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OG 11th, Diagnostic Test #25

发表于 2007-5-23 16:23:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-6-21 14:03:00 | 只看该作者

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-7-11 23:47:28编辑过]
发表于 2012-10-16 18:28:33 | 只看该作者
2. 甲壳虫不能完全处理运动物体的快速移动(信息),因此会小瞎一阵并且稍作暂停


A.    当猎物直接向正在追捕它的甲壳虫移动时,甲壳虫迅速停止并且躲开而没有常规间歇性停顿 (这个不满足, 因为既然能迅速停止并且快速躲开说明甲壳虫有快速反应机制, 并没有体现上述两个关于甲壳虫间歇性停止的特性)
B.    在追捕正在(不停)转弯的昆虫时,一只甲壳虫在运动的时候改变其轨迹,并且它的停顿随着整个追捕的进行变得更加频繁 (这个满足的原因如下: swerving insect,说明这个被追的仔保持转弯的状态, 就一直转一直转, 这个转弯过程持续进行. 那么在追这个转弯的仔的过程中, 甲壳虫也因为猎物的突然转向而做出暂停的举动. 那么如何体现加强一个假设而削弱另外一个呢?如果甲壳虫可以保持飞行节奏(maintain their pace),就不会出现B选项中的暂停变得频繁(pause become more frequent as the chase progress),但是B选项却能支持第二个假设:因为首先这个猎物是保持持续转弯飞行状态的, 甲壳虫出现了频繁暂停的状况, 就是因为不能适应猎物的飞行的快速变化.因此, B答案强化了第二个假设,削弱了第一个. )
C.    在追捕猎物的时候,甲壳虫经常反应及时,改变追捕的状态… (明显是和假设对着干.)
D.    不翻译了, 和假设无关
E.    甲壳虫追捕逃离它的猎物越快,甲壳虫暂停的频率就越高. (没有细节体现出这个甲壳虫暂停的原因. 可能是因为猎物直线飞走, 甲壳虫不能调整其飞行节奏,才总要暂停;也可能是这个猎物转来转去, 甲壳虫不能处理这种快速移动的信息,才要小瞎一阵)
发表于 2014-11-12 11:42:18 | 只看该作者
Tiger beetles are such fast runners that they can capture virtually any nonflying insect. However, when running toward an insect,
the beetles intermittently stop, and then, a moment later, resume their attack. Perhaps they cannot maintain their pace and must
pause for a moment's rest; but an alternative hypothesis is that while running tiger beetles are unable to process the resulting
rapidly changing visual information, and so quickly go blind and stop. !
Which of the following, if discovered in experiments using artificially moved prey insects, would support one of the two
hypotheses and undermine the other? !
(A) When a prey insect is moved directly toward a beetle that has been chasing it, the beetle immediately turns and runs away
without its usual intermittent stopping.
(B) In pursuing a moving insect, the beetles usually respond immediately to changes in the insect's direction, and pause equally
frequently whether the chase is up or down an incline.
(C) The beetles maintain a fixed time interval between pauses, although when an insect that had been stationary begins to flee,
the beetle increases its speed after its next pause.
(D) If, when a beetle pauses, it has not gained on the insect it is pursuing, the beetle generally ends its pursuit.
(E) When an obstacle is suddenly introduced just in front of running beetles, the beetles sometimes stop immediately, but they
never respond by running around the barrier.

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