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[梦之队日记] terra君不甘心輸給GMAC

 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-20 20:28:26 | 只看该作者



準備問題【希望看到有ideas的童鞋協助俺解決一下~~謝謝a lot><!!!】
1、CR材料-OG、Verbal Review、prep07、prep08、pack1這些官方材料我都至少總結過一遍了,其中前二者也有3-4 遍,所以我覺得如果三戰繼續看這些的話,由於記憶比較深刻,可能也會有欺騙性的效果。大家覺得材料是繼續用這些,還是可以新增一些其他的呢?

 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-21 19:28:11 | 只看该作者
偶然發現一個open course,是oxford-introduction to critical reasoning,只有6節課。從裏面找了跟GMAT相關的部份看完,感覺soso~

this course helps me answer questions as follows:
what is an ARGUMENT-->conclusion + premise-->how to distinguish between these two things-->something you are argue for vs. reasons for believing something

steps to ANALYZE an argument-->conclusion, premises, SUPPRESSED PREMISES
TYPES of arguments-->deductive argument vs. inductive argument-->certainty vs. probability
WHAT Qs would need to have answered in order to know whether the argument is good or not-->STRENGTHEN/WEAKEN

[CR tips from Ron]
try to make your own analogies for the problems. in other words, try to create novel situations that use similar logic, but have completely different topic material.

打算先看看manhattan RC瞭解文章及出題結構,然後利用小安閱讀法分析RC

发表于 2013-1-21 20:03:55 | 只看该作者
terra 加油吧
 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-22 12:33:10 | 只看该作者
RC:manhattan RC、小安閱讀、官方材料、閱讀小分隊
CR:manhattan CR、狒狒、官方材料、(類比邏輯)
*官方材料包括OG、Verbal Review、Pack1

Phase One focuses on both manhattan RC and manhattan CR.


【little wordsXDD】

【Daily Report】
manhattan CR看到P54
manhattan RC看到第二章,忘頁數
SC做了prep07 1set-18Q-->發現兩周拋棄sc的後果就是什麽都忘記了...很多語法點拿不准,so要溫習!

做了一回小分隊,感覺越障重要的是structure-->首先要把握big picture(the main point of the whole passage),然後要細分到作者如何通過每一段的描述來證明自己的觀點,這就是結構問題了(premises and counterpremises-->reasons for believing the conclusion)
這樣看,一篇RC其實就是一個argument = premise + conclusion-->premises =  the whole passage, conclusion = the generalization of the passage

速度應該可以看成是越障中的每一小段,只要把握速度整體的structure-->the main point of the paragraph, NOT DETAILS

p.s 跑去群上“上了課”哇~嗯,很少用群這東西...有點strange咯~通常俺都是diver一枚的~
发表于 2013-1-23 10:53:43 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-23 13:11:29 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 lmy08310 (2013/1/23 10:53:43)

 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-23 13:17:01 | 只看该作者
【Daily Report】
do not feel well today, so low efficiencyXOO
-->CR: manhattan CR P84
-->RC: manhattan RC P54

1. the purpose of taking notes-->memorize the structure in each paragraph and also the whole passage
2. parts you need to focus on when taking notes
-->the first few sentences
-->transitional words
after reading a paragraph, you need to generalize the main idea of the paragraph.
also, after reading the whole passage, FIND THE POINT with the help of the notes of each paragraph..
3. no need to mark down details, but you must have an idea of their position-->active connect the ideas and imagine-->BIG PICTURE

Products with innovative and appealing designs relative to competing products can often command substantially higher prices in the marketplace. Because design innovations are quickly copied by other manufacturers, many consumer technology companies charge as much as possible for their new designs to extract as much value as possible from them. But large profits generated by the innovative designs give competitors stronger incentives to copy the designs. Therefore, the best strategy to maximize overall profit from an innovative new design is to charge less than the greatest possible price.
In the argument above, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?

(B) The first is a consideration that helps explain the appeal of a certain strategy; the second presents an alternative strategy endorsed by the argument.

(C) The first is a phenomenon that justifies a specific strategy; the second is that strategy.

To solve this question, I think the point lies in "seeing the boldface part in a whole picture" and "confirming the exact identity of the boldface in the argument"

Conclusion: The best strategy to maximize overall profit from an innovative new design is to charge less than the greatest possible price.
WHY? (the answer to why is the premise)
1) products with innovative designs can command higher prices in the marketplace AND
2) design innovations are quickly copied by other manufacturers
3) large profits generated by the innovative designs give other manufacturers higher incentives to copy them.

