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发表于 2011-10-29 12:03:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

54. It is true that it is against international law to sell plutonium to countries that do not yet have nuclear weapons. But if United States companies do not do so, companies in other countries will.

Which of the following is most like the argument above in its logical structure?

(A) It is true that it is against the police department’s policy to negotiate with kidnappers. But if the police want to prevent loss of life, they must negotiate in some cases.
B) it is true that it is illegal to refuse to register for military service. But there is a long tradition in the United States of conscientious objection to serving in the armed forces.
(C) It is true that it is illegal for a government official to participate in a transaction in which there is an apparent conflict of interest. But if the facts are examined carefully, it will clearly be seen that there was no actual conflict of interest in the defendant’s case.
(D) It is true that it is against the law to burglarize people’s homes. But someone else certainly would have
burglarized that house if the defendant had not done so first.
(E) It is true that company policy forbids supervisors to fire employees without two written warnings. But there have been many supervisors who have disobeyed this policy.

55. In recent years many cabinetmakers have been winning acclaim as artists. But since furniture must be useful, cabinetmakers must exercise their craft with an eye to the practical utility of their product. For this reason, cabinetmaking is not art.

Which of the following is an assumption that supports drawing the conclusion above from the reason given for that conclusion?

(A) Some furniture is made to be placed in museums, where it will not be used by anyone.
(B) Some cabinetmakers are more concerned than others with the practical utility of the products they
(C) Cabinetmakers should be more concerned with the practical utility of their products than they currently are.
(D) An object is not an art object if its maker pays attention to the object’s practical utility.
(E) Artists are not concerned with the monetary value of their products.

56. Although custom prosthetic bone replacements produced through a new computer-aided design process will cost more than twice as much as ordinary replacements, custom replacements should still be cost-effective. Not only will surgery and recovery time be reduced, but custom replacements should last longer, thereby reducing the need for further hospital stays.

Which of the following must be studied in order to evaluate the argument presented above?

(A) The amount of time a patient spends in surgery versus the amount of time spent recovering from surgery
(B) The amount by which the cost of producing custom replacements has declined with the introduction of the new technique for producing them
(C)The degree to which the use of custom replacements is likely to reduce the need for repeat surgery when
compared with the use of ordinary replacements
(D) The degree to which custom replacements produced with the new technique are more carefully
manufactured than are ordinary replacements
(E) The amount by which custom replacements produced with the new technique will drop in cost as the
production procedures become standardized and applicable on a larger scale

57. Extinction is a process that can depend on a variety of ecological, geographical, and physiological variables. These variables affect different species of organisms in different ways, and should, therefore, yield a random pattern of extinctions. However, the fossil record shows that extinction occurs in a surprisingly definite pattern, with many species vanishing at the same time.

Which of the following, if true, forms the best basis for at least a partial explanation of the patterned extinctions revealed by the fossil record?

(A) Major episodes of extinction can result from widespread environmental disturbances that affect numerous different species.
(B) Certain extinction episodes selectively affect organisms with particular sets of characteristics unique to
their species.
(C) Some species become extinct because of accumulated gradual changes in their local environments.
(D) In geologically recent times, for which there is no fossil record, human intervention has changed the
pattern of extinctions.
(E) Species that are widely dispersed are the least likely to become extinct.

16.The rise of multinational corporations is leading to globalhomogeneity*. Because people everywhere are beginning to want the same productsand services, regional differences are rapidly disappearing. (71) 6
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-29 12:20:58 | 只看该作者
The argument in the passage acknowledges that a certain action contravenes a law, but it presents an excuse for the action by presupposing that someone will inevitably break this law. Only choice D shares all these features, and is thus the best answer.
In Choice A, an excuse is presented for contravening a stated policy. However, unlike in the passage and choice D, there is no presupposition that the policy will inevitably be contravened. Similarly, choices B and E report that illegal activities have occurred, without presupposing that they inevitably will. Choice C describes a case as being one to which the law that is stated is inapplicable.

The argument concludes that cabinetmaking is not an art because cabinetmakers must consider the practical utility of their products. If it is true that an object is not a work of art if its maker pays attention to the object’s practical utility, as choice D says, the conclusion is supported. Thus, choice D is the best answer.
The argument is concerned with whether or not the cabinetmakers must take the practical utility of their products into consideration, not with either their monetary value (choice E) or what actually happens to them (choice A).
The argument is not concerned with precise degree to which individual cabinetmakers take the practical utility of cabinets into consideration. Thus, neither B nor C is appropriate.

Although costly to produce, custom bone replacements are tentatively projected to be cost-effective because of other savings. To evaluate the argument it must be determined whether these savings will compensate for the increased cost. Thus, study of the expected reduction in the need for further hospital stays is needed, and choice C is the best answer.
The argument requires no study of the ratio between surgery and recovery time, so choice A is inappropriate. Past and future changes in cost are irrelevant to evaluating an argument that is based on the currently projected cost, so choices B and E are inappropriate. Finally, since studying the care with which the custom replacements are made does not itself provide information about costs, choice D is also incorrect.

