitive 1) the product of the greatest & samallest of the intergers in the list is positive 2) there is an even number of intergers in the list 答案是C,我怎么觉得b 似乎就可以了呢。谢谢各位拉。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-30 14:22:36编辑过] |