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[阅读小分队] 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—41系列】【41-11】科技 mHealth

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发表于 2014-9-11 12:45:10 | 只看该作者
Native Speaker
Facebook can deliver many ads into your phone screen , although this technology has already been used in PC. Facebook is investing a great deal of money in this business. people may not mind the intrusion because the service that facebook offer is already for free.
Timer2 3:35
we can download an APP to have our healthy data such as  heart rate and rhythm. The use of cell phones and wireless sensors  to gather and access health data has grown quickly in recent years. Mobile devices offer greatly attractive low-cost and are quite easy to opearate, they have the potential to bring a electronic doctor to home. For instance, electronic devices have transfer health date anywhere and anytime, it is convinient to know parients totally.  
Timer3 1:58
technology developers and application designer should pull together to estimate the new techonology in order to have a evidence base for benefits and risks that those electronic devices may bring about.
Privacy is also an issue that both developers and doctors should concer with. How to protect patients if their privacy was leaked out.  electronic devices are pretty usefull for most of their users, especially for children who have diseases of diabetes. Those children who have been monitored by automated system have better glycemic control and diabetes self-management skills than those who have not. \
Timer4 3:20  
Introduce some small devices that medical company invented, whose devices can do a lot of things for us, like  count thousands of red and white blood cells in seconds; screen urine for signs of kidney disease; spot viruses like HIV and influenza in a smear of blood; and test water for bacteria, parasites and toxic chemicals.
mobile health is thriving. small mobile devices are inexpensive sensors, low energy so they made it possible for patients and doctocts to gain all kinds of data to improve care. But among users who have downloaded the Apps, they use them no longer. A study has showed that after patients use those monitoring devices for some time, the blood sugar control improved significantly . The mobile hearlth device is successful on two counts: partients become healthier and  the cost of caring for them is low.
发表于 2014-9-11 16:54:15 | 只看该作者
Time 2  03:59.32
Iphone has a new facility health app. This software can help research better monitor patients’ daily behavior and provide more data to the research.
Time 3  01:50.75
It is difficult to protect the privacy of consumers when the app provide data for research. But the users of mhealth app have a better management of themselves than people who do not use it.
Time 4  05:30
Doctor created a device that can get detail information of the body when he scan it around a man. The doctor’s goal is to make the device cheaper and smaller.
Time 5 03:49.01
A scientist made an app that can detect some micro material we can not see with our eyes. This app installed on the phone can conveniently collect global data about pollution. The scientist hope the app become more and more convenient and cheap.
Time 6  05:09.65
Many people have a high expectation that the health app will reform the medical method, but this reform does not appear. But this app also has many benefits.
Remaining 02:05.39
The app opens some paying facilities that patients can call to the nurse for instruction of health. But its is important that we should notice sharing information via app is illegal in some countries.
Time 7    09:10.47
The app does not has such a good market as people expected, many people do not choose to use it or stop using after a while. It shows that the app still exists some questions. But it indeed has many benefits, it not only provide information,but also decrease cost of patients visiting doctors. The app has some challenges which should be overcome, but we don not need to worry about the trouble of privacy.
发表于 2014-9-11 20:03:23 | 只看该作者
Timer2 361
The mhealth apps bring the biology science research to a new stage.
Nowadays, there are more and more apps designed to record biology features such as cardiac.
This kind of data are more privilege to traditional research data conducted from lab. It is not only more convenient, but also more reliable.
The apps make the cost of accumulating these kind of data drop significantly.
The combination of the data between daily record and GPS tech can serve the research with more purpose.
Timer3 220
risk and benefits.
The potential risk of privacy breach.
The way to treat these software: not the toys, but an effective tool to record the information. The research shows that the data collect from more self managed patient are more helpful for them than those who don’t.
Timer4 433
Describe the tool used in star trek. That tool can be used for everything regarding health. Everything from counting white cells to allergy detection.
In the lab of UCLA, the prof is trying to hack everything into small staff from our daily life. Such as Walkman, or Nokia phone. Now the cellphone is the one to be hacked. He is aiming to utilize the small stuff to help us in our daily life.
Timer5 421
The experience provided by postdoc.
The author and the postdoc went to a place, using a small device to detect the mercury in the water and get the result. The huge advantage from cost perspective, and a new way to utilize this technology not only detect the water, but also share with the global system just like google maps does.
The goal of the prof is to use this idea to detect those unseen stuff in the water, in the air...
Timer6 375
The company named “better” is designing a new app to bring the user to the doctor.
This raise the topic of the success of e-health apps. The data is disappointing, the number of people using devices to record their health data are not increasing from 2010 to early 2013. (a program launched by Google is also shut down recently). People complain that there is really no successful apps for ehealth application.
Better is trying to change this fact, they find the reason the complaint arise, and try to solve it.
Obstacle 1007
Moblie-health apps are thriving.
The smartphone make it easier to collect the health related data. But in reality, the utilization is not promising. Half of the apps are stopped to be used. According to consulting firm.
Two drawbacks: lack of precision, and no motivation for patients.
But some program give pay off. A program on tracking diabetes found that those who use the apps, interacting with doctor, perform better in controlling their sugar rate. In addition, some program regarding chronicle disease perform better.
The success is from two perspective: first, it helps patient. Second, it reduce the cost. The same program, which save patient 1000-2000, cost 300 dollars.
UCSF also initiate the moble device, encouraging doctor to utilize the mobile device. They are waiting to move to next level.
However, the tech is tricky.
But each problem is going to be fade away, such as privacy issue, there is no one concerned on the leaking of their health data now.
发表于 2014-9-12 10:38:03 | 只看该作者
02:13 mobile health apps help to  to offer health related data to the lab in a convenient way
01:03 mHealth should be managed well in order to be useful for the research issue
02:12 what Ozcan can do to inspect the health condition
02:17 the experimental test in Ozcan and its goal
03:37 最后两个合在一起了 a new app concerned with health issue will be carried out called Better and there are still many problems waited to be solved in order to reach success
07:00 health apps really give financial benefits and offer convenience to patients and doctors. However, there are still unsolved problems concerned with inspection issues and information provided and more things should be done in order to make more people use apps.

