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[SC总结] OG11 SC总结 请大家踊跃拍砖!!

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发表于 2006-9-8 16:48:00 | 只看该作者

OG11 SC总结 请大家踊跃拍砖!!

这是第二遍的总结.欢迎过路者拍,!!(有什么建议都可以, 那怕只是一个语法点都绝对欢迎!) 我的总结一定有很多很多不完善和错误之处,恳请大家指教!! 偶先谢了!   (说明: OG11黄皮书)

 GMAT SC 总结(GMAC制定的游戏规则)


1.       主谓一致

2.       平行&结构

3.       动词时态

4.       代词&指代

5.       表达准确(not awkward

6.       比较&对比

7.       惯用词组

8.       修饰(分词、动名词、定语从句、同位语、插入语、独立主格等等)

9.       逻辑正确、清晰

10.   简洁(not wordy

11.   措辞精确

12.   几个专题(虚拟语气、被动语态、of & ’sbeingthere be

13.   句法

14.   未划线的部分注意些什么?

15.   对于选项的观察

16.   解题步骤与技巧的小节(需要在做题时积累)

17.   需要纠正的错误观点

 一、        主谓一致

名词+ 介词短语后的谓语动词与
名词保持一致  (OG11, 1)

名词+ ,..., ” 结构后的谓语动词与名词保持一致  (OG11,3; 9)

“v-ing +名词,”v-ing作定语, 则其后的谓语动词与名词保持一致  (OG11:8)


: OG11: 21(Paleontologists believe that fragments
   of a primate
jawbone unearthed in Burma and estimated to be 40 to 44 million years old
   provide evidence of
a crucial step along the evolutionary path that led to human beings.);

   to equalize the funds available to school districts, a major goal of education reformers and many states in the 1970's, have not significantly reduced the gaps existing between the richest and poorest districts.

41(While larger banks can afford to maintain their own data-processing operations, many smaller regional and community banks are finding that the costs
   associated with upgrading data-processing equipment and with the development and maintenance of new products and technical staff
   are prohibitive.

61(Since 1986 enrollments
   of African Americans, American Indians, and Hispanic Americans in full-time engineering programs in the United States
   have steadily increased, while the number of other students entering the field has fallen.

90(The resulting flow pattern, with crests and troughs that remain stationary although the air that forms them is moving rapidly, is known as
   "standing waves."

108(The first decision for most tenants living in a building undergoing conversion to cooperative ownership is whether to sign a no-buy pledge with the other tenants.);

138(The direction in which the Earth and the other solid planets-Mercury, Venus, and Mars-spin
was determined from collisions with giant celestial bodies in the early history of the solar system.

或者用together with, along with 等短语来迷惑考生, OG11: 3

(5) “A and B”结构后的谓语是复数的; OG11: 52; 138; or连接的主语词组是单数 OG11: 67(if criminal or delinquent behavior is attributed to…)

(6) n.的最后有-s的为复数名词 OG11:69(dioxins); GMAT中一个名词的谓语是单数还是复数只取决于该名词有没有写成复数形式 OG11: 84(Agency)(强烈关注反例) 特例: OG11:65中的citrus 看起来像复数,其实是单数(文中没有提示的词语)

(7) many of Ns.+V. 动词V.应该为复数,因为主语是many. OG11: 69;

(8) “A of B”结构的中心词为A; 所以, “A of B”结构做主语时A是真正的主语.  OG11: 61; 103

(9)v-ing短语作主语,则谓语用单数 OG11: 73(题干); 99

(10) nucleinuclear的复数.  OG11: 104

二、        平行&结构

) 总纲:

平行的目的是为了结构清晰而更容易理解,如同OG11: 123OG: The comparison between Holland and the United States
    is not clear because it is not parallel. ;
有时甚至为了追求对称将固定词组拆开 OG11: 130(“in childhood”插入到“die of”中间,且没用双逗号.);但有个大前提就是句意(逻辑)上必须正确,GMAC会拿形式上的平行、好看,掩盖句意上的荒谬.要留心.: OG11: 136A

平行有两个层面: 形式层面
包括:主被动一致OG11:66;时态上的一致 OG11:136CDE(OG说: To maintain parallelism, the verbs must be receives ... declines ... regains)
含义层面 OGParallelism requires that the same word forms perform the same functions in the sentence.”(OG65)

划线处紧前有一个and, 则平行结构必为考点. OG11: 13;91;119;129 也有紧跟在划线后的OG11: 46;

例如OG11:103E(to cost less is confusing because it seems to parallel to deliver) 其实很多选项都是因为结构不够清晰而被排除,因为不清晰的结构让人难以理解或产生歧异,故意思也不清晰.结构清晰,平行优先.OG11: 120体会结构(主干)和修饰语位置的重要性.可以看出在主干不好的情况下, 修饰语的位置再做调整也无法使句意明朗. The subject and verb 的作用在于immediately identify the focus of the clause.

) 各种平行结构及其规则

1.       “A and B”
   “A, B, and C”
两者中各要素需完全对称! 并且and一定要有.


     该结构并非一定是平行结构,and 有时仅起连接作用(e.g.OG11,13中“since 1969 and Camille”;81;113题干的开头: The original building and loan associations were…);但作为平行结构时,A,B 需要完全对称

     重复的部分能不能省略的问题: 其实不论省去什么都是为了简洁,但省后如果使结构不清晰,而造成句子理解上的困难,则不省为好.不能省的:1) that从句OG11:69D(n.that…and that…),此时,第二个that不能省去,因为结构不够清晰; OG11: 137(第一个announcement比较长,使得并列不明显,
   the addition
of that
before its business would creates another parallel clause associated with announced and clarifies that there is a second announcement.) 2)to do结构 OG11,115E(OG说:本题to是可以省的,但重复to可以加强体现平行结构.)88C(不定式作与主句分离的修饰成分);可以省的: 1)that从句OG11:92(题中 “ordered that the levels…be measured and (that) the results (be) published” that和be都被省去,很清晰);2)to do结构 OG11,70E(enough to affect…and (to) induce…);3)用完成式时的对称: “have done and done”OG11,78;4)对于助动词的使用:OG11:56(would rise…and (would) act…); 91(would grant X and (would省略) penalize Y)

     “A and B”and的作用,OGThe conjunction and is necessary to show that the two effects (or actions) are equal and separate.重点注意separate.OG11: 89C(A,B之间不能有包含关系,separate.)

     “S.,修饰语,V1…,and V2…”(V2的动作发出者仍是S.)

     “V1 and V2”结构表达两个动作在顺序上的先后不明显, 用“V1 and then V2”比较好 OG11: 113C

     “A and B”中A,B是两个名词时,对称需要更精确 OG11:119 (体会两个adjective-noun form的经典对称)

     as…as与and结合的并列: as clear and as concisely expressed as possible(出自OG11, 129的解释)


  1) to do, (to) do and (to) do.  OG11: 11       

2) that…, (that)… and (that)….

    3)…can…,…(can)… and …(can)….(can代表情态动词)

括号内的共存亡.原则:当平行非常明显时, 要省去. OG11: 11

“S.+ V1…, V2… and V3…”结构中,V3前不能有指代主语S.的代词. OG11: 127

“V1…to V2, V3… and V4…”结构,虽然V3和V4前没有to,但它们优先与V2对称,而非V1. OG11: 127

“S.+V.+O1.,O2.,and O3.”结构要注意V.的意思及其作用范围.OG11: 134D(The verb reduced
applies to all three parallel elements, so inserting lowered
before fatigue illogically suggests that fatigue actually increased.)

特别指出: 1) 两个以上从句的对称也遵循上面两种结构 OG11: 136 BCD(n. who…, but whose…; n. who…, who…and who…)

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-29 15:38:45编辑过]
发表于 2006-9-8 16:49:00 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-8 16:49:00 | 只看该作者

2) “状语, SV1…, and SV2…状语而不是SV1…状语, and SV2…状语”OG11: 46CD,大概是因为前一种结构更体现两个句子的对称, 句意清晰, 因为第二个S是代词, 且第一个状语很长.

