RT Q17: In the figure, points A, B, C, D, and E lie on a line. A is on both circles, B is the center of the smaller circle, C is the center of the larger circle, D is on the smaller circle, and E is on the larger circle. What is the area of the region inside the larger circle and outside the smaller circle? (1) AB = 3 and BC =2 (2) CD =1 and DE = 4 (不看图也可以,我太笨,不会作图,呵呵)答案选A,我选D,因为可以求出CE=5,即大圆半径,再乘2减4即小圆直径。
Q32: If xyz ≠ 0, is x (y + z) = 0? (1) |y + z| = |y| + |z| (2) |x + y| = |x| + |y| 答案选C,我选A, 因为A即可否定yz两者互为倒数的可能。
Q35: Stations X and Y are connected by two separate, straight, parallel rail lines that are 250 miles long. Train P and train Q simultaneously left Station X and Station Y, respectively, and each train traveled to the other’s point of departure. The two trains passed each other after traveling for 2 hours. When the two trains passed, which train was nearer to its destination? (1) At the time when the two trains passed, train P had averaged a speed of 70 miles per hour. (2) Train Q averaged a speed of 55 miles per hour for the entire trip. 答案选C,我选A,因为可求出在相遇时P已经走了140miles,大于全程一半。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-19 20:56:56编辑过] |