JJ上面貌似语言结构那篇比较难的应该是以下这个: Abstract: Conversation analysis initially drew its empirical materials from recordings of English conversation. However, over the past 20 years conversation analysts have begun to examine talk - in - interaction in an increasingly broad range of languages and communities. These studies allow for a new comparative perspective, which attends to the consequences of linguistic and social differences for the organization of social interaction. A framework for such a comparative analysis focusing on a series of generic interactional issues or problems (e.g., how turns are to be distributed among participants) and the way they are solved through the mobilization of local resources (grammar, social categories, etc.) is sketched. Comparative studies in conversation analysis encourage us to think of interaction in terms of generic organizations of interaction, which are inflected or torqued by the local circumstances within which they operate (Schegloff 2006). Keywords: person-reference, turn-taking, repair, cross-cultural comparison, cross-linguistic comparison, social interaction Accepted Paper Series Contact Information for JACK SIDNELL (Contact Author) keyword和回忆吻合,文章中也出现加勒比研究。讲究看一下,原文没办法看到~HOHO |