1.        平行时,最高级的两种使用: the 不可以省略e.g. OG11: 13
the tenth most intense hurricane to hit the United States mainland in the twentieth century and the most intense since Camille in 1969.”(the后会有歧义, the tenth most intense since Camille in 1969?) the 可以省略 e.g. the most frightening and most intense

2.        and 换成or 的情况:
在否定句中(NOT; NO) OG11: 14

表选择: 排他性选择 (e.g. M or F) OG11: 82 程度不同的选择

3.       “A do, so too do B. ” too 后的do (be 动词也包括) 不要省略. OG11: 18C

4.       小平行 (某些小处也会要求平行): OG11: 32 (inflation
                eased when it
                might have been expected to rise) (
此处也是小对比)有颜色处是平行的; its 放在这里替换it就不对.

5.       有时虽然考察平行结构很容易看出,但结构本身可能并不容易分析, 这时选项有可能会给出提示: OG11: 35就存在词性分析的问题 (A选项放到句中是:Federal authorities involved in the investigation have found the local witnesses are difficult to
, reticent, and are
            suspicious of strangers.
) “are”虽然不该有,但在reticent不认识的情况下,提示了suspiciousadj.或者n.,所以suspicious不与locate (difficult to之后必为v.)并列,只能与difficult并列.(注意: OG说紫色的部分算是平行的); 47(staying与谁对称?)

6.       分词的对称并不要求都为现分或都为过分,只要是两者中的任意一种即可,但必须是分词,不能是其他任何成分. OG11: 39; 60的题干中: despite后面

7.       介词有时有必要补出, 否则会有歧义 OG11: 47ACD(by)

8.       to do is(系动词) to do 要求对称 e.g. The only way to know is to take the plungeOG11: 65;

9.       either…or… / neither…nor… / not only…but also…要求对称(The word, phrase, or clause that follows one half of the pair must be parallel to that which follows the other half.);:这三者中间均无逗号隔开.OG11: 84; 106

10.    both…and…既可以连接两个名词,也可以连接两个动词. E.g. She can both speak and write Japanese. OG11: 112CE

11.    “A of B1, B2, and B3”结构 OG11: 61


1. 各种时态的作用及表达的含义


indicating that the
动作或者事件 is
即发生在过去的某个时间; OG : Past tense indicates a completed event. 


OG: Used with has or have, the present perfect tense describes an action that occurred at an indefinite time in the past or that began in the past and continues into the present

e.g. 1) I have traveled all over the world(at an indefinite time);

    2) He has gone to school since he was five years old(Continues into the present)

有两种基本用法: 已完成用法
未完成用法.无论哪种用法,现在完成时所表示的意义都与现在时间有联系,因此都不能与表示确定的过去时间的状语连用.这是一条重要的规则! 但当过去时间的状语由since(连词或介词)引导,就不受此限. E.g. I have known him since 1960.

1) “已完成用法: 表示动作或过程发生在说话之前某个没有明确指出的过去时间,现在已经完成,并与现在的情况有联系(:其影响持续到今天). 2) “未完成用法: 表示动作或状态从过去的某时开始,继续到现在,也可能继续下去,也可能刚刚结束.(OG:
现在完成时describes action that began in the past and continues into the present.):OG11: 1; 9; 95D; 131B

这个时态也暗含时间上的先后顺序OG11: 63; 81(强烈关注)

标志词: 1) Since +时间
用现在完成时 OG11: 61 (注意: since 此时是介词);


(1)   表达“科研成果、统计(资料)表明”要用一般现在时 OG 113

(2)   “Sb. generally V. that…” that从句中的时态为一般现在时   OG11: 55


OG:1) Present progressive: Used with amisor are, this verb form describes an ongoing action that is happening now. 2) Past progressive: Used with was or were, this verb form describes something that was happening when another action occurredE.g. the student was studying when the fire alarm rang

进行时 (现在进行和过去进行两种) 侧重于动作的进行,而不是它的完成. GMAT中进行时很少作为正确选项 OG11: 55CDE; 101B  找到了反例:OG11: 118(顺便体会现在分词做定语的含义: The sentence reveals an ongoing situation (the economy is becoming...), so the use of the present progressive tense (are lacking in) in place of the present tense (lack) is appropriate.)


OG: This verb form is used with had to show the order of two events that took place in the past.

e.g. By the time I left for schoolthe cake had been baked(by表达之前的意思.)

表达过去的过去”,暗含两个过去发生的动作在时间上的对比和先后顺序; 通常这种对比和差异是要强调的,或者说是句意表达上的需要.OG11: 58C; 76的解释: “Two periods in time are
compared, and the verbs must reflect the difference. The period before 1986 requires the past perfect, had confronted, because it is the earlier of the two; the period beginning in 1986 requires the simple past, confronted, because it is the later.” 137(The sentence must clarify that the analysts held their expectations before the company's announcement. That is, it must use the past perfect tense had expected to show action prior to the past tense of announced.)只要题目中出现一个过去完成式的动作A,又有一个或几个一般过去式的动作B(,C…),即表明A是在B(,C…)之前发生的. OG11, 86: “
The past perfect had moved indicates action completed before the action in the simple past were aired.有时虽然在时间上两个动作是一前一后发生的, 但句意上并不强调两者的差异, 而是强调两者的一致(都是发生在过去), 则都使用一般过去时即可.OG11: 135(beginculminate;本题and也要求两者的时态要一致)


OG11: 137E (the future perfect tense (will have improved) that implies the action will be completed rather than ongoing.:将来完成时强调动作将被完成, 而非动作将continuing.)

2. 一个句子中各个动词的时态一般情况下要求连贯一致 (consistent), 除非有明确的时间状语或者是句意上的需要.OG11: 7

3. 有时候句子中的时态可能会很怪,这种情况下一般时态不作为考点,即五个选项在时态上是一致的;考察的是其他知识点。如OG11:32 (一般过去时与现在完成时混用)

4.句子中提示时态的词很重要 OG11:77(last year出现在划线部分之外,且较隐蔽)

5. if引导的Conditional constructions require specific verb tenses. For a past condition, the subordinate clause introduced by if uses the past indicative, and the main clause uses the conditional:
if x happened, then y would happen.OG11:57;
if clause uses the
present tense, the main clause must use the future tense.OG11: 126; if引导的条件句在有些情况下并不满足
            “If x happens, y will happen.”
            “Y will happen if x happens first.”
句型.比如:OG11: 8: Rising inventories,
if not accompanied by corresponding increases in sales, can lead to production cutbacks that would hamper economic growth. (做插入部分;if从句的主语和主句的主语一致); 67(Defense attorneys have occasionally argued that their clients' misconduct stemmed from a reaction to something ingested, but if criminal or delinquent behavior is attributed to an allergy to some food, the perpetrators are in effect told that they are not responsible for their actions.)

6. without…= if X does not happen, 二者时态要求一致, 后面同样可以 Y will not / will happen.; without sth.和主句之间没有逗号.OG11: 57B. 当然也有不接的情况: OG11: 1(在题干中)

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-21 20:00:58编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-8 16:51:00 | 只看该作者

四、代词&指代  (:关于which that的总结放到了修饰里面)

1.When a number of words intervene between a pronoun and its referent,代词的指代错误经常就此产生. 此时一定要分析清划线处的代词到底指代的是谁(有时会离得非常远). (OG11, 5)

2.一个句子中, 代词先于主句主语出现, 应指代主句主语; 否则, 会出现指代不清的问题. OG11: 20B

3.代词的指代要注意单复数的问题. OG11: 43 (it)

4.一句话中相同的代词(形式可以不一)必须指代同一的事物 OG11: 50(it); 81(they; 理解句意的关键) ;111A; 137(it; 不然会使句子confusing)(强烈关注反例)

5.使用名词(往往是新名词)来替换代词是GMAC改正代词指代错误的推荐方法之一. OG11: 4(figure); 63(the animal); 65(the fruit) ,that之前,分别有两个以上的单数名词,复数名词,, 指代不清. OG11: 26D(其实it指代natural phenomena); 63A; 91A (强烈关注反例)

7. whose 既可以指代人,也可以指代物.OG11: 113(题干中); whose 只能指代它紧前面的名词(从句的平行结构例外) OG11: 78

名词结构. E.g. There have been a lot of accidents in the fog. I read about one this morning. (one指代 an accident)  OG11: 63BE; 89A; ones用来代前面出现的名词的复数 OG11: 31DE (注意: oneones指代的事物只要前面提过即可,不需要数上一致.Longman: used to mean someone or something of a type that has already been mentioned or is known about.)