Choice A, the best answer, asserts that some environmental disturbances can be so widespread as to cause the extinction of numerous species. This fact helps to explain why the fossil record frequently shows many species becoming extinct at the same time, despite the variety of factors that can cause a species to become extinct.
None of the other choices explain how numerous extinctions could have occurred simultaneously in the past. Choice B explains why sometimes only a very limited range of species become extinct. Choice C explains how some individual species become extinct. Choice D explains why the modern period is unlike the period of the fossil record, and choice E states which species are least likely to become extinct.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-29 12:21:30 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-10-29 13:16:18 | 只看该作者



56.costs of process: c-r>o-r
    c-r:time will be reduced, last longer-->reduce the need for further stays

A.the comparison of the amount of time between surgery and recovery is irrelevant.
B.producing procedure is irrelevant.
D.the careful  producing procedure is irrelevant
E.outside of scope

57.the variables yield a random pattern of extinction, however, record shows a definite pattern that may species vanishing at the same time.

B.selective effect cannot explain that may species vanishing at the same time. some v.s. many
C.the choice cannot  explain "the same time" fossil record is irrelevant
E.the possibility of extinction is irrelevant
 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-30 01:22:25 | 只看该作者



56.costs of process: c-r>o-r
    c-r:time will be reduced, last longer-->reduce the need for further stays

A.the comparison of the amount of time between surgery and recovery is irrelevant.
B.producing procedure is irrelevant.
D.the careful  producing procedure is irrelevant
E.outside of scope

57.the variables yield a random pattern of extinction, however, record shows a definite pattern that may species vanishing at the same time.

B.selective effect cannot explain that may species vanishing at the same time. some v.s. many
C.the choice cannot  explain "the same time" fossil record is irrelevant
E.the possibility of extinction is irrelevant
-- by 会员 bonfin (2011/10/29 13:16:18)

 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-30 12:36:30 | 只看该作者
P: It's true that the international law against the country sells P to countries without nuclear power yet.
C: However, other countries will do so if US doesn't do so.
P: Other countries will sell P to countries without nuclear power no matter US does so or not.
A: D

(A) It is true that it is against the police department’s policy to negotiate with kidnappers. But if the police want to prevent loss of life, they must negotiate in some cases.
--> not parallel
B) it is true that it is illegal to refuse to register for military service. But there is a long tradition in the United States of conscientious objection to serving in the armed forces.
--> not parallel
(C) It is true that it is illegal for a government official to participate in a transaction in which there is an apparent conflict of interest. But if the facts are examined carefully, it will clearly be seen that there was no actual conflict of interest in the defendant’s case.
--> not parallel
(D) It is true that it is against the law to burglarize people’s homes. But someone else certainly would have burglarized that house if the defendant had not done so first.
--> yeah
(E) It is true that company policy forbids supervisors to fire employees without two written warnings. But there have been many supervisors who have disobeyed this policy.
--> not parallel
发表于 2011-10-30 12:44:40 | 只看该作者
D  --》 A
没有注意到no fossil record 无关
发表于 2011-10-30 19:44:21 | 只看该作者

-- by 会员 fox0923 (2011/10/29 12:03:36)

发表于 2011-10-30 23:09:01 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-31 05:31:54 | 只看该作者
P: Cabinets are winning as art.
C: However, cabinets are viewed as utility, so the cabinetmaking is not art.
A: The work is not art if it's viewed with utility function.
A: D

P: The new technique with CAD design will cost more.
C: However, the new technique is better because it can reduce the time and makes the replacement of patients last longer.
E: Whether the new technique can reduce the frequency of surgery?
A: C

P: These variables of species extinct in different ways, so they should yield random patterns of different ways.
C: However, these species are found to extinct simultaneously.
E: Find the similarity or same consequence that these different patterns shared.
A: A
(A) Major episodes of extinction can result from widespread environmental disturbances that affect numerous different species.
--> contender!
(B) Certain extinction episodes selectively affect organisms with particular sets of characteristics unique to
their species.
--> if it's unique, then these species should not extinct at the same time. WEAKEN!
(C) Some species become extinct because of accumulated gradual changes in their local environments.
--> some species(X), the passage does not mention some species.
(D) In geologically recent times, for which there is no fossil record, human intervention has changed the
pattern of extinctions.
--> human intervention is not mentioned in the passage. AND even though human intervention changed the pattern of extinction, this cannot conclude the way how it changed the extinction.
(E) Species that are widely dispersed are the least likely to become extinct.
--> species that are widely dispersed...., this is only limited to specific species. Not con vincible.
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