发表于 2014-9-12 15:50:37 | 只看该作者
Even though people have already accepted the ads of Facebook on their PC screen, we don't know whether they mind these ads on their mobilephone.

There is not only advantage but also disadvantage in the popular mHealth apps. The advantage is that we can use such apps to monitor the situation of patients, gather useful health data for researches and early detect and warn systems for outbreaks of illness. And the disadvantage is that by using these apps, the privicy and security of our health data may be divulged.

At first, the author makes an analogy between tricorder in episode one of Star Trek and devices invented by Ozcan in UCLA engineering labs. And then the author begins to introduce these devices, such as what are they used to and the history of them. Second, the author recalls the moment when he visited Ozcan during a week in January. He specifically introduce a device of Ozcan, a mercury detection, which is less expensive and easier than similar tests to detect the dense of mercury in the water. At last, the author mentions some other use of Ozcan's devices in the daily life.

A company invents a apps named Better. Even though so many obstacles, such as the security of collecting health data, the trust of users, and the elusive business model, are on the way, the company still be confident that it can generate revenue through this app. And then, the author mentions how the company will make money and shares the concern of Baker about this app.

In the beginning of the passage, the author mentions some problems that the health apps face. After that, he illustrates one app used to increase activity among patients with diatbetes as a successful example. Then he concludes that the mobile tech can not only overhaul the disease but also lower the fees for which patients have to pay. The health apps also have an effect on doctors. At last, the author mentions the concern of privicy of patients' health data.
发表于 2014-9-13 09:16:22 | 只看该作者
谢谢cherry, 我喜欢手机有这个功能:)

Speaker: Facebook make money by ads in both web page and mobile. Though mobile ads in a little difficult, it has figured out the way to show ads.

Time 2: 2’28
Time 3: forget
Time 4: 2:52
Time 5: 2:41
Time 6: forget..

Obstacle: 5:50

Time 2: mHealth technology on mobile is good for owner and research. Researchers can easily get accurate and comprehensive data.

Time 3: Such a good technology needs three aspects to work together to design. How to protect the data privacy and security is problem and make many people unwilling to join. Here give us a sample for a child joining this project. the child is better than those who do not join the program.

Time 4: Small phone can do the health check.

Time 5: How one Samsun mobile detect data under water.

Time 6: Health better app try to better manage people’s health. But people are not willing to join and give out many complaints. But the future is promising in helping people.

Obstacle: Mobile with health monitoring function is under development. Compared to the existing health monitoring tools, data cannot be fully used. With health data collected timely and accurately, people will benefit a lot. Though there is no perfect design for health monitoring tools, it will be perfect to meet people’s needs.

发表于 2014-9-13 10:15:50 | 只看该作者
time2 2'49
The new mHealth tech has brought a great innovation to the mecidal science. The researchers or clinics can obtain high-quality data from the little health-devices.
time3 1'42
The privacy and security of the health-data of participants are challenges to the tech. Also , the author hold that many people just treat the healthy app as a toy rather than a efficient way of organising their health problem.
time4 3'14
UCLA professor has created little devices that can be put on the back of smart phones and tract personal health data.
time5 2'53
Ozan show the author how a little device can see what a person can not see and how the device can analyse the sample quickly. The device can really help people avoid the health threats in the dailylife and also help provide latest data of the disease or spread of epidemics. The Ozan's goal is to chart a global map of invisible disease.
time6 and remain 4'6
A health app tech company Better is creating an app to enable people who use it to get access to doctors, keep tract of their body problems and store health data. However, the estimate booming of use of such kind of app has not appeared during the last 3 years. The patients complain that the tech company should creat something really useful. And now the Better is doing its best to iron out the legal details and improve its app functions.

Obstacles 7'47
The health-app do not popularize among people as previously thought. Tech inprecision may be one reason, and people do not like this kind of app could be another main reason. Some study shows that great use of health app combining with devices not only can bring overhaul health problem for people but also provide sufficient financial benefits. However, the challenge still exists in the tech. Besides, the privacy problem may not be such serious for many.
发表于 2014-9-13 11:08:29 | 只看该作者
发表于 2014-9-13 17:55:18 | 只看该作者
发表于 2014-9-14 10:26:22 | 只看该作者


health apps
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