9.them 不可以指代作为介词宾语的名词OG11:102E (“Beatrix Potter, in her book illustrations, carefully coordinated them with her narratives and…them 不可以指代book illustrations)

10.them可以做动词的直接宾语;these不可以 OG11:115

11.如果名词的所属关系会构成歧义,可添加代词来消除. OG11: 127(When its is inserted before long rubbery limbs, it becomes clear that the limbs belong to the sloth, not the trees.)

使用who还是使用whom, 取决于其在从句中的成分, 与主句无关; 当作为从句中介词或动词的宾语时, 关系代词要用whom.OG11: 89; who只能指代人. OG11: 130

13. “A and B, who+单数动词” who既可以指代A, 也可以指代B.如果初衷是要修饰B, 则改为: “B, who+单数动词, and A” OG11:109C

14.that单独出现则一定是代词,指代前面出现过的对象 OG11: 14(注意这里的that 很有趣,与前面出现的一个that是并列的.)

15.those who is wordy.  OG11: 37CE;

16. “what be…”结构中,be的单复数取决于be 后的部分 OG11: 59(what are now temperate areas)

17. thatit作代词时存在差异 OG11: 57D; 73E; 100(本题中两者均可.)

五、表达准确not awkward

1.有些词的位置不能随意变换,因为其修饰的对象发生了变化, 会改变句意; 此时应该先看原文是否正确, 如果没问题符合原文即可:

1)only 它必须紧挨着要限制的the word or a group of words; 重要的是判断出only 究竟应该修饰谁,它的合理的位置应该在哪里
: OG11, 3

2)even adv., 应该放在它所修饰词的紧前面, the adverb even must come just before
它所修饰的词. OG11: 30 (even 在该题中修饰一个名词the strongest businesses)

3)now adv., 应该放在be动词之后 OG11: 59E; 实意动词之前 OG11: 71; 83(题干)

4) at onceadv.  OG11: 76BC

应该放在be动词之后, 实意动词之前   OG11: 86AB(虽然OG没说first的位置问题,但显然这里修饰动词最好.) 石林提到的四个词是否可以变动位置的依据在于变动后修饰关系是否被改变, 句子还是否保持原意.

2. Un-adj. not adj. 的区别

Un-adj. is
not wrong but not adj. puts greater emphasis on the negative.比如: OG11: 8

3.doing (OG: it is often awkward)不用在物主代词, 尤其是所有格之后; 而应用其同意名词. OG11: 19

4.划线部分出现新名词要注意其使用是否正确: :OG11: 24AB, describe
items as
a method
是错误的; 而且还要注意数的问题: the singular a method should not refer to the plural
items. ;50E 中的the fact.

5.understood的对象(即省略的部分)就必须原封不动前面出现过的形式,否则需要另外写出其正确的形式.OG11: 81(understood的对象是sell)

6.选项中有时会出现换词或是去掉某个修饰词的情况,使得句意被改变 OG11:104E(nuclear 换成atomic); 105B(quickly被去)

7. “the n1. and n2. are sb1. and sb2.” (n1., n2.都是形容人的职务名词) 不好, 意思表达不清楚;解决办法是将名词形式变为动词谓语的形式.详见OG11:109

8. 有些细处, 要从意思上理解, 判断:OG11, 111“sense of vision”而非
            “baby” could be “rated 20/500”; “an adult”
            “vision” could be “deemed legally blind” if表示
好象,似乎”,不能随便加 OG11:115C



平行体现在:1) 主被动前后要一致 OG11: 123C; 2) 位置非常讲究,要求精确 OG11, 130(Parallel structure
                involves not only how parallel elements are formed but also where they are placed in the sentence(
即平行的元素应该在对称的位置上出现.): Here adverbs
(once and
now) should be placed first,
            followed by verbs
(have died and
live), and then by
            prepositional phrases
(in childhood and
into old age).3) 句子和短语不算平行 OG11: 123D

比较和对比结构中常用that 指代前面的单数名词; those 指代前面的复数名词.OG11: 10(those)并且二者均只能指代前面出现过的名词,上必须一致!:OG11: 75(those 不能指代civilization,尽管意思上感觉没错; 这点不可疏忽)


比较的几个原则是: 一定要完整; 比较对象要具有可比性;
The phrase a heavier load of instruments than the space shuttle
suggests a comparison between the load of instruments and the shuttle;应该写成: the jumbo rocket will be able to deliver a heavier load ... than the space shuttle can.)(:canbe able to)


明确对比是Between and ; (这涉及到关于对象的选取问题, 选项中可能会有这方面的干扰, OG11,10the United States
American unions
            Japanese unions
在对比? 结合句意, 又比较选项后可以确定选择后者是比较好的, 因为如果是前者, 对比的范围变的非常大, 就与句子要表达的意思不相符合了)

对比的对象要对等, 平行 (语法上& 逻辑上). 特殊的结构: OG11,10C ( in Japan in the United States)

对比结构中, 完全一致的部分应当省略.: OG11: 17 S. + explains why most of the people exposed to the alleged causes
                do not
                commit crimes
and, conversely, why so many of those not so exposed do. (蓝色的部分被省略, because they are understood.) 注意OG11,75DE(flourishing 不是谓语,did were都错!)


) 用与比较的句型、词汇有: 

()  x is more than y.
 OG11,2; 100(
Bihar is India's poorest state, with an annual per capita income of $111, lower than
            that of the most impoverished countries of the world.
或者也可以是: Bihar is India's poorest state, with an annual per capita income of $111, which is lower than it is in the most impoverished countries of the world.注意这种with修饰的结构.) ;OG11, 123:Holland spends a larger percentage of its gross national product on defending its coasts from rising seas than the United States does on military defense.简化后的结构就是: Holland spends more x on y than the United States does on z.值得注意的是:(x) the percentage of gross national product is the point of comparison.(被省略)

注意:1)“自己一定要被排除在外 OG11: 96;

2)than后面直接跟状语,.OG11: 100A  (强烈关注反例);

()  as many / much as的用法

OG11, 4 : A survey by the National Council of Churches showed that in 1986 there were 20,736 female ministers, almost 9 percent of the nation's clergy, twice as many as in 1977.

这题也可以这样写: A survey by the National Council of Churches showed that in 1986 there were 20,736 female ministers, almost 9 percent of the nation's clergy, double the figure for 1977. (比较划线处的不同)

OG11, 37: In one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War, fought at Sharpsburg, Maryland, on September 17, 1862, four times as many Americans were killed as would later be killed on the beaches of Normandy during D-Day. ( OGThis sentence correctly compares the number of Americans killed in two battles.)

            Never before had taxpayers confronted
            as many
changes at once as they confronted in the Tax Reform Act of 1986. (OGThis sentence compares changes before and after 1986.)

OG11,85: Dirt roads may evoke the bucolic simplicity of another century, but financially strained townships point out that dirt roads cost twice as much to maintain as paved roads do. (OG: This sentence intends to compare the costs necessary to maintain two kinds of roads)

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-21 20:02:46编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-8 16:51:00 | 只看该作者

()  as many / much as的用法

OG11, 4 : A survey by the National Council of Churches showed that in 1986 there were 20,736 female ministers, almost 9 percent of the nation's clergy, twice as many as in 1977.

这题也可以这样写: A survey by the National Council of Churches showed that in 1986 there were 20,736 female ministers, almost 9 percent of the nation's clergy, double the figure for 1977. (比较划线处的不同)

OG11, 37: In one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War, fought at Sharpsburg, Maryland, on September 17, 1862, four times as many Americans were killed as would later be killed on the beaches of Normandy during D-Day. ( OGThis sentence correctly compares the number of Americans killed in two battles.)

