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gwd 29-3-6

发表于 2006-6-9 11:38:00 | 只看该作者

gwd 29-3-6

-Q3 to Q6:

      In a 1984 book, Claire C.

       Robertson argued that,

       before colonialism, age was

Line       a more important indicator

  (5)      of status and authority than

gender in Ghana and in

Africa generally.  British

colonialism imposed

European-style male-

 (10)      dominant notions upon

more egalitarian local

situations to the detriment

of women generally, and

gender became a defining

 (15)      characteristic that weak-

ened women’s power and


      Subsequent research in

Kenya convinced Robertson

 (20)      that she had overgeneralized

       about Africa.  Before colo-

       nialism, gender was more

salient in central Kenya than

it was in Ghana, although age

 (25)      was still crucial in determin-

ing authority.  In contrast with

Ghana, where women had

traded for hundreds of years

and achieved legal majority

 (30)      (not unrelated phenomena),

the evidence regarding

central Kenya indicated that

       women were legal minors

and were sometimes treated

                       as male property, as were

European women at that

time.  Factors like strong

patrilinearity and patrilocality,

      as well as women’s inferior

 (40)     land rights and lesser

involvement in trade, made

women more dependent on

men than was generally the

case in Ghana.  However,

 (45)      since age apparently

remained the overriding

principle of social organiza-

tion in central Kenya, some

senior women had much

 (50)      authority.  Thus, Robertson

revised her hypothesis

somewhat, arguing that

in determining authority in

precolonial Africa age was a

 (55)      primary principle that super-

seded gender to varying

degrees depending on the




The primary purpose of the passage is to


  1. present evidence undermining a certain hypothesis
  2. describe a particular position and its subsequent modification
  3. discuss two contrasting viewpoints regarding a particular issue
  4. describe how a social phenomenon varied by region
  5. evaluate an assumption widely held by scholars

Answer: B



The passage indicates that Robertson’s research in Kenya caused her to change her mind regarding which of the following?


  1. Whether age was the prevailing principle of social organization in Kenya before colonialism
  2. Whether gender was the primary determinant of social authority in Africa generally before colonialism
  3. Whether it was only after colonialism that gender became a significant determinant of authority in Kenyan society
  4. Whether age was a crucial factor determining authority in Africa after colonialism
  5. Whether British colonialism imposed European-style male-dominant notions upon local situations in Ghana




The passage suggests that after conducting the research mentioned in line 18, but not before, Robertson would have agreed with which of the following about women’s status and authority in Ghana?


  1. Greater land rights and greater involvement in trade made women in precolonial Ghana less dependent on men than were European women at that time.
  2. Colonialism had a greater impact on the status and authority of Ghanaian women than on Kenyan women.
  3. Colonialism had less of an impact on the status and authority of Ghanaian women that it had on the status and authority of other African women.
  4. The relative independence of Ghanaian women prior to colonialism was unique in Africa.
  5. Before colonialism, the status and authority of Ghanaian women was similar to that of Kenyan women.

Answer: B



The author of the passage mentions the status of age as a principle of social organization in precolonial central Kenya in lines 24-26 most likely in order to


  1. indicate that women’s dependence on men in precolonial Kenya was not absolute
  2. contrast the situation of senior women to that of less senior women in precolonial Kenyan society
  3. differentiate between the status and authority of precolonial Kenyan women and that of precolonial Ghanaian women
  4. explain why age superseded gender to a greater extent in precolonial Kenya than it did elsewhere in Africa
  5. identify a factor that led Robertson to revise her hypothesis about precolonial Africa

Answer: E



 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-20 19:44:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-7-16 03:56:00 | 只看该作者
i think it's A.
发表于 2006-8-14 13:04:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2006-8-14 13:23:00 | 只看该作者

第四道,文章都没有提到过after colonialism,一直都在说before怎么样怎么样 为什么是c呢

第五道,文章也没有提到过Colonialism 对妇女地位的影响,我觉得是A

 In contrast with

Ghana, where women had

traded for hundreds of years

and achieved legal majority

 (30)     (not unrelated phenomena),

the evidence regarding

central Kenya indicated that

      women were legal minors

and were sometimes treated

                      as male property, as were

European women at that

Factors like strong

patrilinearity and patrilocality,

     as well as women’s inferior

 (40)    land rights and lesser

involvement in trade, made

women more dependent on

men than was generally the case in Ghana.



发表于 2006-8-27 16:56:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-9-4 00:30:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-10-11 17:38:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2006-10-17 05:10:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用superPPDD在2006-8-14 13:23:00的发言:

第四道,文章都没有提到过after colonialism,一直都在说before怎么样怎么样 为什么是c呢

第五道,文章也没有提到过Colonialism 对妇女地位的影响,我觉得是A

 In contrast with

Ghana, where women had

traded for hundreds of years

and achieved legal majority

 (30)     (not unrelated phenomena),

the evidence regarding

central Kenya indicated that

      women were legal minors

and were sometimes treated

       as male property, as were

European women at that

Factors like strong

patrilinearity and patrilocality,

     as well as women’s inferior

 (40)    land rights and lesser

involvement in trade, made

women more dependent on

men than was generally the case in Ghana.



I chose D
发表于 2006-10-20 19:18:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用superPPDD在2006-8-14 13:23:00的发言:

第四道,文章都没有提到过after colonialism,一直都在说before怎么样怎么样 为什么是c呢

第五道,文章也没有提到过Colonialism 对妇女地位的影响,我觉得是A

 In contrast with

Ghana, where women had

traded for hundreds of years

and achieved legal majority

 (30)     (not unrelated phenomena),

the evidence regarding

central Kenya indicated that

      women were legal minors

and were sometimes treated

       as male property, as were

European women at that

Factors like strong

patrilinearity and patrilocality,

     as well as women’s inferior

 (40)    land rights and lesser

involvement in trade, made

women more dependent on

men than was generally the case in Ghana.



同問, 這篇文章搞的我暈頭轉向. 四題錯三題, 快掛了...

Q4: 請問這題答案到底在文中的哪裡定位呢?

答案 C. Whether
it was only after colonialism
that gender became a significant determinant of authority in Kenyan society  
可是文章都没有提到过after colonialism或是一些時間標誌詞阿?如何會選出這個答案?

Q5: after conducting...定位在第二段, 但並沒談到Colonialism的影響阿?如何能推出GK的比較?


還有一問, 第一段都在講G, before…..age is more
important than gender in Ghana然後又說"British colonialism imposed..more egalitarian…, and gender became a defining characteristic that weakened...-->到底是age還是genderG重要阿?

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