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[在读分享] 2007级CKGSB(长江商学院)MBA班级日志贴

发表于 2008-6-17 17:25:00 | 只看该作者

I just find that Professor Jon Liao's lecture will be held on June 21 in BJ on Cheung Kong campus.

 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-21 06:07:00 | 只看该作者

<32th week> Presented by Sophia Xiao:

NGO activity

Dear Folks,

You know, 06 brothers and sisters did a perfect NGO project in Qinghai Province last year. Brother Joe from 06 drafted email below to hand on CK’s key spirit on SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY tradition to 07. I sincerely invite you to take part in. A team of volunteers are wanted, for the field work in Sichuan in July.
CCTF,, a Fund from Britain, together with the local government cherished this project as a very important task in 2008, and it will involve the earthquake areas too.
Any classmates who are interested to take part in this project, please read the attached files thoroughly, and then reply email to me. Kick-off meeting is scheduled in this week.


 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-29 12:38:00 | 只看该作者

<33th week> Presented by Michael Li and Jessica Sun:

two meaningful pieces of sharing

Dear all,
I'm very happy to have a baby and thanks for your benedictions.
Here's some photos of my baby:
Have a nice weekend!
Yours sincerely,
Michael LI

Dear all,
The attachment is the management material. Hope it is useful to you.
In the next period, hunting job is our the most important task. In order to help our classmates to learn more different industry information and to grasp more job opportunity, I suggested that we share the industry material we have owned each other.
I have set a folder in “share folder” whose name is “industry information share” and put some auto and management information into it . Later I will put more HR material into it.

发表于 2008-7-5 04:36:00 | 只看该作者
Good luck for job hunting!
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-5 18:47:00 | 只看该作者

<34th week> Presented by Rick Wang:

Fun and Memory

hi guys
Our good and old OB professor aimin yan is back in the town now.
Apparently he misses us because he arranged a mingle acitivty on JULY 19 afternoon with his boston graduate students on the international travel study.
Every one is warmly welcomed.
The activity consists of two parts,sports which include golf and indoor badmantin/basketball from 1:30 pm to 5pm and dinner starting from 6pm in some resturant in bailian.
You can choose either golf or indoor activity but not both.
Those who choose golf might cover part of the cost which ranges from rmb100-rmb300 depending on the number of persons and holes you want to play.
The other activities is 100% free because school will cover the cost and take care of logistic.
The activity will be 200% fun guaranteed.
Service commitee strongly encourages everyone be there to enjoy one of the few precious opportunities left before exchange students go to abroad.
Again for convience,please register you name on the bb class diary to choose the sports activity you want to join by end of next week so that we can order the shuttle bus.
For golf player,you can also contact eric zhang for further information.
Besides professor,i think we owe a big thank you to jenny who spent a lot of time to arrange the logistic thing.
Service committee

 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-12 08:25:00 | 只看该作者

<35th week> Presented by Danny Dong:

Lecture invitation

Dear all:

As you know, professor Cho of strategic management invited Byung-Chul Lee,B CEO of Samsung China
to come to our campus to give a speech on strategy of Samsung China.
This speech is quite precious and you can learn more about how Samsung becomes successful globally.
So I talked with professor Cho about whether other classmates who did not choose this couse could have
the opportunity to attend this talk. Professor Cho is glad to welcome all of us  to join this talk.
If you are interested in this talk, please reply this mail to me.
Time: July 11th  9 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Dress formal or business casual preferred

Best Regards

 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-20 23:10:00 | 只看该作者

<36th week> Presented by Frank Yu:

Fund Annoucement

首先,请允许我代表基金管理团队,对您的耐心和信任致以深深的谢意. 在基金成功发行后的近5个月时间里, 长江7号始终采取了保守的投资策略. 事实上,至今我们1分钱也没投入过市场,尽管我们已完成了所有入市的必要手续,例如开户,人民币兑换和汇款等. 用英语说,就是在这4个月时间里,我们距离入场交易始终是 -- one click away -- 鼠标点击一下的距离. 在此,作为基金经理,对于过去几个月我们的投资”沉默期”,我的解释如下:
1). 我们始终距离我们的投资研发目标有一定的距离,在没有找到相对稳定的套利模型之前,贸然入市赌市场的方向,显然违背了本基金成立时”learn by practice” 的初衷.
2). 香港市场基本处于熊市阶段,从4月初至今恒生指数累计跌幅10%-15%,如果从最高点算起恒生指数累计跌幅更是高达30%以上.这样的市场,如果缺乏稳定的套利模型,显然是不适合中短线投资者生存的.
第二,本基金目前净值为港币110,002.55 元整.
第四,自2008年7月21日至2008年8月20日,为本基金自由赎回期. 基金持有人在上述阶段内可自由赎回手头持有的基金份额. 赎回采取成本法,即不考虑人民币对港币的最新兑换比率,不考虑梳回日基金的最新净值,所有基金持有人在上述日期内申请赎回都将等额获得基金成立时该基金持有人认购所付出的人民币金额. 为保障基金运作的连续性,本基金经理将无条件认购所有赎回的份额. (请诸位有赎回意向的基金持有人直接与Frank联系赎回事宜.)
第六,本基金下次赎回日期将是基金期满日期. 请各位基金持有人参阅签署的基金投资协议书.

 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-26 10:47:00 | 只看该作者

<37th week> Presented by Afei Feng and her team:

PC Project Debrief

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Thank you very much for the constant support to PC Project (Rural Young Women Entrepreneurship by CCTF).

With your support, we have smoothly finished the Phase I paper research, and Phase II site-visit. In the coming phase III (now to July 31), we would focus our energy on report drafting for potential investors.

Very sorry for the limited resources and incomplete communication, then some of you can not join in for this interesting and meaning project in Phase I and Phase II. Here we are glad to invite you to small lecture hall for the project sharing at 18:30 tomorrow (Mon, July 21) held by 6 team members who ever visited the county named Pingchang in Sichuan Province.

Your idea inputs and comments, esp. your participation to Phase III, are highly appreciated!

Yours Sincerely

Afei, Eric Z, Mia, Jessica, Forest , Sophia

 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-30 11:52:00 | 只看该作者

<38th week>

Friday Party Sharing (July 25th)

-family gathering

Last Friday we met with many alumni and welcomed our new professors, enjoying a soothing evening together in a fancy bar.

We have the honor of having Professor Wangjiang (王江), who is one of the high ranking Chinese economists in the world top 1000 list, to join the team. 

Following are some pictures shot at the occasion.




[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-2 18:06:57编辑过]


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发表于 2008-7-30 12:08:00 | 只看该作者
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