                Never before had taxpayers confronted
                as many
changes at once as they confronted in the Tax Reform Act of 1986. (OGThis sentence compares changes before and after 1986.)

OG11,85: Dirt roads may evoke the bucolic simplicity of another century, but financially strained townships point out that dirt roads cost twice as much to maintain as paved roads do. (OG: This sentence intends to compare the costs necessary to maintain two kinds of roads)

() 其他有关as的用法(大部分属于对比,而非比较)

a)         as like 同出现在选项中, Like 是介词,其后跟短语OG11, 6; 两个名词比较的时候用like OG11:97D 此时as , 是连词,其后必须接有主谓的句子; 故句子和句子进行比较的时候一定用as: “S1V1O1+as+S2V2O2” (各个部分需一一对应) OG11: 73 (According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land
                is still a goal of a majority of young adults,
as it
of earlier generations.)(关键在于still一词, 从意思上要求两个状态(句子之间)进行比较.OG: This sentence compares a single goal shared by generations.); 104A; 做这种题的第一要务就是看清aslike后面跟着的成分到底对不对. OG11: 122AB; 125;

b)        as…as 结构:

(1) 在否定句 (not / no)中要变成so…as结构. OG11: 30的讲解;OG11: 76

(2) as…as 中第一个asadv.;第二个as可做介词或连词;做介词时, 第二个as后的名词或代词应与句子的主语对应 e.g. I haven’t known him as long as you. (我没有你认识他的时间长.) 做连词时, 第二个as后需跟句子,且要求前后对称. OG11: 76DE对比
两个as之间可以放入两个以上的形容词如:OG11: 112的解释中:“The parallelism makes the sentence easier to understand, which is particularly helpful in a sentence as long and full of phrases as this one is.”; 107的解释中: “…should be as clear and concise as possible”

c)        the same sb./sth.后可接两种:1) that从句 2) as sb./sth.   E.g. His wife had a baby at the same time as Elaine. (:as 后无谓语) OG11: 26; 75 (as 不可以省略,as前没有逗号)

d)        just as A do, so B do. ( “so”必须有) OG11:99(对称的含义又有新认识:所有格的形式(’s还是of结构)也需要一致.)

) 用于对比的句型、词汇有: 虽然以下这些句型或词汇很规范,但表达对比也可以不用这些句型
OG11: 68; 130但是,在句意明显要表达在两个事物之间进行对比时,要有能indicate contrastwords.130使用了oncenow一对明显的表达今夕对比的时间状语.)

1.       but
指明对比的: “S. +V1+O1+ but+ V2+O2” OG11: 9 (体会对比中的对称: be visible have never been sighted;(visible is a complement and is parallel to 过去分词sighted.) on the surface of the sun on the Sun's poles or equator) (本题是between两个地点 (一个是sunspots被发现的地方, 一个是sunspots没有被发现的地方)
之间的对比; 注意: 本题并没有说of ’s两种结构在这里不对称.)

2.       Like / Unlike A, B…” 结构的用法:
最好,最有效的对比是以Like /
Unlike A开头, 因为这样可以使B和其谓语连在一起; 而非 “B, like / unlike A, …” OG11: 66; 95(:B选项不对称);97;但也不完全是这样,OG11: 125(使用了“B, like A, …”)要看情况而定; “Like / Unlike A, B…”是首选;没有的话,就选 “B, like / unlike A, …”;其次, B…应该是主动语态
这种结构并不一定作为正确答案 OG11: 68; 关于AB对称到何种程度见OG11: 10BC(A,B为主语,则中心词一样即可,修饰语不管;如果为状语,则须完全一致);注意: like / unlike…一般不要出现在句尾 OG11: 104B

3.       Although 既表对比, 又使主句和Although分句的地位变的不平等, 强调了主句的内容. OG11: 15;although从句的主语和主句主语一致时, 有时会要求对称. OG11:86(不光主谓,强调了时间状语(介词短语)的对称);但有时又不需要: OG11: 15;although从句的主语和主句主语不一致时,则无所谓:OG11: 1; 90(重点体会remain和主动语态的使用强调了对比);although yet只能用其一.(因为yet=but)

4.       表达不同的对比结构 OG11: 16

a)       in contrast with X, Y

b)      in contrast to X, Y

c)      unlike X, Y

5.       and不能表达对比,
                “…and, conversely (
反过来), …” 可以. OG11: 17 ; “and instead” 可以 OG11: 45 (The economy
will avoid ... and
                        instead (will
understood) come...)

6.       the same to X as to Y

7.       while 位于句首,等于although, 引起对比 OG11: 52; while位于句中,it is used to emphasize the difference between two situations, activities etc.此时前后最好对称,虽然OG没有这么说 OG11: 61;124D while 表达对比的时候均为连词 OG11: 68; during the time that something is happening.此时,如果主、从句的逻辑主语一致,while后可以使用现在分词短语的形式. E.g. They were killed while attempting to reach the summit. OG11: 134(:这里while除表at the same time,还表对比.,:只要从句逻辑主语与主句一致,就可用分词短语,这样符合简洁原则.又:OG11: 136(划线部分前)).

8.       each + n. 只能和all other +n(s).对比, 即必须将自己排除,也不能each…each…做比较 OG11: 52BD;

9.       rather than要求前后对称 OG11: 64CE(特指(the)和泛指不算对称;单复数不统一也不行);125B(:rather than后面是可以接动词的,即进行两个动作之间的比较. e.g. Bryson decided to quit rather than accept the new rules.)

10.   not…, but rather…要求前后对称(:结构中有逗号); Rather should be included to emphasize contrast; 可见rather不要去掉.OG11:87

11.   “instead of” “rather than” “unlike”都可以表达对比; “and not”则不行.OG11:104 ( “merging the nuclei of atoms and not splitting them apart” .)

12.   distinguish between X and Y     (between不可省去)     OG11: 107

所有部分应同存同去, 不可只写一半)

a)       Be/ appear reluctant to do sth.   OG11: 10

b)      Be estimated to be + a certain age;  e.g. the tree is estimated to be at least 700 years old.  OG11: 21

c)      Difficult to do sth.

d)      Method for / of doing sth.  OG11: 24

e)       Be in danger of… (注意: have a danger…是错误结构)  OG11: 27(OG:are in danger is always followed by of.)

f)       Depend on whether…  OG11: 28

g)      Ability to do sth.    OG11: 28DE

h)      Seem to do sth.     (it seems as if + 句子也是正确的)  OG11: 29

i)        Be regarded as…     OG11: 30

j)        Credit X with…/ X be credited with…    (credit 后找with)  OG11: 30

k)      Be believed to do sth.    OG11: 30; 42

l)        X is expected to Y       (It might have been expected to rise.)  OG11: 31

m)    in order to do sth.    OG11: 36

n)      Target at     OG11: 38

o)      The rivalry (that develops) between X and Y / the rivals X and Y (not “against”!) OG11: 40

p)      From…to…        (to前面不能加入诸如up / down之类的词)  OG11: 44

q)      Enable sb. To do sth.     OG11: 49

r)       Require的四种用法: (1) require +宾语; (2) require + that从句+虚拟(不要should) OG11:82  (3) require sb. To do sth.  (4) Sth. (that is) required to do   OG11: 53; 66

s)       Try to do sth. (不定式show purpose or intent)    OG11: 54

t)        Restriction on sth.     OG11: 54

u)      Not only…but also… (要求对称)      OG11: 55

v)      Doubt that… (否定句); doubt whether / if… (其他情况)  e.g. (1) There is no doubt that… (2) I doubt whether he will come. (注意: 这两种用法不论doubt作动词还是名词都成立.)    OG11: 58

w)    As a means to + n. e.g. as a means to greater economic development   OG11: 60

x)      Be allowed to do sth.              OG11: 62

y)      有关食物过敏的两种说法: some food allergy 某种食物过敏an allergy to some food 对某种食物过敏             OG11: 67

z)       attribute的用法
one attributes X (an effect) to Y (an cause); X(an effect) is attributed to Y (an cause)             OG11: 67