Note that the 1st part is not COUNTERPREMISE.

Analogy: (Girls like to be thin. because thin girls look beautiful, most of them eat less so as to keep a good shape. But eating less can harm the health.) So the proper way to keep thin is to balance the diet.
**the content in the brackets is the premise of the conclusion, and is the reason for believing that balancing the diet is the proper way to keep thin.
**note that the second is not discussing the alternative strategy to the first. the first and the second do not make an comparison at the very beginning. THE FIRST IS USED TO ILLUSTRATE WHY THE SECOND IS LEGITIMATE.

 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-24 14:52:42 | 只看该作者
貌似我的sc強迫癥又回來了,無奈複習rc和cr的時間貢獻給sc的同時,開心強迫癥讓我又跑去看ron大兄的解釋,一如既往的instructive!! i like it!!  ron is my super idol~~~~

【Daily Report】
MANHATTAN RC P93-->left 7 passages
FOV-RC PART-->done
MANHATTAN CR P84-->stagnant today..

1. RC can be thought to be the extension of MUST BE TRUE in CR. Each correct answer choice must be drawn properly from the passage.
Anything far beyond the passage should be incorrect.
2. the way to solve RC can be analogous to that of CR's-->notes-point-premise vs. conclusion
3. inference-->flip the content of the passage/direct inference from the passage

2. Which of the following is NOT cited in the passage as a current or historical criticism of ECT?
(A) ECT causes the death of brain cells.
(E) Repeated applications of ECT affect several neurotransmitters in the brain.

choice A does not express explicitly in the passage. "Though decades-old studies showing brain cell death have been refuted in recent research..."-->i thought it was saying that people assumed the relationship between ECT and brain cell death before, and until the recent reserach, that relationship is proved to be wrong.. -->i ruled out this choice because i just focused on the CURRENT without seeing HISTORICAL. here this means the past did, but now does not!!
choice E is the exact sentence quoted from the passage, but notice the key word of the question stem--CRITICISM.. The author offers this information in a neutral way, but not a criticism of ECT. no judgement or emotional tendency applies in the sentence.-->TRUE BUT RELEVANT

【REFLECTION】 seize the KEY WORD of the question stem; pay attention to the TONE of the author


As the United States demonstrated during its early development, it is not enough for citizens simply to have rights; the successful functioning of a democracy requires that they also know how to exercise those rights. Access to formal education was one necessary component that helped the U.S. citizenry to learn how to exercise its rights. Therefore, in order for a democracy to function successfully, its citizens must have access to a formal education.
The author develops the argument by
(C) introducing an example that illustrates a common principle

principle--> a basic belief, theory, or rule that has a major influence on the way in which something is done
”-->how democracy functions successfully--formal education--people know How-->common principle is a way to reach democracy, and it is now or in the future used by u.s..
common principle應該理解為“普遍的原理”,就是通過邏輯鏈解釋美國how to reach democracy。整個關於美國的argument就是在解釋這個原理。類比通過“描述小明準備gmat的過程來說明how to prepare for gmat”-->“特殊到一般

analogy: china is a developing country. rapid economic development asks for gigantic depletion of natural resources, and this will sacrifice the natural environment.
thus, in order to achieve fast economic advancement, china sacrifices the natural environment..
here, example is china. china's example is used to demonstrate that achieving fast economic advancement sacrifices the natural environment. and china is now doing that terrible thing.
普遍的原理是:整個argument通過描述中國how to gain fast economic advancement,來說明how to gain fast economic advancement.

 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-25 14:48:25 | 只看该作者
Actually, i enjoy solving reading comprehension problems. but i do not like the process of taking notes. judging which one is needed to write is some kind of troubling. however, since this is my huge weakness, i will try to face it, overcome it, and finally enjoy it. cheers!~
╭(′▽`)╯╰( ̄▽ ̄)╮╮(╯▽╰)╭(°ο°)╮

【SC】發現了一道很有趣的sc~有很多俺不太熟的語法點,因而研究了一下~share with U and also open to discussion~~
if dear you find anything I miss in the explanation, please inform me~~ thanks~~<( ̄▽ ̄)> …

1.On account of a law passed in 1933, making it a crime punishable by imprisonment that a United States citizen hold gold in the form of bullion or coins, immigrants found that on arrival in the United States they had to surrender all of the gold they had brought with them.

