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发表于 2011-7-1 01:32:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

The Earth’s rivers constantly carry dissolved salts into its oceans.Clearly, therefore, by taking the resulting increase in salt levels in the oceans over the past hundred years and then determining how many centuries of such increases it would have taken the oceans to reach current salt levels from a hypothetical initial salt-free state, the maximum age of the Earth’s oceans can be accurately estimated.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.The quantities of dissolved salts deposited by rivers in the Earth’s oceans have not been unusually large during the past hundred years.

B.At any given time, all the Earth’s rivers have about the same salt levels.

C.There are salts that leach into the Earth’s oceans directly from the ocean floor.

D.There is no method superior to that based on salt levels for estimating the maximum age of the Earth’s oceans.

E.None of the salts carried into the Earth’s oceans by rivers are used up by biological activity in the oceans.


Denoma, a major consumer-electronics maker, had a sizeable decline in sales revenue for its most recent fiscal year.This result appears surprising, because electronics retailers report that although their overall sales were considerably lower than in the previous year, their sales revenue from Denoma models actually grew, largely thanks to some innovative and popular models that Denoma introduced.

Which of the following, if true, does most to explain the apparently surprising result?

A.Because of the need to educate the public about its new models’ capabilities, Denoma’s advertising spending was higher than normal over the period.

B.For the period at issue, Denoma’s major competitors reported declines in revenue that were, in percentage terms, greater than Denoma’s.

C.A significant proportion of Denoma’s revenue comes from making components for other consumer-electronics manufacturers.

D.Unlike some of its major competitors, Denoma has no lines of business outside consumer electronics to provide revenue when retail sales of consumer electronics are weak.

E.During the period, consumer-electronics retailers sold remaining units of Denoma’s superseded models at prices that were deeply discounted from those models’ original prices.

这题的答案是C,小弟选的E,不明白为什么不行?E中说那些零售商所销售的Denoma's model是以前留下来的(remaining),所以就不是在current period里从Denoma那里购买来的,所以说零售商的销售额上升了并不代表Denoma在当期的销售额上升了。不能这样理解吗?求大神指点!!谢谢


Denoma, a major consumer-electronics maker, had a sizeable decline in sales revenue for its most recent fiscal year.This result appears surprising, because electronics retailers report that although their overall sales were considerably lower than in the previous year, their sales revenue from Denoma models actually grew, largely thanks to some innovative and popular models that Denoma introduced.

Which of the following, if true, does most to explain the apparently surprising result?

A.Because of the need to educate the public about its new models’ capabilities, Denoma’s advertising spending was higher than normal over the period.

B.For the period at issue, Denoma’s major competitors reported declines in revenue that were, in percentage terms, greater than Denoma’s.

C.A significant proportion of Denoma’s revenue comes from making components for other consumer-electronics manufacturers.

D.Unlike some of its major competitors, Denoma has no lines of business outside consumer electronics to provide revenue when retail sales of consumer electronics are weak.

E.During the period, consumer-electronics retailers sold remaining units of Denoma’s superseded models at prices that were deeply discounted from those models’ original prices.

这题的答案是C,小弟选的E,不明白为什么不行?E中说那些零售商所销售的Denoma's model是以前留下来的(remaining),所以就不是在current period里从Denoma那里购买来的,所以说零售商的销售额上升了并不代表Denoma在当期的销售额上升了。不能这样理解吗?求大神指点!!谢谢
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发表于 2011-7-1 09:00:56 | 只看该作者

第二题, 首先E错误, 因为题干明确说到“零售商的收入主要来源于新产品”,而E中是“废弃产品(Superseded)”;这道题的困境是“如果生产商的收入仅来自于其单一产品的销售,那么很自然,零售商的收入升高也会带来生产商的收入增长”,但是“假设生产商的收入90%来自赌博,10%来自产品销售,很显然,如果90%的收入来源没了,那么即使全部产品都销售掉,总收入还是会下降。”这就是C的正确理由。
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