aa)    enough to do sth.            OG11: 70

bb)   Sth. is known to do sth.           E.g. Smoking is known to increase a person's risk of developing lung cancer.           OG11: 71

cc)   Use A as B                OG11: 79

dd)   Required by A / requirement of A      :两者不可以混用.  OG11: 80

ee)    Order X to be Y / order that X be Y    (: 第二个结构中无should)    OG11: 92

ff)     Withhold sth. (from sb./sth.)          (: 拒绝给(sb. / sth.)某事物)    OG11: 93

gg)   Help do sth.                      OG11: 94

hh)   Access to sth. / sw.       (: 接近或进入某物/某地的方法或通路)  OG11: 98

ii)       Aid in v-ing…                        OG11: 106

jj)       Consider sth1. sth2.     (When
consider means
think or
believe after careful deliberation)       OG11: 115

kk)   Claim +that从句 / claim +to do  (claim还可以直接接n. 声称有,具有之意.OG11: 121C)                        OG11: 121

ll)       From one…to another                   OG11: 122

View X as Y                              OG11: 125

nn)   persuade X to do Y       (:persuade that…是错误的! OG11: 129E)

oo)   an apprenticeship as a /an+职业名词       e.g. an apprenticeship as a printer  OG11: 135

pp)   begin in…and culminate in…           OG11: 135

be determined by…         OG11: 138

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-21 20:04:51编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-8 16:52:00 | 只看该作者


总原则: A modifying phrase must be placed near the word it modifies. OG11: 125C(like的位置使它修饰离它最近的名词)

1) 从句和短语的特征: 从句的特征: Clauses have subjects and verbs and are introduced by conjunctions or relative pronouns; 短语的特征: Phrases do not have subjects and verbs and are frequently introduced by prepositions. (当然不仅仅是介词可以引导,其他成分也可以引导短语.v-ing.)  OG11: 122AB选项在第三次做的时候又错了!

2) 双逗号的作用

OG: “The phrase following 句子主语 is
set off by a pair of commas, indicating that it is descriptive information that may be dropped from the sentence; It is not a part of the subject.”(OG11: 3)
OG11: 90; 110(OG: “This sentence requires the addition of commas to prevent misreading. The modifying phrase Vincent van Gogh's view of an iron bridge over the one must be set off in a pair of commas because it describes the subject of the sentence, The Bridge of Trinquetaille. Modifiers that interrupt a sentence are always set off in a pair of commas. Without a comma after Rhone,
it is easy to mistake the modifying phrase for the subject of the sentence because the verb immediately follows it.”)同理见OG11: 121(The prepositional phrase should be placed between a pair of commas to show clearly that it is additional information not crucial to understanding the sentence.否则就引起了歧义.)

3) 双重所有格结构 (n. +of +n’s) 一定错 OG11, 4

4) 修饰某名词并且说明其功能的时候, (由于先行词为物, 有时这个说明即定义了该先行词)有两种结构: that 引导的限制性定语从句 (可以结合下面一点理解) OG11: 7 (修饰 network), 18B D (修饰device) v-ing (现在分词) 结构 OG11: 18C (the devices allowing…); 56; 93A


OG, “The pronoun which
introduces nonrestrictive clauses, which include information relevant but not critical to an understanding of the sentence. The pronoun that
introduces a restrictive clause, which is critical to understanding the sentence because the clause defines its antecedent.” OG11: 7;49DE (that is required here because the clause defines
programs);64 (process后接that从句);103(本题从句意上判断出应该用非限制性定语从句.); that引导的限制性定语从句在使用时的注意事项: 不能用来修饰一个没有存在过 (does not yet exist)事物(过去存在过,现在不存在了是可以的) OG11:11B

that一定要紧紧跟在其修饰词后面, 之间不能有任何东西.因为它只对它紧前面的那个名词进行修饰; which
前必须要有逗号或者介词; 一般也要紧跟在其修饰词后面, 因为如果中间有其他的名词插入, 指代关系就
            becomes unclear
.OG11: 9E(“N1.(作主语),…, Vi.+prep.+n2.+修饰语(含有n3), which…”which指代n3.); which 只能refers to a specific noun, 不能指代整个句子;OG says, which如果refers vaguely back to everything that has preceded it(即一整句话), which has no clear referent.
有些情况,which并不一定符合就近修饰原则: “n1.(作主语)+修饰语(含有名词n2.), which…”which指代n1.;
            “n1.(作主语), 修饰语(含有名词n2.), which…”结构中which指代n2.OG11:105AC

不能用来指代整句(同which, itOG1149C(“句子; that…”(that在这个位置出现,像是要指代前面的整个句子, ,that只能specifically 指代一个词,且通常是名词.)); The pronoun which
can only refer to objects, events, or unnamed animals; it cannot be used to refer to people;  that只能指代物;

            必须要搞清楚句子要表达的原意到底是什么,修饰对象应该是谁,这样才能决定到底是用adj.还是adv. :OG11: 8 (correspondingly & corresponding); 12; 59D(current & currently); 60BD. 另外: OG: Adjectives modify nouns and pronouns. Adverbs modify adjectives, verbs, and other adverbs.


现在分词强调一种进行中的 (on-going)动作; 过去分词强调的是一种已经完成的状态, 而非该动作. OG11: 8D (Rising inventories & increased sales);108(OG: The process of being converted does not need to be shown since undergoing already contains the idea of process.)

现在分词做状语修饰一个句子的主语时, 是一种
            describing or extending” 的作用,即使前面有表示转折意义的连词时,也不表达转折的含义.OG11: 15A

OG说:过分refers to something that happened in the past, while 现分
refers to something that continues into the present.(有点像中文的说法: 过分表完成; 现分表进行) OG11: 39 (对过分的选项,OG
Extended looks parallel to spawned, but this phrase would mean that the fungus extended only in the past when the fungus clearly lives on in the present.”; 这一题仔细体会,注意有时间状语.)

8)不定式 (to do sth.):
            表目的(= in order to)  OG11:11( “for doing” 同时出现); 63; 94(这里:表目的还是表功能,要区别清楚; 出现两次); 101(
            “v-ing”同时出现,这里不定式的使用要理解一下); :现在分词也能表目的 OG11: 24


10)分词后不能跟短语 (Phrase), 应该使用介词OG11: 12 (following / after);但介词后不可再接其他的介词OG11: 10C


     v-ing 用副词来修饰,偏重动词词性; doing 用形容词来修饰,具有名词性质.  OG11: 12C; 119

     v-ing 可以有自己的宾语,引导一个短语 OG11: 27; 117A; doing则不能.OG11: 119

     V-ing有时可很容易转化成doing OG11:117(the是两者区别的重要标志之一);OG11: 132(a是两者区别的标志之一)



判断逻辑主语正确与否的方法: 在分词之前加上that (who) be 而生成一个定语从句, 将其与最靠近的名词连接起来看看是否符合句意, 不符合就是错的. : OG11: 20A 变化后如下: Scholars, who are based on accounts of various ancient writers, have painted a sketchy picture… 明显是不对的. Base 应该用其主动语态.又如OG11,102D; 135(既有现分,又有过分.);

现分和过分共同的用法: (1)位于句首,修饰紧跟在短语后的名词 OG11:109AB(尤其是B,即使有同位语也一点都不含糊); (2)可以作后置定语,修饰一个名词,但此时过去分词短语前不能有逗号 OG11: 21(unearthed…and estimated…); 105(注意简单句中两个分词短语同时修饰主语的放置位置问题;注意called…developed…的位置);

现在分词的用法: (1)现在分词可以修饰一个句子.这时,v-ing前面必须得有逗号将它和所修饰的句子隔开.:用在表示前面一句话对后面的影响的句子中.其他情况:OG11: 101A(If the participial phrase were to modify the previous clause, a comma would have to be inserted between combine and allowing.);(2) 位于句末时,如果分词前面有逗号,则作状语,修饰其所在句子的主语(即如果分词恰在一个从句中,则修饰从句的主语) OG11: 79E (The Parthenon was a church from 1204 until 1456, when
Athens was taken by General Mohammed the Conqueror, the Turkish sultan, establishing a mosque in the building and using the Acropolis as a
蓝色部分有修饰关系);再看79D也是(using the Acropolis…修饰who); (3)虽然是介词短语里的名词,v-ing还是可以修饰它.v-ing前有逗号时是可以修饰名词的.OG11:102B; (4)两个有共同修饰对象的现在分词短语可以放在一起,而不产生歧义.OG11:108(共同修饰对象为tenants); (5)现在分词前没有逗号的情况 OG11: 98(虽然此时having紧前面有名词,OG: having is
ambiguous because it is unclear whether it refers to the Anasazi or other clans.可见,没有就近修饰的必然性); 113C(待深入研究); (6)现在分词做名词修饰语,主要做后置修饰语;这种v-ing分句通常相当于一个关系分句(: which… / who…); (7)v-ing不是插入成分时,前面应紧挨它所修饰的名词,没有逗号隔开;反之,则用双逗号.e.g.1) I have a friend living in London. 2) The apple tree, swaying gently in the breeze, had a good crop of food.

