首先肯定得是题库还没变. percentage: M 99%, V75% overal 95% 不知道是不是老美数学都太差, 我这么一个丢人的75%V都能被拉到95%..... 随便说几个jj吧, 还都碰上了不少: AA: . 34. The following appeared as part of a plan proposed by an executive of the Easy Credit Company to the president. “The Easy Credit Company would gain an advantage over competing credit card services if we were to donate a portion of the proceeds from the use of our cards to a well-known environmental organization in exchange for the use of its symbol or logo on our card. Since a recent poll shows that a large percentage of the public is concerned about environmental issues, this policy would attract new customers, increase use among existing customers, and enable us to charge interest rates that are higher than the lowest ones available.” Discuss how well reasoned... etc. AI: the best teachers are those who encourage students to challenge popular ideas那道 1. car dealer has more than 10 cars with fog light. 40% the cars that have tint window have fog light. 这个题好像总结里又. 2. u/(u+v)>1/v+1.也是jj得. 后面还出了几道 x-((x-x)-y)可以化简成啥得题 应该大部分都总结过得. 我做的比较慢, 还剩几分钟才做完. verbal部分阅读还都是是jj: 1.河水蒸发太多那道 2.加州儿童 3.人类智慧那道 4. 美国政府的政策是处于经济考虑还是人民利益 考前jj简单看过, 但是解题帮助不是很大. 逻辑又venus的卫星那道, 农场臭味那道, 新药可以粘在舌头上那道, 咖啡因对疾病的影响, 美国铜产量的一道. 小孩吃某些糖对某种疾病的影响(好像是多动症啊) sc的感觉和prep差不多, 可能稍微难点. 考的不太好,最主要的原因还是pace. 做完20题后, 比预定的 55,37,19,0这个pace已经完了5分钟左右了. 前面太松, 导致后面我其实跳过了几道题(随便一看就选了). 不知道是不是宁可最后放两三道不做会更好? 考了这么个分比较尴尬, 重考吧, 又不是那么必须, 不考吧, 心理堵的晃... 刚刚听LP说她以前的roomie, 我也认识, 被诊断出了白血病, 正在化疗. 顿时沉默了很久. 相比之下, gmat的一次失常太微不足道了. 让我们一起祝福这个生病的姑娘吧. 希望早日好起来. |