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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-13 00:30:18 | 只看该作者
I am writing the essays for Wharton. You can pick up three out of four.  The first topic is asking you to design a course for the MBA program. My understanding is they ask you about your view on a specific industry which you might be working post-MBA. This essay will be combined with the very short goal essay (300 words) to give them a holistic picture on your career goal.  But my problem is that i really want to write the other three topic. Can i skip the first one?
-- by 会员 danasun2001 (2010/11/11 23:36:19)

Hey there.  If I understand your question clearly, you are asking if you can skip the 700 word question to write the other three Wharton essays instead. And as the instructions indicateYES you can!  J  Your main trick will be to cover your career vision and passion in the other essays.  But yes, for sure that is possible.  It is just a bit harder to do.   Good luck!

Jon Frank
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-13 00:31:01 | 只看该作者
Hi Jon! In the essays, does the adcom prefer one space or two space after each sentence? Many thanks.
-- by 会员 肥熊 (2010/11/11 23:38:56)

Hey there!  They don’t care much one way or the other, I assure you.  But to keep things niiiice and safe, you can always do one space after a comma, and two after a period.  That is how we are taught to do it in the US.  Good luck to you my friend!

Jon Frank
发表于 2010-11-14 10:00:13 | 只看该作者
Essay1: The Darden MBA program expects students to actively participate in learningteams, the classroom, and the broader community. Please share one or twoexamples from your past experience that best illustrate(s) how you willcontribute to this highly engaging and hands-on learning environment. (500words)

Hi Jon, thanks a lot for your reply. One more question, please. Regarding the Darden Essay 1 above, which kind of examples you suggest me to write down? I understand that they wanna find out my teamwork sprit, but do they prefer professional experience or personal life experience? Or giving examples for both of them is the best way for this topic?

Many thanks again, my friend.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-14 20:25:28 | 只看该作者
Hi Jon,

Since I had my MS and PhD degrees here in USA, do I still need to submit TOEFL to HBS?  I actually didn't take it and I don't think I have time to take it before the 2nd application deadline.  I saw on the HBS website, which says for these kinds of student (have MS or pHd in English-speaking country), strongly encourage to submit TOEFL score.  If I don't submit TOEFL score, will it affect my application in anyway?   hopefully not, because I really want to apply this year and don't have time for TOEFL test.  lease let me know. Thank you very much.
-- by 会员 chengya (2010/11/12 9:53:38)

Hey there!  Thanks so much for the note.  Yes, HBS’ official line is that you should submit the TOEFL.  But no, you don’t need to.  If you don’t have time to take the thing, then you cant.  It certainly isn’t worth waiting a year over.  J  Given your two degrees, you should be juuuust fine.  Give it a shot—if your app is stellar, you have a shot for sure.  Good luck!

Jon Frank

 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-14 20:48:23 | 只看该作者
Hi, Jon,

I just read your advice to Dr. Chengya, and was quite inspired.  Like her, I obtained my PhD in science from an IVY School with a mediocre GMAT score.  I only applied for one school (my first choice) so far and felt sluggish to prepare for other applications. Reading your post, I realized that I should overcome my laziness and apply for more schools to warrant a good final result

Today I found many of your posts were truly sensible and inspiring. Thank you.

-- by 会员 Alicemama (2010/11/12 10:57:50)

I am so pleased that youve found our work to be helpful.  We are very passionate about this work, as you can tell.  We LOVE to help people, and nothing makes us happier than doing it on ChaseDream, every day.  And it is true, you should NOT be lazyget to work!  There is TONS of time.  Take advantage of it, and give yourself some options this year.  J

发表于 2010-11-15 00:34:10 | 只看该作者
Hi Jon,

I just decided to apply for MBA programs this year (I hope it's not too late cuz I haven't even started any essay yet~). My stats are: GMAT 770 (1st try 650) and TOEFL: 110.  My undergraduate school is not a top school in China (GPA about 3.5),  I got my master's degree in Finance at a UK top ten (GPA about 3.0).  I worked at big 4 (tax-transfer pricing) for nearly 5 years and left as a tax manager. I've been out of job for a year because I accompanied my husband to the US. He is studying here.  

My career goal is managerial finance in an industry. Will it sound less ambitious for an MBA application? I find that everyone is so into IB/consulting these days. In this case, should I avoid certain schools famous for its finance or marketing programs? I'm thinking of applying to Cornell. Do you think I stand a good chance? And do you have any suggestions regarding my target schools?

Thanks in advance!
发表于 2010-11-15 00:38:41 | 只看该作者
Hi Jon, I forgot to tell you that I passed 3 levels of CFA exams a few years ago. Will it make a difference in my application?
发表于 2010-11-15 15:50:07 | 只看该作者
Hi Jon, thanks for the posts, you have been a great help to CDers.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-16 20:09:06 | 只看该作者
Essay1: The Darden MBA program expects students to actively participate in learningteams, the classroom, and the broader community. Please share one or twoexamples from your past experience that best illustrate(s) how you willcontribute to this highly engaging and hands-on learning environment. (500words)

Hi Jon, thanks a lot for your reply. One more question, please. Regarding the Darden Essay 1 above, which kind of examples you suggest me to write down? I understand that they wanna find out my teamwork sprit, but do they prefer professional experience or personal life experience? Or giving examples for both of them is the best way for this topic?

Many thanks again, my friend.
-- by 会员 肥熊 (2010/11/14 10:00:13)

Hello my friend.  Happy to help of course.  After all, that is what we do.  J  Here is how we would look at these Darden essays.  It is tricky of course, since you only have…two of them.  So you need to figure out what your BEST 3-4 stories are.  Total.  Since I don’t know what those stories are, its tough for me to say which should go into your first essay, and which goes into the second.  But you will wanna cover all your “greatest hits” between the two.  No easy task—perhaps that’s why they ask you to do it.  Forget the questions—tell your best stories.  eriod.  Doesn’t matter which ones go where… By the way, hello from Shanghai!

Jon Frank
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-16 20:15:29 | 只看该作者
Hi Jon,

I just decided to apply for MBA programs this year (I hope it's not too late cuz I haven't even started any essay yet~). My stats are: GMAT 770 (1st try 650) and TOEFL: 110.  My undergraduate school is not a top school in China (GPA about 3.5),  I got my master's degree in Finance at a UK top ten (GPA about 3.0).  I worked at big 4 (tax-transfer pricing) for nearly 5 years and left as a tax manager. I've been out of job for a year because I accompanied my husband to the US. He is studying here.  

My career goal is managerial finance in an industry. Will it sound less ambitious for an MBA application? I find that everyone is so into IB/consulting these days. In this case, should I avoid certain schools famous for its finance or marketing programs? I'm thinking of applying to Cornell. Do you think I stand a good chance? And do you have any suggestions regarding my target schools?

Thanks in advance!
-- by 会员 tylorliu (2010/11/15 0:34:10)

Hello my friend.  Gosh, great profile.  Love the big name work experience of course, the TOEFL is up to snuff, and the GMAT is stellar.  Yes, you will have a GREAT shot at Johnson this year.  If you can ACE your essays, I like your chances very much indeed.  Remember, Johnson is VERY big on the Why Johnson angle.  HBS for example KNOWS that you wanna go there.  J  Johnson, you will need to convince us… GOOD LUCK!

Jon Frank

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