过去分词的用法: 1)在句末,且前面有逗号,修饰句子的主语. OG11: 3

13)A of B, v-ing短语.v-ing短语修饰A :OG11: 24

14)分词和to do的区别: 两者都可用做形容词修饰名词, OG11: 20(分词的例子); 但不定式结构修饰名词只能位于被修饰的名词中心词之后,且两者之间不能有逗号. OG11: 24 E; 78(句首);

15)两个名词连用时, 要留心: 根本就是错误的堆放 OG11:27D 前一个名词修饰后一个名词; 但这时也要考虑会不会造成歧异?OG11: 72(the wheel or animal transport应为animal transport or the wheel); 98(water access);101(ocean and atmosphere changes(正确答案中使用了changes in ocean and atmosphere));126(timber wolf density有指这种狼自身密度的嫌疑,这种狼的数量密度的表达方法: the density of the timber wolf population) “n1.+n2.”就一定不如
介词+n2.”的结构吗? (找到了反例:OG11: 88 an increase of 55 percent没有a 55 percent increase)

14)分词和to do的区别: 两者都可用做形容词修饰名词, OG11: 20(分词的例子); 但不定式结构修饰名词只能位于被修饰的名词中心词之后,且两者之间不能有逗号. OG11: 24 E; 78(句首);

15)两个名词连用时, 要留心: 根本就是错误的堆放 OG11:27D 前一个名词修饰后一个名词; 但这时也要考虑会不会造成歧异?OG11: 72(the wheel or animal transport应为animal transport or the wheel); 98(water access);101(ocean and atmosphere changes(正确答案中使用了changes in ocean and atmosphere));126(timber wolf density有指这种狼自身密度的嫌疑,这种狼的数量密度的表达方法: the density of the timber wolf population) “n1.+n2.”就一定不如
介词+n2.”的结构吗? (找到了反例:OG11: 88 an increase of 55 percent没有a 55 percent increase)

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-21 20:07:28编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-8 16:52:00 | 只看该作者

16)宾语从句的that 不能省略.OG11: 29; 35; 121B

17)GMAC prefer 的独立主格有3: SVO, each+doing / done / adj./prep./n. OG11:38

(2) SVO, with / without + n.+ v-ing /v-ed/adj./prep./n. OG11: 22(The end of the eighteenth century saw the emergence of prize-stock breeding, with individual bulls and cows receiving awards, fetching unprecedented prices, and exciting enormous interest whenever they were put on show.); 78CD; 但也有例外! OG11: 45E,还是要视具体情况而定.

18)表达前面整句话对后面造成了影响, 可以用v-ing :OG11: 11ABC; 43 此时v-ing伴随(注意含义) “it correctly describes an action that happens at the same time as the action in the main clause”; 但不可以用which引导的非限制性定语从句; 又如:OG11: 71(6moons是不能double sth.;而是The cameras 发现moons这件事 doubles the number of the moons.) 这种题都是前面发生的那件事做出了动作, 造成了后面的事情. 还可以用一个新名词来引起后面的句子,实现同样的功能.

19)With 越前指代的能力 OG11:78(越过branches); OG11: 131D(这种结构不适合修饰名词,注意with前无逗号.) (有待研究)

            同时发生的两种结构: 1) S+V1…and V2… ; 2) S,v1-ing…,V2… OG11: 79

21)“adj. n1. and n2.”(adj.同时修饰两个名词) ;“n1. and  n2. of…”(of 只修饰n2); “n1. and n2. that are…”(that 修饰两个名词)是可以的 OG11:80(costly
                of commercial fertilizer that were required by…) (
似乎这里讨论的三点都需要从意思上判断, 而非简单地从形式上就可以解决) (强烈关注反例)

22)including是介词.OG11: 89A; 100E; according to也是preposition. OG11: 45; 73

23)定语从句中的that be, which be要省去.可以变成形容词作后置定语的情况: OG11: 30(equal to…); 34(available to…); 54B(able to…), D(capable of…); 68(willing to…); 100E(which is应该去掉.)

24)主谓之间不能插入过多的修饰语(两个插入语就多了), 否则these modifiers will create too much separation between the subject and the verb. OG11: 102A 解决的办法是将主语放到修饰语后面,与谓语连接起来, for a stronger main clause,同时将前面修饰语联系起来.OG11:102C (OG: the use of which clearly
the two elements.)

25)在一个简单句中,主语之前出现的修饰短语最多不能超过一个 OG11:105B (OG
: Placement of two long modifiers at the beginning of the sentence is awkward and makes it difficult to locate the subject; 而且会造成修饰混乱: 105the second modifier (having...) actually modifies the first modifier.)

26)without后面不可以接物主代词 OG11:107(their); without 后可以接现在分词(OG11,107)和名词

27)hypothesis, theory, finding, research....进行描述, 如果描述的部分很长, 应该使用that从句引导一个同位语从句; 而不用of结构. OG11: 114C

28)“be able to”结构插入短语的位置见OG11:121D

            介词+分词 OG11: 12; 60(题干); 67 连词+现在分词 OG11: 29(题干中)

30)修饰语的位置很有讲究 OG11: 13E(状语)

31) 同位语的使用: 位于句首OG11: 72;位于句中 OG11: 74(题干); 110 ;位于句末OG11: 18BC; 75;

32)及物动词和其宾语之间不要接入(而非插入)其他成分  OG11: 44(接入了宾补: The original sentence is awkward because the verb reduced is followed by a prepositional phrase rather than the direct object time. Changing this structure so that the object immediately follows the verb, reduced the time.)



1)OG11: 15 primarily
判断出逻辑意思上需要对比, 而非extension; 且是一种有所侧重的对比, 应该使用让步状语从句 ( Although A, B…).

2)OG11: 38:由于specifically (特别地,明确地)的存在,
Logic requires that each antibody is meant to deal individually with an invading microbe or foreign substance.

3) OG11: 39 划线前有and, 但前面的动词很多,究竟和哪个对称? “Be the largest and oldest” 作了提示, 从逻辑的角度看, 后面不能只说old 方面.

4) OG11: 43 是因为eagles 做的那件事或者那个动作产生了什么后果,而非它们自己本身所至. Florida那道题一样.

5) OG11: 52 contrast the similar situation of all states
with the
conditions of each state
. (对比要符合逻辑)

6)分词的逻辑主语一定要分析清楚,要符合逻辑,这是一大考点.    OG11: 67ACE

7) 其他逻辑问题: OG11: 61B

十、简洁not wordy, not redundant


previously \ in the past OG11: 5;decline \ down OG11: 12; attempt \ try OG11: 19 enable sb. to do \

; OG11: 49 now \ currently (now is an adv.) OG11: 59; amount (v.)\ sum (n.) OG11: 77 can do have the capability to do OG11: 28; can do have the ability to doOG11:105D; be able to do不如can(同时出现的情况下)OG11: 94;be able to比have the ability to do好 OG11:121 annual / a year(这种在一个句子中两者会离得比较远,不易看出,多注意.OG11:120)
regain(to get something back, especially an ability or quality, that you have lost) / again  OG11: 136

(2)some other one不如another OG11: 122

(3)比较结构中,表示 “两倍”,two times不如twice好,即用twice as…as OG11: 128

(4)“曾经”once比at one time好. OG11:130

(5)n. +that is + adj.不如 a adj. n.OG11:67C; 69D

(6) “To sb., …his / her…”
            “ For sb., …his / her…”redundant and awkward.  OG11: 46;


总原则: GMAT题目中的用法都属书面语用法.  