A. On account of a law passed in 1933, making it a crime punishable by imprisonment that a United States citizen hold
B. With a law passed in 1933 that makes it a crime punishable by imprisonment that a United States citizen hold
C. A law passed in 1933 that made it a crime punishable by imprisonment for a United States citizen holding
D. Because of a law passed in 1933 making it a crime punishable by imprisonment for a United States citizen to hold
E. Due to a law being passed in 1933 that makes it a crime punishable by imprisonment for a United States citizen to hold


1修飾law的兩個participial modifiers位置問題:一般應該是儘量符合touch rule原則,一個修飾語在noun前,一個在noun后。但這裡不能達到這種狀態,因而只能一起放在noun後面。
對於放在noun後面的n個修飾語,需要按照修飾語的長度,由短至長排列。因為passed in 1933making要短,因而前者放在後者前面。
**this is often the "rule" that's used for the placement of two items that have the same grammatical priority - i.e., you don't know which one to place first, since they're both things that go in the same place.
for instance:
i dedicated a songto my father
i dedicated to my fathera song that recounted all the lessons he taught me in life

both of these are correct constructions; if you reverse the placement in the second one, it becomes too confusing / difficult to read.

2、Ca law passed blah~的語法成份理解:
1appositive——a lawimmigrantsnoun modifier,即a law = immigrants,錯

2absolute phrase——absolute phrase修飾修飾主句的主謂,表示動作執行時的狀態/結果等,關鍵是absolute phrase和主句必須是處於同一time frame。因而C項的意思變成,法律在1933年通過,同年新移民blah~將主句的time frame限制在1933distort the author’s intent。原句表示1933年通過后,新移民blah~並沒有限定一定要在1933年。因而錯。
if you have that kind of modifier ("A law..."), then it should provide a description of the noun that follows it.
A famous and influential boxer, Manny Pacquiao has plans for a career in Philippine politics after he retires from boxing.
here, the modifier "a famous and influential boxer" modifies "manny pacquiao", so it's fine.
here, though, that usage would suggest that immigrants themselves (= the subject following the comma) are "a law". that is nonsense and thus incorrect.
綜上所得,a law passed blah~結構錯。


A、加了commamaking可能修飾a law passed in 1933,也可能修飾immigrants found的狀態【典型向前向後修飾ambiguity】;it指代that-clausehold應該用singular
B、第一個that-clausea law passed in 1933限定性定從,第二個that-clauseplaceholder IT的賓語從句;hold應該用singularwith後面的nouna law,另一個部份應該是immigrants found/they surrender,無論哪一個表示發現/放棄黃金的時候伴隨法律的通過都是錯的。
Ca law問題見上;it無指代
Dbecause of a law正確;passed先於making正確;it指代to hold正確,a crime for somebody to do something
Enuance of meaningchoice e changes the meaning of the sentence: taken literally, it says that the immigrants found themselves in this unenviable situation not because of the law itself, but because of the passage of the law.

Due to
可以看成caused by,原句可以變成caused by a law being passed... Immigrants found that...
表示新移民發現blah~是因為a law being passed。這裡,by後面的關鍵字不是a law,應該是being passed,即complex gerund,名詞屬性。但這樣表述也是不正確的,正確的寫法應該是“a law’s being passed..”,表示所有關係。

* we laughed all day because of tony walking into the girls' bathroom --> incorrect, because the verb (walking into the bathroom) is the reason why we were laughing all day.
the correct version of this sentence would read we laughed all day because of tony's walking into the girls' bathroom. in other words, if the causal agent is the action (which appears in -ing form), then it must be preceded by a possessive.
* estelle was afraid to move because of a spider sitting on the wall --> correct, because estelle is afraid because of the spider itself, not because of the spider's sitting on the wall.

1、區分appositive(由noun組成,noun modifiers屬於optional)和absolute phrase(必須是noun + noun modifier)的方法:判斷成份在句中的修飾作用,appositive修飾noun,是對noun的解釋說明,可以理解為second noun;後者是表示與主句主謂同時發生的狀態/結果等。
**注意:absolute phrasesparticiples一樣,要與main verb處於同一個time frame!!

being正確用法可能的成份:complex gerund表示名詞含義,表被動

发表于 2013-1-25 16:52:50 | 只看该作者
嘿嘿。。看着你写的这个不自觉的笑了。。。~~我是二月底的G 然后还有各种MBA面试~大家都要努力啊
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