1.Perhaps maybe要正式(两者都是副词);OG11: 2; perhaps不能和may be做比较, 因为后者是动词

2.double 的用法: 1) a number or a figure can be doubled.OG11: 4; 2)主要考点在于与twice的区别: double一般不做adv.用,做adj.用;twice是adv. OG11: 128

3.when if 的区别

When indicates a period of time; if indicates a condition
就要看具体情况到底哪个更符合句意, 即是要refer to a condition (if)
还是refer to a period of time (when)? ( OG11: 8)


indicates a possibility that continues.
这个点可与动词的时态混在一起, 考点即为时态是否正确 OG11: 8C;

5.declension (n.)现在已经不用了, 而用decline (n.) OG11: 12

6.since after 的区别: 关键是要理解since的含义: Since emphasizes the continuity of the action; after则没有这层含义.(注意: 并不是一定在考察现在完成时的题目中才会考察两者的区别; 只有since后接时间时,才用现在完成时.OG11: 13

7.Of all至于句首: “Of all…, A is/was …”结构
要用形容词的最高级.OG11: 2; 23

要好 OG11: 23 OG, “ Maybe must be replaced by probably.”

9.划线在全句的第二部分,并且The second part of the sentence explains the first的时候, The clearest and most direct way of showing the relationship between the two parts of the sentence is to use because to introduce a subordinate clause. : Using because to introduce a subordinate clause is the best way to show the effect-cause relation of the two parts.还可以用for, for 在表示原因的时候是连词;而不用on account of, because of , in that等结构.OG11: 25; 51

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-21 20:09:07编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-8 16:53:00 | 只看该作者 X that Y 结构 OG11: 33A; 118E; 127D 此结构还会出现在考点为as…as的题目中,此时为干扰选项 OG11: 76X happened so that Y could happen. (so 的作用: so introduces a clause of purpose
or result, explaining the reason for the action in the main clause.
)OG11: 36 such引导的结构不好,就算用也必须完整,即必须得有that. OG11: 33BD; 118A(such…as to) so X as to Y 引导的结构不好OG11: 33C (OG: The construction so x as to y is not a correct idiom.), 35A(it(so as to marry) does not identify who will marry.), 56B, 118CD
这种题出现enough that一定错 OG11: 118; 127

11.adj.优于抽象名词 OG11: 33 (debilitating > debilitation)  (强烈关注反例)

12.动词是最优的.理由之一: 词性的变化有可能带来含义上的变化、或由于含义的拓宽而带来歧义等问题, 动词最原始,最好OG11: 55;理由之二: 很多含有名词的短语都可以用其对应的简短的动词代替 OG11: 24D(a protection of); 29E(an indication of); 34C(make a reduction in)E(be in a reduction of); 68E; 83(此时不用动词不能正确表达意思);120(名词的使用需要后接介词短语,换成动词以后,只需要接直接宾语就行了.OG认为这么样好.); 133E(in / with reference to sth.); 存在反例: OG11, 50CD(可见 “for v-ing”也有作为正确答案的时候); 112CE为动词,但还是选择了使用名词形式的A!

13.无论是嫁还是娶, marry 一般不用作被动.OG11: 36; marriage to sb.译为:sb.的婚姻 OG11: 36(题干); 125D order that后应该用may / might; 而不用would.OG11: 36E

15.seeming / seemingly二者挑后者,修饰adj. OG11: 38 (seemingly)  (强烈关注反例)

16.GMAC推荐顺序,不喜欢倒序: OG11: 46C (inversion of the expected word order倒序导致awkward.) 50A(OG: the inverted construction often results in errors such as those found here. In the original sentence, the subordinate clause that ... technology is followed by the main verb, can ... be said, but then the verb is followed by yet another subordinate clause, that it is their fault. :That…(从句) +can…be said + that…(从句). 造成了错误的结构.); 50D(the inverted construction does not successfully convey the meaning of the sentence.); 57E; 120D; 131AC当然解决办法就是改为expected order.

17.“be to do” / “be going to” is wordy. 应该直接用will be.   OG11: 54A

18.act like的意思是
                    behave or comport oneself
是用来describes the action of a
只有才可以act like…: He acted like a fool. act as是用来
describes the function of a thing;

19.A body belongs to a man, but not be a man.      OG11: 58

20.只有两种可能性的时候,whether 而非if OG11: 63; 94C; 108; whether的用法:可用于从句或不定式之前以表达或意含两者之间的选择; 用从句还是不定式取决于whether后从句的主语:如果从句主语和主句的一致, 则用不定式; 反之用从句. e.g.1) She was uncertain whether to stay or leave.2) I didn't know whether to believe him. 3) Maurice asked me whether I needed any help. OG11: 108(不定式)

21.一个term 只能refer to sth.而不能 is sth.并且, refer to后的sth.必为一个泛指单数名词或代词,后跟限定性定语从句.OG11:64(sth.a process); 133(sth.someone(“used to mean a person, when you do not know, or do not say, who the person is”时是代词); OG: The intent of the sentence is to define the term "psychopath.” Logically, an inanimate(无生命的) term cannot be a person or someone.
The plural people should be singular: a person or an individual)

22.leave 在口语中可以有let()的意思; leave 在意为
许可,同意”(let (v.)也有这个意思)时只有名词,没有动词用法.        OG11: 64 / sth. Be know as sth.的用法:

1) 认定 sb. / sth. 为某事物

e.g. It’s known as the most dangerous part of the city.

sb. / sth. 称为,起绰号叫做或标明为sth.”

e.g. This area is known as the “Cornish Riviera”. 这个地区被称为
康沃尔郡度假胜地”. OG11: 71; 90.

24.less lower的区别:1) less除形容词外,可做名词用,此时less 意为 a smaller amount;less可以作为宾语.lower 只能作为adj. 2) 后面为
百分数,less, lower都可以.OG11: 77

方面增长了百分点: a …% (… percent) increase in …in后通常为名词复数.顺序很重要.OG11:88(
a 55 percent increase in delays); Longman: a 10% increase in house prices (此时percent为形容词.);less fewer的区别:less修饰不可数名词;fewer修饰可数名词.

26.penalty for后一般接sth.且为一种罪名; e.g. penalty for hiring illegal aliens; 而不接人;  penalize 的用法: penalize somebody for (doing) something  OG11:91BE

27.关于train的用法:be trained as sth.sth.a /an+职业名词  e.g. 1) Before I trained as a teacher, I wanted to be a journalist. 2) He was trained as an engineer. (他受过担任工程师的培训.); train sb. /sth. For sth.sth.
比赛  e.g.  I started training for this race in September. be trained in sth.(句意上基本=be trained as sth;但两者的sth.不同: e.g. He was trained in engineering. (=He was trained as an engineer.))  OG11: 94

28.helping不是help的动名词, 因为help本身已有名词词性,故其动名词形式不存在; helping是名词,
饭菜的)一份.OG11: 106BC

29. “sth. sell(s) for a certain amount”是有的;但物(sth.)作主语时,习惯上还是要用被动语态,变成
                        “sth. Is sold for a certain amount”

30.lack的用法:1) (n.) lack of; 2) (vt.) Longman: to not have something that you need, or not have enough of it. OG11: 118

31.动词do一定要用于描述一个真实的动作,而不能用于描述一个想象中的,不存在的动作.OG11: 122C(McClintock's simile creates an image
                that is not real; the use of the verb
do indicates the pearls' movement as a reality.)Longmanreality的解释: what actually happens or is true, not what is imagined or thought.解决办法见OG11: 122B

32.shouldwill差别问题: OG11: 124: “The verb should implies obligation; in this sentence, it indicates that one human being
ought to be struck every nine years, as though that person somehow deserved it.” Will则没有这些含义;Longmanwill的解释: used like 'can' to show what is possible.used to say what always happens in a particular situation or what is generally true.OG11: 126C

33.one和a的区别ongman解释a: “used to show that you are referring to a general type of person or thing and not a specific person or thing.” Longman解释one(作determiner时): “used to emphasize a particular person or thing”OG11: 124AB解释的对比即可看出两者的差别.总之,a泛指;one特指

34.比较“a meteorite will strike a human being once in every nine years”和“every nine years a human being will be struck by a meteorite”,体会前者的表达的精确性;后者的approximation.详见OG11: 124C

35.if优于provided OG11:126

36.great意为:very large in amount or degree时,既可以修饰可数,也可以修饰不可数名词;numerous只能修饰可数名词;density不可数. OG11: 126

37.people是复数名词;person, individual是单数名词. OG11: 133E


Longman: economical(节约的,经济的): using money, time, goods etc carefully and without wasting any; economic(与经济有关的): relating to trade, industry, and the management of money. OG11: 33

39.the gap that exists between A and B   OG11: 34 (not gaps)

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-21 20:10:51编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-8 16:53:00 | 只看该作者

十二、几个专题(虚拟语气、被动语态、of & ’sbeingthere be

1.  There be的使用问题

OG: “There is
frequently be omitted to create a more concise sentenceOG111;

There being OG11: 114A; 比较结构as…as中第二个as后接there be, OG11: 128

2. 被动语态

OG: “the passive voice construction is weak and ambiguous (or wordy)” OG11: 5C; 54B;72(此题中,OG强调了主被动区别的重要性); OG11:90: “The use of the active voice in the verbs of the subordinate clauses provides greater clarity of meaning.”

3.being 放在adj. n.前一定错. OG11: 44BC(beingadj.); 46E; 109E; 110D;115C;121E;(强烈关注反例) being v-ed有些情况下可以作为正确选项 OG11:107(五个选项中都有being)

4.两种虚拟语气: 第一种:OG
The subjunctive mood is required when a subordinate clause beginning with that
follows a verb such as request, require, ask, recommend, or mandate. The subjunctive uses the base form of the verb (be); this
form does not change.” OG11: 48(recommend); 83(mandate);这种题总会有一个选项中有should作为提醒; 第二种:用虚拟语气来表达不确定性.OG11: 137(OG: The sentence must use the subjunctive
rather than
will for the company's uncertain business improvement in the future. Will则表达了一种肯定的语气.)

5. of & ’s的区别: 表达某人的…”’s结构好 OG11: 51(出现,但没提); 135(OG: Muller's career is preferable to
the career of Muller.); 但并不是说人就只能用’s结构,OG11: 20BE, 也不是说只有人才能用’s结构: OG11: 9(the Sun’s poles or equator); 19(the organism’s attempt); 48B(other hospitals’…); 137(the company’s…)

6.倒装结构  OG11: 76


1.IF引导的条件句不需要考虑平行对称 OG11: 8 (强烈关注反例)

2.否定句中, 遇到表否定的词 (除了用来判断否定句的notno以外),则造成双重否定,需仔细分析句意, 一般为错 (因为原意是要表达否定的含义). OG11:14 (not / nothing; 应该用anything nothing).

3.分号在使用时,要注意其后必为一个完整的句子. OG11: 26; 87A; 111CD

4.只有连词和关系代词才能引导从句; 介词,形容词都不能  OG11: 29DE; 74A

5.状语不能随便提前. OG11: 45C (earlier in the year 放到定语从句 (that被省)的开头处); 状语应在如下情况提前: OG11: 46D

6.两个introductory elements一起位于主句之前,不好 OG11: 46B.(这一点与修饰”(25) 类似, 但不一样.
注意OG11, 37这种虽然主句出现之前的introductory elements非常多,但只有“In…”是时间状语, introductory element, 后面的部分都modify “one of…War”, 是可以的.(又与修饰”(25)类似.)

7.yetbut同表转折, : 1) although yet只能用其一;  2) yet后需要接从句,必有主谓.  OG11: 97

8.从句要正序, 不倒序. OG11: 131AC

9. 并列结构有三种: 词和词的并列; 短语和短语的并列; 分句和分句的并列 (即并列句). 最典型的并列连词有: and, or, but; 前两种结构并列连词后都不能有逗号, 但并列句结构要求并列连词前有逗号: “主系表, and…” and后应为第二个main clause. OG11: 18(The structure of the first main clause and the comma following reliable lead the reader to expect a second main clause.); OG11: 97(OG: This is a main clause and must be followed by a comma before a coordinating conjunction introduces a second main clause.); 104D(…attempts to make
the second verb of the restrictive clause parallel to powers
and does not split; punctuation makes clear this separate action cannot be the case.); 106C

10. When引导的时间状语从句, 表达一种同时性 OG11: 43(Bringing correctly describes an action that happens at the same time as the action in the main clause; bringing indicates that the number of wild birds became 34 when the five eagles left their nests.); 65;

11.主谓之间,除插入语外,不能用逗号隔开 OG11: 72E


1.       有些词可以用来帮助看出陌生名词的单复数. : OG11, 3 ”Diabetes, together with
serious complications,
ranks as the nation's third leading cause of death, surpassed only by heart disease and cancer.” 中的 its 可以看出Diabetes 是单数的;分析句子的主干是很关键的,尤其在对付一些不熟悉的词的时候: OG11,77amount作为谓语的判定

2.       平行结构尤其需要划线外部分的提示:

1)      OG11, 41: and 后的with 提示了associated with的使用;82r show作了提示(关于主被动,主语方面的提示).

2)      OG11,56:and后的protecting 提示了分词的使用 (读题时要将所有的and都注意到,如本题中的两个都有用处)

3)       OG11: 132划线处后面的部分提示了each noun in the parallel series should be introduced by the indefinite article a.

4)      但有些平行结构的判断只能从句意上理解出, and 连接的到底是谁和谁?就需要阅读理解的能力,尤其是在其他考点不十分确定的情况下 OG11: 60;70)

3.       OG11, 72 本题开头的同谓语是最关键的考点,决定着此题能否作对!

4.       OG11: 127未划线的部分作为判断主语的依据.


1.       注意词序变化带来的问题.: OG11: 57AC “if they did not hold it”是一样的,C把词序调整后, it的指代变得不清晰; {62Bthe amount of phosphates 换为 the phosphate amount 由于后面是that从句作修饰,意思完全不同了.}(待证); 114B:
This construction distorts meaning by separating parts of the description.; OG11: 117E彻底改变了句意.132中的DE

2.       A选项为顺序且通顺, 如果有选项为倒序, 则为错;因为在顺序表达清楚的前提下,倒序不如顺序. OG11: 57E

3.       每题的考点一定在于各个选项的差异处.OG11: 127这种主语明显作为考点, 则题干中一定会有暗示.

4.       一般从A选项就可以了解句意,有些题还会有提示 OG11: 129(persuaded是谓语吗?其实A“she”的存在恰是GMAC的精心安排,帮助考生看出persuade是谓语而非与liberating对称; 132(“lowering interest rates, as well as lowering fears about inflation”可以看出原文是想表达两者都降低了,虽然这个结构不好).


1.       作题时一定要通读全句, 理解句意, 注意结构(OG11: 130本来就不明显的对比,还用of后的一大串词语使结构更加难以看出).

2.       读过句子后最起码主干要了然于胸, 想想划线部分做什么成分? OG11, 131(划线部分就是修饰French); OG11: 42;101 (因为未划线部分不能改变,缺少的谓语一定在划线部分.); OG:68 注意主语的分析, 为了能够清晰地表达意思,遇到这种明显在考察主语的题目时,需要从句意上仔细考虑, 又如OG11, 85(无论是使用分词还是不定式都会造成分词和不定式的重复使用,不简洁.); OG11,74(从句的谓语react非常关键;主句的谓语也能用来排除DE)

3.       句意由于生词太多而无法理解时, 时态上假定为一致的(在没有明显的提示词的情况下) OG11: 79(when从句中的动词均为一般过去时)


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-21 20:12:35编辑过]
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